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My Follow-up Surgery Visit

Today was my 5 week appointment at my vascular surgeon’s office. The goal of the appointment was to get an ultrasound and determine if the blood was running through my two carotid arteries. For some reason, I was misinformed, thinking I was going for a CT scan. I also thought that I would get to meet with the surgeon to ask questions and see how my wound is healing.

I met with the ultrasound technician when we arrived. Since I was expecting a different test, I was a little confused, but now I’ll know for the next time. The ultrasound is the test where they put gel on you and slide around a monitor that gives you a picture, a sound and a reading. They did my right side first (not operated on) and I heard the familiar sound of blood rushing around or out of the artery. I was a little concerned because I had assiduously avoided touching the area around my incision and my ear, and that’s where she was headed. I told her I was rather concerned, and she said we need to at least try. In actuality, I was surprised that it didn’t really hurt. We were finished in less than a half hour.

I went back to the waiting room, and another medical tech called me in a few minutes. She took my vitals, which I knew was a fools errand. I have a problem with getting my blood pressure taken. Several nurses have called it “the white coat syndrome”, and they’re right. Once I get to know the person or if they’re joking around, I’m fine, otherwise, the reading is sky high as it was this time. Good thing it was normal a week and a half ago and before that as well.

Photo by JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash

Next thing, a physician’s assistant came in and introduced herself, Laura. I thought I was meeting with her prior to seeing the doctor. Well, not really. She was both very knowledgeable as well as very nice. I asked her about a million questions and told her about how I was feeling. I told her I feel like I have a large piece of leather sewn onto my neck. Ugh. According to Laura, the bottom line is that it can take up to a year for many of my issues to resolve or disappear. That was somewhat discouraging. Although the glue is finally flaking off my incision so I can begin to turn my head to the left, it’s a slow process. She told me to do some simple head and neck exercises, and I will do it.

My other issues like the swelling under my chin and soreness that was definitely not there prior to the surgery, she had no solution for it. It feels like someone has slit my throat with a knife. Gross, yes I know. She suggested trying mild heat, so I will go back to using my Vega Red Light Wand and see if that will help. Meanwhile, I had just bought a cold roller on Ipsy to try on it, but she said no. I really have my fingers crossed that the Vega will begin to make a difference.

Also my jaw and the lower part of my face is still sore. She said that men usually complain about that more than women because they shave. Well, I guess that’s the downside of being a beauty blogger. It definitely hurts when I try to apply moisturizer or other face products, and the same thing goes for trying to wear foundation. Laura, the P.A., said that it may or may not get better (oh, great!), or it could take up to a year to go away, if it does. Encouraging. 🙁

Along with the sore jaw, I have trouble opening my jaw to eat. Anything that’s the least bit big, like a good size sandwich, a bagel etc. is definitely a challenge. She asked if it’s just the first bite or so, and I said yes. Again, something to live with.

She also said the same thing about the twinges that feel like someone is cutting me beneath my skin with a tiny shard of glass. Hopefully that sensation and my sore neck muscles will go away much sooner.

The good news is that the readings on my arteries are both fine, within the normal range. That means the surgery worked! Thank goodness.

I never got to meet with the vascular surgeon. I guess that’s a good thing? They save him for the “problem” cases?

Now I come back in about 6 months for another ultrasound, and I hope that my complaints dissipate with time. In the meantime, Laura told me to make an appointment to get my hair colored and do what I need to do. Sounds like a plan.

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  1. gloria patterson says:

    “the white coat syndrome” Been there done that So we all have that joy. It sounds like it is going to take time but you know each day it gets a little better or they would have said something. Keep on doing and you will get there with time.

  2. MarciaF says:

    I’m happy to hear the recovery part and that you can get to the salon without a problem. Even when I broke my wrist(s) they told me it’s a full year before it’s truly healed. I hope the rest of your problems start improving.

  3. Valerie C. says:

    It sounds like you’re on the road to recovery. I’m so happy for that and hope your symptoms ease soon. I have white coat hypertension too. Any medical office does that to me. Please keep us updated. Hoping each day gets better 💖

  4. Cynthia says:

    I echo Valerie in saying that I hope each day gets better. Great news that your readings are in the normal range! Sending positive thoughts for quicker healing.

  5. Gabrielle says:

    I’m sorry you are still having so much discomfort. I’m holding good thoughts that things get better in FAR less time than a year!

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