
More Problems, More Delays

While the web developer in the Philippines who tried to rebuild my website was able to download a new theme, the website still has a lot of errors and problems. Unfortunately, I didn’t discover those issues till after I paid him. 

For one thing, all my blogposts written after the old website “died” on June 7 were not sent out by Madmimi, the company that sends out my daily posts because the “rss feed” I have been using for 13 years failed. I don’t quite understand how it changed itself, but it did. I thought I discovered the new rss feed, but when I created a new Active Feed for Madmimi, it still isn’t recognizing any new content. The folks at Madmimi suggested I ask my web developer, lol. Unfortunately, he seems to be ghosting me, plus he left my website with a million errors and problems in spite of me paying him more to buy a developer plugin that is supposed to find and fix errors. So I am giving up on him.

Now, I am trying to find a web developer in the US who can help me. If you happen to know any reliable web developers or IT people who work with WordPress websites and who might be willing to work with me, please let me know.

In the meantime, here’s another post that will probably just sit on my site waiting to be sent out. 

Hope all is well with you all! Thinking about you, and hope I will be able to get back to product reviews soon. xoxoxo

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  1. I see your More Problems, More Delays post, Allison, and am wishing your postings a speedy recovery. Don’t give up!

    1. Thank you so much, Cynthia!

  2. Hi, Allison – For a second there, I was excited that you were back! This post looks right, so I’m wondering how you can’t post your product reviews?! It came to my email, so something is working… I guess my guy didn’t work out for you, so I’m sorry about that. I’m glad you’re not giving up. We miss you and can’t wait to have you back! Best of luck – Angie
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    1. Unfortunately, your guy said he was running for Congress, but he didn’t say he wasn’t interested. In fact, he asked me to make him an admin on my site which I did. But I never heard from him again, so I assumed he wasn’t interested or was too busy with his campaign. The sad part is that I paid the IT guy in the Philippines, and he charged me more than the original estimate. Now I need to find another IT consultant who can fix the errors that he didn’t or couldn’t fix. 🙁 Thanks for your good wishes. BTW, today the logic board on my 3 year old MAC desktop died, and needs to be replaced. It died with everything on my desktop. Hoping that the cloud has much of my data, fingers crossed. Have a good July 4th!

  3. MarciaF says:

    Wow. I wish you weren’t out money by trying to save the blog. I miss your posts and the chance to contribute. Lots of luck Allison. Have a great 4th.

    1. Thank you, Marcia xoxo To make matters worse, my 3 year old MAC desktop died today, ie the logic board is no longer functioning and needs to be replaced. Fortunately, I bought AppleCare since it’s a pricey replacement, but I lose all my data. Hopefully, much of it is on the cloud, I think. Have a wonderful July 4th!

  4. Gabrielle says:

    I’m so sorry! This all just sucks! I am holding good thoughts for all your problems to be solved soon!

    1. Thank you, Gabrielle! I’m pulling my hair out at this point. BTW, did you get today’s post (Tuesday) about IGK? I had to force send it out and I never received my email about it. Just wondering?

      1. Gabrielle says:

        I completely understand and empathize with your frustration. I did receive the latest post in my email. I’m so sorry your MAC died as well! Oh my gosh! Is Apple Care going to cover a replacement?

        1. Supposedly AppleCare will cover it, thank goodness or at least they should let me know if they change their minds

          1. Gabrielle says:

            They’d better because MACs are supposed to last much longer than 3 years!

          2. You can say that again!

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