
My Cute But Dangerous New Platform Sandals

Every summer, I usually buy one new pair of sandals. Although I skipped last year, this year I bought a new pair of sandals. I think I bought them online, on sale at Saks. Of course, I saw them in an ad on Facebook.

Pink, super high platform sandals in a fabric that my mother used to call “hopsack”.  They were Lucky Brand sandals. And wearing them around the house when they first arrived, they were surprisingly comfortable.

On Tuesday night, four of my friends and I went out to dinner in charming Essex MA. Essex was known as a boat-building town even though it isn’t on the ocean. It’s connected via the beautiful, picturesque wetlands and river to nearby Gloucester on the Atlantic Ocean.

We sat outdoors at C.K. Pearl Restaurant because it was a lovely, hot night. I wish I had thought to snap a few pictures of the stunning scenery and our fun time. But here’s a photo of part of the view of The Great Marsh that I took back in October 2019 along with the two photos above.

I’ve been wearing a lot of blue clothing this summer, but on Tuesday night, I decided to wear pink. And I broke out the new pink platform sandals to go with my hot pink jeans, gray top adorned with cocktails in pinks, greens and orange, and a peach 3/4 sleeve cardigan in case it got cool after the sun went down. 

We had a lot of fun. Great company, good food and delicious cocktails. I think we will try to get together again in August since it was such a good time. 

When I got home around 10pm, I should have changed my clothes and certainly my shoes. But it was too early for a night owl like me to get ready for bed, and it seemed silly to change twice. So I kept on the clothes I wore for the evening. 

Then I decided I to go outside to look at the moon made bright orange from the smoke created by the fires out west. I also wanted to move the solar lights that I have in my front yard illuminating my three pear trees. I opened the front door, and I turned sideways and stepped down onto the mat on the landing. It’s about a 6 inch step down, and for some reason, my platform sandal was unstable on the mat. As a result, my ankle turned and I lost my balance. Unfortunately, there was nothing to grab on to, and I saw myself flying through the air in slow motion. Then I fell onto the concrete stairs and bounced down onto the walkway. That was a shock. No one was around except two teenage girls across the street who were going into the front door of their house. They didn’t notice me in the dark. So I picked myself up, crawled up the stairs, and went into the house. Fortunately, I was wearing my long pink jeans that protected my skin from scraping on the concrete stairs as I fell. I knew I was bruised and my ankle hurt, but I wasn’t bleeding so I thought I was OK.

A couple of hours later, I went to bed, and I kept waking up all night because my foot hurt even when the sheet and summer weight blanket touched it. When I woke up in the morning, I knew I wasn’t going to be able to take the train to Boston to get my hair colored. I cancelled my appointment, and I tried calling my doctor’s office to see if I could talk to one of the nurses to find out what I should do about my foot. Unfortunately, no one answered the phone, so I gave up after a while and called one of my friends who is very well-informed about all things healthcare. She suggested that I go to the Urgent Care facility that is part of the medical group. That made sense to me. Another friend agreed to drive me.

To make this long story a little shorter, I have a few painful bruises that will hopefully clear up soon. They took x-rays of my foot and ankle, and the radiologist determined that my ankle is OK but that I had a small fracture on one of my metatarsals on the top of my foot. No big deal, right? I figured I might not be able to jog for a couple of weeks, but I was going to ask if it would be OK if I road my bike. So I was a little surprised when the NPR told me that she was going to give me a boot to wear on my right foot…for 4-6 weeks. WHAT???? And I can’t drive wearing the boot. Plus the injury is to my right foot, the important foot for driving. I have to make an appointment with an orthopedist, and I will see what they have to say.

Meanwhile, I have put away my cute 3-4 inch high platform sandals. Frankly, after this, I am not sure I would wear them again. But it sure was nice to be 5’4″ for at least a few hours!


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  1. Lois L says:

    Girlfriend!! Get rid of those sandals!! Bad karma !!! You’ll never want to wear them again!!!
    Sorry about your toe ( and boot situation)

    1. My toes are fine. I fractured a bone in the top of my foot, a metatarsal? You’re right, I will never wear them again. I’ll bring them to the consignment shop, lol.

  2. Paula K says:

    I feel so bad for you! I hated having to wear a boot. Last year I was going to the car and stepped on (in?) a mole hole and twisted my ankle and had a small fracture so I was given the boot. I honestly tried to wear it but it was just so uncomfortable and heavy that I decided to just go the old traditional route and wrapped it in an ace bandage.
    Those shoes are awful cute but I think that you should pass them on to someone else.
    I hope that it feels better very soon!!

    1. Paula, thank you for commiserating with me! It is exactly that: uncomfortable and heavy. Plus, even wearing an EvenUp thing on my left shoe, the book is still higher and now my left hip hurts because of the imbalance. I was thinking Ace bandage as well!! Once I see the orthopedist, I hope he/she will tell me I can ditch the boot, or else I probably will switch on my own. I can’t do this for a month 😥

  3. DiEtta says:

    Oh my gosh Allison. Girl there comes a time in your life where AGE takes preference over PLATFORM shoes. Take care of yourself. My neighbor just fell and broke her ankle in 2 spots. Take note…..always keep your cell phone in your pocket! Even if your just going to get your mail. Get some Arnica gel and massage it in all around your foot and ankle. 🙋🏻‍♀️🤗

    1. It was so weird, DiEtta, that I fell because those platforms were so darn comfortable. And I wore them all evening with no problems! I think it was the banana coconut rum drink that I had, lol!

  4. Oh no! I can’t wear heels anymore but can get away with wedges but not over 2 inches! So sorry about your foot!
    Cindy Ingalls recently posted…NEW Hot Girls Pearls Chicklet Bracelet!My Profile

    1. Thanks, Cindy! I did so well with those comfy platforms all evening. I think it was the rum drink that did me in. Nevertheless, I think I will try to sell the cute platforms.

  5. Gabrielle says:

    Oh my gosh! Thank heavens you are okay!!!! I have had to wear one of those boots myself and they are not the most delightful footwear ever. Forget about those platforms, okay? I don’t want you to be injured again!

    1. Thank you, Gabrielle! I am just sorry that I didn’t get to the post office (or mow my lawn or trim my plants) before this happened. I can’t drive with the boot, so I am kinda stuck for a while. I will give the cute platforms to the consignment store, sadly. I think I would be too afraid to wear them again 😉

      1. Gabrielle says:

        Please don’t give the Post Office another thought. I’m just concerned about you! Take care and wear that boot and make sure you get pampered!

  6. You have been “hanging out” with me for too long. That’s something I would do. When I broke my actual foot a few years ago I had a cast and then a boot. Not fun especially when you want to have summer fun. Sorry that your pretty shoes turned evil.
    MarciaF recently posted…NEW Hot Girls Pearls Chicklet Bracelet!My Profile

    1. Do you know, Marcia, that was the first thing I thought of after I fell!!! I am so lucky, though, that I didn’t hurt myself more than I did. You were in much worse shape. Those concrete steps could have done more damage to me, so I am thankful for that. You’re right, though, about me missing summer fun, boo hoo.

  7. Oh no, Allison! I am so sorry that this happened to you! How incredibly painful. I hope that you heal quickly, and that the pain and discomfort goes away as soon as possible! This has got to be so frustrating given all of the fun activities that you do during the summer! Maybe go for a picnic on the beach with Jeff, and then you can enjoy the company and the surroundings while taking good care of your injured foot!
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    1. The heavy and uncomfortable boot really does help alot. I am lucky that it isn’t that painful, and I’m lucky I wasn’t hurt much more than I was. You really nailed it that I am very unhappy to not be able to jog, hike, walk, garden, or do just about anything. Unfortunately, with this boot and this injury, I can’t walk on the sand, so no beach for a while. I am hoping to be able to sit in a chair, on the grass, above the beach and at least see the beautiful view!

  8. Aww, Allison, how horrible in so many ways! I was just thinking of getting a pair of platform sandals but now I guess I’d better not. I slipped on the stairway at home and fell halfway down until so braced my body hard enough against the steps to stop. That really hurts! I was bruised over half my body but no broken bones, thank goodness 😅 Well, I hope you’ll have a great summer in 2022 to make up for it. I wonder how you’re doing nine months later? Hugs, Angie –
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