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Weekly Roundups

Mid-March Fashion Flash Hosted by Kristen from The Culinary Cure

I finally figured out that, in addition to being sensitive to garlic, I also have a hard time digesting chili peppers. Two of my favorite foods – garlic and chili peppers – have turned on me. Last night, we had dinner at a new Indian restaurant with Jeff’s older daughter’s future in-laws. I asked the waiter to ask the chef if he could make my dish without garlic, and he said yes. Then they asked how hot I wanted it. I said between medium and hot. Tasted delicious, and I didn’t miss the garlic. But this morning, boy, was I sick! I’m still under the weather in spite of the lovely sunny 73 degree day today. So Fashion Flash will have to do for today. But this edition is a particularly good one. Take a look!
new intro image for Fashion Flash for spring

This week, Fashion Flash is being hosted by one of our newest members, Kristen from The Culinary Cure, a fascinating website the focuses on eating healthy with yummy recipes galore. If you haven’t checked out The Culinary Cure yet, you must!

Here’s what you can expect from Fashion Flash this week:

  • learn about a new line of activewear clothing that protects you from the sun while keeping you looking great
  • find out about taking small steps for big results
  • how to get high performance hair
  • check out a luxurious but effective lightweight eye cream that’s great under makeup
  • how to wear spring colors now
  • does exercise raise your immunity to colds and flu?
  • it’s never too late to change direction
  • what to eat for a healthy brain
  • how to lose belly fat
  • how to age gracefully and authentically
  • a beauty product worth buying over and over again
  • bonding with birds of prey while visiting Scotland
  • a lip product that really works for mature lips
  • a fine face mist that’s perfect for spring and summer

So there you have it, I am heading over to The Culinary Cure to read them all. There’s a lot to like in this week’s edition of Fashion Flash!

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