Makeup, Product Spotlight

L’Oreal Voluminous Butterfly Mascara Redux: It’s Still Awful

I Bought This

In the earlier years of Never Say Die Beauty (2014 to be exact), I often wrote about my favorite mascara, L’Oreal Voluminous Butterfly Intenza (reviewed here).

silver & red metallic tube of L'Oreal Voluminous Butterfly Intense Mascara,

It was primarily a lengthening mascara that also provided volume that was supposed to give the lashes a fanned out look. Because my eyes are downturned, a fanned out lash look makes my eyes look less droopy. The wand with plastic teeth (my fave) had two different sets of curved teeth that made it easier to use on my non-dominant eye without having to change the wand direction. I can’t believe I didn’t take a photo of the wand. At any rate, I loved this mascara and was sorely disappointed when it was discontinued several years ago.

It turns out that I tried L’Oreal Voluminous Butterfly Mascara first, before the Intenza version was launched. In fact, I even reviewed here. As I mentioned above, what attracted me was the winged out lash look, and the packaging showed the unique-looking wand.

L'Oreal Voluminous Butterfly Mascara


Upon re-reading my initial review, it turns out I wasn’t a fan of the original Voluminous Butterfly Mascara and its interesting wand. What I did like was the Art Deco-inspired tube, lol.

I disliked the clumpy formula and the wand was too difficult to use on my second eye. That’s why I was so excited when L’Oreal launched the Intenza wand.

Fast forward 8 years, and I forgot all about having tried L’Oreal Voluminous Butterfly Mascara. I had a 40% off coupon from CVS that I wanted to use last week so CVS would continue giving me a new 40% off coupon this week. There was nothing I really needed, and when my eye fell upon L’Oreal Voluminous Butterfly Mascara, I thought it was new. I had absolutely no memory of having tried it back in 2014. Even with my pretty good memory, 8 years is a long time and a lot of mascaras have come and gone in that time period. So I bought it. I think I ended up paying about $8 for it, so it wasn’t the end of the world.

Well, I guess they haven’t improved the formula or the wand. I had the same complaints with it that I had so long ago:

  • leaves my lashes looking spiky
  • clumps and makes some of my lashes stick together and hard to separate even with the wand with plastic teeth
  • the curved wand is very difficult to use on my second eye.

Also this time, the formula is very difficult to apply to my lashes. It just doesn’t want to adhere to my lashes at all, and it requires me to go back again and again with multiple coats.

Finally, the ultimate annoyance is that because I can no longer see closeup, I mistakenly bought the waterproof formula and I didn’t realize it till I posted the photo of the package a couple of minutes ago. Not surprisingly, it is extremely hard to remove with Bioderma Hydrabio Micellar Water. In fact, it didn’t come off at all, so I guess at least it is an effective waterproof formula, lol. I had to use DHC Cleansing Oil to remove it. 

I will end up tossing L’Oreal Voluminous Butterfly Mascara. For two minutes, I thought about returning it to CVS, but I feel kind of bad doing that since it’s not CVS’ fault. I don’t know, maybe I still will.

At any rate, please don’t buy this mascara. But if, by chance, any of you have tried it and had a different experience or better results, please do let me know!



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  1. Well, sometimes things just don’t improve in 8 years! At least you didn’t spend full price on it! I guess that the good news is that it wasn’t a luxury brand mascara that you spent closer to $50.00 on, only to be disappointed!
    Lola Seicento recently posted…/skin regimen/ ginger cleansing oil reviewMy Profile

  2. L’oreal in general makes some great mascaras but not every mascara works for everyone. I reviewed a Maybelline one with raves a few weeks ago that disappointed me to no end.
    Marcia recently posted…L’Oreal Voluminous Butterfly Mascara Redux: It’s Still AwfulMy Profile

  3. Gabrielle says:

    I had the same problems with this one. Just not a good mascara at all, and I normally like L’Oreal.

    1. I’m glad it wasn’t just me, but sorry you wasted your money on it too. And same here, I usually like L’Oreal products

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