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Weekly Roundups

Mid-July Beauty Spotlight Team Weekly Roundup

In spite of the fact that the weather this week in the Boston area truly sucked (either very hot and humid or pouring rain and thunderstorms), it was a quick week! And here we are at the weekend again already. We’re hoping that the rain will hold off so we can get in a bike ride. I know it’s asking too much from the weather, but maybe Sunday will be a beach day? 

What’s happening where you are? Any special plans? Hope you’ll find a minute to check out this week’s posts from the Beauty Spotlight Team xoxo

Beauty Spotlight Team 1

The Westman Atelier Spot Check Brush is a covet-worthy concealer brush that must be tried to be believed. Check out the full review from Lola’s Secret Beauty Blog to see why this affordable, and ultra-luxe, brush deserves pride of place in your collection too.

When the weather gets hot, Angie at Your True Self Blog loves to wear a light and airy dress, kaftan or skirt. Her Style Tip of the Day shows how to dress down a skirt or dress so that these wonderful pieces are always wearable. 

Stop thinking diets work. They don’t!  Getting “unstuck” from food habits that no longer serve us is the most powerful tool in our beauty arsenal. When we flip the switch and stop consuming foods that prematurely age us, when we start using hydration as a tool for health and wellness and when we sleep with intention, it changes everything! Kristen from The Culinary Cure shows us how to start! 

Summer is in full force, and while we love Summertime, it doesn’t always love us back, particularly when it comes to dry, parched skin. Not only can the climate be a cause, but other culprits are causing our skin to become scaly and dry as the Sahara Desert! So, if you want to see some of the dry skin culprits and how you can combat them, continue reading Barbie’s Beauty Bits Summer Skincare Guide For Dry Skin.

Drugstore Makeup has come a long way baby! Prime Beauty lets us in on some of her favorites!

Now that we don’t have to wear masks in public as often as we used to, Allison from Never Say Die Beauty is wearing lipsticks and lip products whenever she can. Check out this new trio of lip products she’s wearing from Sormé Treatment Products!

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