Fragrance, Product Spotlight

Moodzee Performance Boost Trio

Since my cataract surgery that turned me into being far-sighted instead of near-sighted, I’ve turned into an opposite version of Mr. Magoo. I often mistake things because I can’t see or read what they actually are, often with amusing results.

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Conscious Beauty Collective   

In the early autumn, I received an extremely generous care package from the folks at Conscious Beauty Collective to promote their holiday pop-up store at the Natick Mall in MA. Unfortunately, I never made it to the store (I feel guilty about that) because with the terrible traffic on routes 128 and 95, it would have been about a 4 hour drive, round trip. But Conscious Beauty Collective is a very worthwhile designation that you can see on products that are sold at Sephora, Ulta and other retailers.

In spite of not visiting the store in person, I have been using and reviewing the Conscious Beauty Collective clean beauty products and enjoying them a lot.

Moodzee Performance Boost Trio

On Saturday, I reached into the CBC box of goodies and took out one that had caught my eye back in September when the box arrived. The round cardboard box with the smiley face on top called Performance Boost Trio is a real eye catcher!

When I opened the box in September, I saw three very cute capsule shaped containers, and for some inexplicable reason, I decided they were three different facial serums.

So, on Saturday, I removed one – the silver one, I think, and I unscrewed the top to reveal a roller ball dispenser.

Based on their petite size and rollerball top, I assumed they were portable or travel size facial serums. Why I thought that, I have no idea. Especially since the name of the product is Moodzee, and the three little containers are labeled: Drive. Focus. Reach. I proceeded to roll “Focus” all over my face. I smelled very nice. 😉

On Sunday night, I went back to the trio to choose another serum to apply, and it finally dawned on me that the three little containers housed aromatherapy oils. Duh. “Moodzee”. Thus, Drive. Focus. Reach.


Today, after finding out that my water heater has to be replaced (three weeks after having to buy a new refrigerator), I needed some aromatherapy to calm me down. Today, I reached for Drive, the little black one that is supposed to help me feel confident and determined. I am now determined not to freak out when I get the plumber’s bill for more than $2K.

Drive was actually a great choice. It’s my kind of scent. It’s woodsy with more than a hint of spice. Very nice. I applied it to my wrist as well as to the tip of my nose.


It’s a combination of Chakra 1 (Root) and Chakra 3 (Solar Plexus), energy points in the body. Since I am often stressed and feel it in my digestive tract, I’m hoping Drive will calm me down.

The notes include juniper, patchouli, vetiver, vanilla, cedarwood, sandalwood and ginger – all favorites of mine. The essential oils are suspended in jojoba oil, an unscented carrier oil.


Focus, the silver capsule, is supposed to help one feel centered and grounded. I am trying to remember how I felt on Saturday after I rolled it all over my face 😉

A combination of citrus and herbs, it is supposed to help you focus on your task at hand. Focus is bright and uplifting. It contains the following notes: bergamot, lemon, grapefruit, tulsi, cardamom, rosemary, and lime. It’s a bright, rousing scent that seems perfect to start the day.


It’s made up of scents that affect Chakra 2 (Sacral) and Chakra 3 (Solar Plexus).


Reach is the gold capsule. It is supposed to help you feel aligned and outgoing. I should use it next time I have to go to a party or social event! It is described as “cool and aromatic”, but to me, it smells like licorice – probably because of the fennel. It’s really nice.


Reach contains the following notes: eucalyptus, fennel, cypress, lavender, fir, frankincense, laurel, and hyssop. Because it affects the Chakras 6 (Third Eye) and 7 (Crown), it might be the one to try if I have a headache.

Moodzee Performance Boost Trio: Additional Info

Moodzee products are organic, vegan and cruelty-free.

Each of the three capsules described above can be purchased individually for $22. Each holds 10 ml/0.38 fl. oz. However, buying the three essential oil blends together in the cute round container as the Performance Boost Trio saves money, as it is priced at $55.

In addition to Drive, Focus and Reach, the portable Moodzee capsules come in many of the single notes contained in the Trio: lime, eucalyptus, ginger, lavender, and others. Some of the single note oils come in the capsules with rollerballs, while several come in small bottles with dropper dispensers. The single scent notes are priced at $18.

Because the containers are pocket size, they’re perfect to keep in a pocket, purse, backpack, briefcase, or wherever. I will definitely put one in my purse to have on hand when I need it. I think I’ll keep Focus on my night table so I can use it to help me get out of bed in the morning.

These little cuties would have made terrific stocking stuffers, but even though the holidays have passed, Moodzee Capsules would be just the thing to start out 2023 with energy, focus and on an even keel. Check them out on the ADORAtherapy website as well as the rest of the aromatherapy products and fragrances.


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  1. These sound terrific, Allison! I don’t blame you for not spending 4 hours driving to go to their store, though!

    1. Boston traffic has almost turned into LA!!

  2. I’ve made mistakes too using a product wrong. At least you own up to it! Sorry about your water heater. These capsules are designed so well. They’d be great to keep in your purse.
    Marcia recently posted…Moodzee Performance Boost TrioMy Profile

    1. Thanks, Marcia!

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