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“Look of Love” ipsy Glam Bag, February 2014

I’ve been traveling on business for the past two weeks. I was so lucky to get to leave the snowy, gloomy weather in New England behind for sunny and warm Phoenix and San Francisco. I hated to come home yesterday, especially knowing I was facing an unshoveled driveway, 70 foot unshoveled walkway and front steps that have about 5 inches of ice underneath the snow. Ugh.

So after all that traveling and today all that shoveling, I’m exhausted. But I found the time to go to the post office to collect my mail. And in addition to all the bills, there was the familiar shiny hot pink quilted envelope that signals that my monthly ipsy bag has arrived. Actually, it’s been sitting at the post office for about a week waiting for me to come and retrieve it.

I Bought This

ipsy mailing envelope

I made a video of me “unboxing” the contents of the February 2014 “Look of Love” bag.

I am really happy with what I received. I think they nailed it again for me, and I’m eager to start using the products.

ipsy "Look of Love" Glam Bag February 2014

For $10, ipsy is such a deal! The nail polish alone that I got this month (in a shade I actually LOVE) is $9 by itself.

If you do decide to join, I hope you’ll consider doing it through this link so I can get credit for bringing you in. That credit is given in points that help me get additional products, and as a beauty blogger, I can use all the free stuff I can get lol.

I couldn’t wait to try the PopBeauty gloss in Pink Peony and Eyetini Eye shadow and Base in Violet! (goofy pic, but you get the idea!)

Eyetini Eyeshadow Violet, PopBeauty gloss Pink Peony

So check out the video for details, and let me know what you think about my February haul!

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  1. Wow, another really nice box, so impressed with your Ipsy bags!
    Tina @ My Highest Self recently posted…Hourglass, Korean Beauty Boxes and More from The Beauty Blog Coalition 2/23/14My Profile

    1. Allison says:

      Yeah, I’ve been lucky lately, Tina 🙂

  2. Lois L says:

    It’s fun to get these bags of surprise each month! Unfortunately….my ipsy bag was a “miss” again …..I got the same products as you Allison! I like the products but the colors just aren’t me.Considering my skin tone and hair color are pretty opposite from you…..luckily I have my boyfriends 21 yr old daughter to pass these products on to ;). I did go back in to my account and re did my likes,dislikes,style etc we’ll see what next month brings.

    1. Allison says:

      Lois, I am so sorry that your Ipsy subscription isn’t working out for you! It took a few months for me to be liking the majority of my items (I still have an unused bright blue eye shadow that, in spite of my blue eyes, just isn’t happening. Frankly, I was relieved to get the violet eye shadow because they usually send me shades of brown when it comes to eye shadow and I’ve got a ton of those now. Sorry that the lipgloss didn’t suit you either. I thought it was a great hot pink (did you get a different shade?). Did you get the Dot/light pink nail polish that I think may be too light for you but would look good with a tan? I hope retooling your likes/dislikes will help them get more on target but, if they don’t hit it right next month, maybe that’s the end of the line for you. 🙁

  3. KAPP902 says:

    I just joined Ipsy and February’s was my first bag. I got Skyn, Be Matte blush, Jcat eyelashes, Zoya in Odette, and Pop in fushia. I loved the contents of my bag (and the pink bag)! I was wondering what you think of the Skyn mask. I’m wondering if it was just my batch or what. I went online and read over 100 comments on and facebook/ipsy to see if anyone else experienced what i had and only 2 people also had this issue. My packet of Step 1 literally had very sharp particles (visibly to the eye) in it that when i was spreading it on my face it was disturbing. I went ahead and carefully put the product on and then picked off the debris in question. then i put on step 2. i really really liked the mask but am afraid to ever buy Skyn now b/c of this bad first experience. Let me know what you thought of yours…okay? thx! Be Well ~Kim

    1. Allison says:

      Wow, Kim, that is quite interesting about the Skyn mask. I haven’t had a chance to try it yet, but the other product samples I’ve received from them have been fine and “normal”. This one sounds like it has little exfoliating particles like shards of tourmaline that I’ve seen in other masks. Since I have sensitive skin, I think I’ll apply it to my hand first, and if it seems too harsh, I’ll pass on this. Once I try it, I’ll get back to you on it. Thanks for the heads-up and for your comment. I’m glad to hear you’re enjoying your first Ipsy bag so far. I’ve gotta look up the shade of Zoya Odette!

  4. KAPP902 says:

    shards is exactly how i would describe those pieces. how could they put that in masks? don’t they realize how uncomfortable it is? Other ipsters commented that the mask burned and irritated them…although they didn’t talk about the shards (except for 2 commenters) maybe they were rubbing step 1 on so hard they didn’t realize they were scratching/irritating their faces. Thanks for your response, can’t wait to hear what you thought of your product. be well, Kim

    1. Allison says:

      I’ve never tried a mask like that, but I remember reading about tourmaline masks that had pieces of tourmaline in it so it may be similar. Thanks for the info from the other “ipsters” lol. I am on a business trip till the end of the week, and I thought about bringing it with me but I worried about how I’d look if it irritated my skin, so I’m going to wait till I get home this weekend. I’ll let you know whether I can go through with it, Kim!! And regardless, I’ll give it a try on my hand 😉

    2. Allison says:

      Kim, you’re not going to believe this, but the facial I received was fine. In fact, there were only a few tiny particles in it, not shards at all. I didn’t use the entire packet of either step 1 or 2 because there was too much for my face. But in what I did use, it was almost completely smooth with maybe 3 eensy-weensy particles. I actually liked the facial. However, I’m wondering about the quality control: either I lucked out or you didn’t. But because you said that other ipsters had the same experience as you, it makes me think that the consistency isn’t there.

  5. KAPP902 says:

    Hi Allison, thanks for letting me know. I was just wildly curious even though i had a feeling your answer would be no, b/c i read over a hundred comments and only 2 others felt like there were pieces of glass in theirs. I too liked the mask except for that…it was very moisturizing. I hope Ipsy sends me more SKYN products to try so I don’t rule them out completely. thanks for your response ~be well, Kim

    1. Allison says:

      Gee Kim, the fact that you and two others had shards in the masque makes me wary about their quality control. I’m glad you were injured, but I don’t know if it’s worth it. I would send them or Ipsy an email about it, if you have the time! Take care and thanks for pointing it out! xo Allison

  6. The lipgloss and nail polish would have been my faves!
    Miranda recently posted…Monthly Favorites: February 2014My Profile

    1. Allison says:

      Although the PopBeauty lipgloss has a strange, chemically smell/taste initially, I like the shade. The nail polish is pretty, too, but needs 3 coats. But I was happy with this month’s products! Thanks, Miranda, for commenting!

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