Fashion, Features

Maye Musk Is A New Face of CoverGirl

Last night I went out to dinner with a friend at the spur of the moment, and I hadn’t stockpiled any blogposts to put up. When I got home, I was going through the news online, and I noticed something of interest to me in the world of beauty. You may have seen it already, but I think it’s worth mentioning.

CoverGirl has been stepping out of the mainstream over the past couple of years in terms of the faces, meaning the people, who represent their brand. And I think it’s a good thing. A year ago, James Charles, then a high school senior, became the first cover boy for the brand, and a few months after that, they introduced Nura Afia, their first cover girl in a hijab.

Recently, South African-born Maye Musk, a 69 year old who is also the mother of Elon Musk, has become a new face of CoverGirl. When I first saw her photo below, I thought it was Tilda Swinton because they both share an other worldly look, though in civilian clothes Maye Musk looks more traditional, a beautiful mature woman. In addition to modeling for more than 50 years, Maye is a nutritionist and dietician who holds two Master’s degrees and still conducts nutrition research. Over the past several years, she’s been doing a lot of modeling: walking the runway at New York Fashion Week,  representing brands Target, Virgin America and Clinique and appearing on a number of magazine covers.

Take a few minutes to read the article about Maye from the New York Times last week that includes a short interview with her. She is no doubt a very interesting and vital woman.

In sum, I think CoverGirl is doing the right thing by being inclusive. It makes me happy that they seem to be saying that no one should be invisible and that everyone who wants to can enjoy wearing makeup. Amen.

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  1. Raine says:

    She’s stunning. I love her very defined face shape. That sounded kind of strange.

    1. No it doesn’t, lol! I know exactly what you mean. Check out the NYT article coz there’s a photo of Maye in “civilian clothes” and she looks a little more traditional but just as beautiful 🙂

  2. Sandy says:

    What a beautiful lady with gorgeous hair. I love that older women are being featured….especially those who have gray/white hair (as I do).

    1. That’s wonderful that you are rocking gray/white hair, Sandy! I think it’s wonderful advertisers show us people who look like us, at least somewhat like us. It has always struck me as foolish that cosmetics manufacturers make it seem like women stop existing after age 30, almost. I’m glad that CoverGirl and also L’Oreal are leading the way. Thanks so much for weighing in!

  3. DiEtta says:

    🙋🏻🌻Beautiful, beautiful lady!!!! Also a great read with my morning coffee. Thanks for sharing. Enjoy your day my friend. I have been working on learning “Broomstick Lace” crocheting. I think I have finally got it. Thank goodness for YouTube. 💕

    1. I’m glad you enjoyed it, DiEtta! I was so happy to see this article from last week’s NYT when I came home last night, and I hope that others would want to hear about it and find out about Maye Musk. On the other topic, I am so impressed that you have learned to do Broomstick Lace. I don’t know how to do it, but I love the way it looks. It looks very tricky to me. I am struggling with the Lost In Time shawl directions. I am not sure if it is because the pattern is translated into English, or it’s just me. I wish that she had a visual pattern to accompany the written one. There are photos but when those get copied by my printer, they’re pretty useless. Wish you lived close by so I could run over and show you the pattern and ask for your help! Enjoy your day too. It’s sunny and almost 80, supposedly the last of the nice warm days here in MA.

  4. She is beautiful, and there’s a confidence she exudes as well. I have always loved, loved long gray hair on women. Thank you for this!

    1. Thank you so much, Michele, for taking the time to comment on this post. I believe I read about Maye Musk quite a while ago, but I didn’t know that she was Elon Musk’s mother and that she had such an interesting life balancing motherhood, modeling, studying, and doing research. I’m in awe. Plus I love her look. Thank goodness companies are beginning to not treat older woman as if they are invisible, yay

  5. Kim A says:

    I love everything about this 🙂 She is fascinating, and I can see where Elon gets his creativity and “think outside the box” mentality!! Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thank you, Kim, for letting me know you enjoyed it. As I said last night, I wasn’t planning to post anything but then I came across this article about Maye Musk in the NYT and I thought maybe others had missed it like I had. I had read about her a few years ago, but forgot about it. And I didn’t realize she was Elon Musk’s mother. How interesting to also learn that she has two other accomplished children. She was a wonderful role model as well as runway model, lol.

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