
Midnight Velvet Giveaway Winner

First, thank you all for entering the Midnight Velvet Spring 2014 giveaway, leaving comments, and tweeting about the giveaway. You all made it a success, and I wish that all of you could have won the prize! Thank you soooo much for following NSDB and Midnight Velvet on Twitter, liking us on Facebook, following me on Facebook and Bloglovin’ and subscribing to NSDB via email. Thanks for helping me build up my formerly pitiful Google+ following, too!

Midnight Velvet Catalogue Spring 2014

Thank you to Midnight Velvet for sponsoring the giveaway! The winner, chosen randomly by Rafflecopter, was Rachel H. She has responded and will be sent the $50 Gift Certificate by Midnight Velvet. She is considering getting pillows from MV to replace the ones her dog ate! 😉

I hope you will continue to follow Never Say Die Beauty, and please comment from time to time. I loved so many of your creative comments on the blogpost, and I would love to hear from you!

New giveaways will be coming up soon: a lovely eye shadow palette, skincare products, and skincare supplements. Stay tuned!

And thank you, thank you again <3

xoxo Allison


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  1. Yay! Congrats to Rachel! 🙂
    Amber recently posted…Vincent Longo Eyeshadow Swatches and Coupon CodeMy Profile

    1. Allison says:

      Yes, yay! I hope she’s happy with her win 🙂

  2. Congrats to Rachel! Sounds like it was good timing for her to win 🙂

    1. Allison says:

      Thank you, Siri, for being such a good sport. I hope you’ll continue to follow and comment on the blog. I love hearing from readers!!! And I hope you’ll enter the next giveaway, even though it will be makeup or skincare instead of fashion. This was the first time I used Rafflecopter for a giveaway, so I think it was just that Rachel had good random luck. It was one of her entries on 3/14 that got picked by the widget. I hope it will be good timing for you to win in the future 🙂

  3. Yeah, .. congrats to the winner 🙂

    MonicaP recently posted…Bulu Box 1My Profile

    1. Allison says:

      🙂 Thanks, Monica!

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