Weekly Roundups

Mid-July ’23 Beauty Spotlight Team

It’s the weekend again, and the weather report is for rain. Every. Single. Weekend. We have certainly had more than our share of rain this summer, but at least we didn’t get flooded like the poor folks in Montpelier VT and the vicinity. I hope they dry out soon.

Also, at least the temperatures aren’t as high as they are in the West and the South. I feel for those people, too.

Hope you are having a good summer wherever you may be!

Beauty Spotlight Team Weekly Roundup

Sadly, we’ve lost another BST member: Hilda from Over the Hilda based in Ireland. Although she wasn’t a weekly contributor, it was still fun to have someone from outside the U.S.

We’re hoping that Barbie from Barbie’s Bits will be able to rejoin us soon. She had some technical problems with her website that needed fixing, so she has taken several weeks off from blogging. I hope she’ll be back.

In the meantime, there are four of us this week holding down the fort. Pam from Style Yourself Confident designed the BST logo this weekend. Hope you’ll take a look!

LAVANILA The Natural Deodorant is the perfect healthy deodorant for summertime fun. Lola’s Secret Beauty Blog loves its efficacy, and its healthy ingredients.

In the hot weather we’re having, it’s time to think about wearing a sarong in various ways. Let Angie share the unlimited possibilities with you at Your True Self Blog.

Allison from Never Say Die Beauty is doing her best to finish up her beauty products. Check out her empties for June and see her 2023 progress!

Pamela at Style Yourself Confident has a body type quiz that enables you to identify your generic body type. There are just 5 generic body types based on your bone structure. Discover your body type and you’re ready to dress and flatter your figure!

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