closeup of my "Lost in Time" shawl,
DIY, Fashion

My “Lost In Time” Crocheted Shawl

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Last fall, I started what turned out to be a major crochet project. Almost a year later, I finally finished it!

finished "Lost In Time" crocheted shawl,

It’s the “Lost In Time” shawl, a beautiful pattern created by a truly talented crocheter and designer, Johanna Lindahl, who creates under the name, Mijo Crochet. Her many patterns are written in Swedish and then translated into a variety of other languages including English. The “Lost In Time” shawl is the first pattern from Mijo Crochet that I’ve undertaken, and though I sometimes found it confusing, it was an enjoyable pattern to work on. I would say that it’s an intermediate level pattern. I’m not sure if I found it confusing because it had been translated into English, but there were a few sections where I had to figure it out on my own, use the photos that came with the pattern or just wing it.

The stitches included chains, slip stitches, single and double crochets, front and back post double crochets (those create ridges), popcorns (or bobbles), and picot, a trim stitch. I also made tassels for the three points of the shawl.

tassel from my "Lost In Time" shawl,

I used a cotton yarn, Catona, from a Dutch brand, Scheepjes. I loved working with this wonderful, high quality yarn. Some cotton yarn can be stiff; Scheepjes Catona had a lovely slip and sheen.

Some people make this pattern with yarn that changes color within the skein. I probably should have done that, but instead I made it more complicated for myself. I changed color with each row. I used several different purples and greens, pink, goldenrod, and charcoal. I love how they look together.

closeup of my "Lost in Time" shawl,

I had tried to finish the shawl in the spring so I could take it with me to the Netherlands and wear it, but I didn’t get it done in time. After that, I wasn’t in a rush because I will wear it as a scarf in the fall, winter and spring. Nevertheless, I’m proud of this scarf/shawl. I think it’s gorgeous!

finished "Lost in Time" shawl,

Now my dilemma is what to make next. After working on this one project for so long, I’m stumped. Hopefully, a pattern that I would enjoy will make its way to me soon.


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  1. patricia caradonna says:

    The shawl is beautiful. I just started crocheting again and it is very relaxing.

    1. Thank you so much, Patricia! What are you making? I need some ideas xo

  2. Sandy Bonesteel says:

    I love the color combination. And I also love the edging. Beautiful.

    1. Thank you so much, Sandy! I think the color combo is pretty cool myself! Do you crochet?

  3. DiEtta says:

    From one Crocheter to another Crocheter your shawl is AMAZING. I know how much work and time went into it. You should be PROUD! I am crocheting Beanies for “Crocheting For A Cause” it’s so rewarding each time I finish one. If anyone is interested in joining in, you can find out the info and how to get the patterns at “Hooked on Homemade Happiness” by: Breann.

    1. Knowing your crochet work, DiEtta, I thank you very much! I was going to mention that I was thinking about doing a beanie next for your charity “Crocheting For A Cause” but I was writing this post late last night, and I pooped out. I need to go to the link in the email you sent me a while ago with the information. I may not commit to doing beanies every month, but I would like to give it a try. Thanks again xoxo

    2. Sandy Bonesteel says:

      Yes, I’ve been crotcheting since around 1996 or so. It’s very relaxing.

      1. I agree, it’s especially relaxing once I’ve figured out any difficult bits in the pattern, and I can just cruise 😉

  4. This is the most amazing shawl, Allison! I am so impressed that you made this gorgeous work of art, and I love the color combination that you selected! I can’t wait to see what you make next!

    1. Thank you, Helen xoxo

  5. Sandy Pincombe says:

    Allison, another talent I didn’t know you had. I can knit but not crochet and so sorry that I never learned. I have several Afghans that my Grandmother crocheted and I do treasure them. This is a beautiful piece. How in the world do you find time to fit crocheting into your schedule?

    1. Thank you, Sandy! From time to time, I post my crochet projects on the blog for a little variety. This project is my piece de la resistance, however 😉 I wish you lived nearby because I would love to learn how to knit, and I would gladly teach you to crochet. I mostly crochet during the winter, but it is so relaxing I like to have a crochet project in the works. Trouble is I have a million scarves, shawls, ponchos, and hats now. I used to crochet things for friends and family, but I have found that not everyone likes handmade things, and it was so upsetting to spend time making things for someone only to discover that they would never wear it. I think I’ll try making a beanie for “Crochet for a Cause” that my friend, DiEtta, in the comments below suggested.

  6. rach says:

    What a beautiful shawl! I’m sure you will get many a (well deserved!) compliment while wearing it.
    The only thing I can crochet is a coat hanger. lol I think this means I am not beyond hope, but I’m relatively sure the precipice still isn’t that terribly far away. 😛

    1. Now I have never crocheted a coat hanger, so you’ve got me beat on that one, Rach! Thank you! I haven’t worn it yet, but hope it’ll get worn when the temps go down a bit. I am beyond hope when it comes to learning how to knit, but I may see if someone will try again to teach me this winter.

      1. rach says:

        Hangers are easy! I’ve done a bunch for the shops I sell in. It’s just a nice touch to make ugly hangers more palatable, and it helps the clothing and tablecloths and things not slip off too easily.
        I won’t tell you how many times I’ve attempted to learn to knit. It’s embarrassing! Knitting is one of those things that just won’t stick in my brain, I guess. I figure it out and go “okay I’ve got this now!” and then by the next afternoon I’m back at square one. I do know that however most Americans tend to do it and try to teach me, I feel more comfortable doing the opposite motion. But that’s the only part I ever remember! Not the how, just that whatever that ‘how’ is, I do it differently. hahahahaha

        1. Your knitting skills sound similar to mine, for sure. I wish I could figure out how to post a photo in my reply. I bought a work of art several years ago that is a canvas in the shape of a slip dress that’s a painting and collage and it is hung on a crocheted hanger. I’ve always wondered how the artist crocheted it!

          1. rach says:

            Sounds intriguing!
            I’m always finding vintage crochet and knitting booklets around, but for those I’m pretty sure I just did an internet search for “how to crochet a hanger” or something like that and read through the results until I found one that made some form of sense!

  7. You did a beautiful job with this! I know what you mean about feeling lost. It’s hard to pick a new project after working on the same one for so long.

  8. Oh wow this is beautiful. A family friend tried to teach me crochet but I couldn’t pick it up. I do cross-stitch but I have a bad habit of starting BIG projects and never finishing them!

  9. Alison this shawl is stunning. You are talented friend!!!! What a beautiful display of color, beauty, hard work and patience!!!

    1. Thank you so much, Judy xoxo

  10. What a beauty this is. I’m very impressed with your talent. It looks so complicated. I’m sure you’ll love wearing it and I’m sure you’ll get a ton of compliments.

    1. Thank you, Marcia xoxo It actually was rather complicated! I am looking forward to wearing it, but I hope the cool temps stay away for a while (the high on Sunday is supposed to be 68, grrrrrr)

  11. What a great project, it turned out lovely!

    1. Thank you xo

  12. This is so pretty! I love the color combo you chose!

  13. That’s beautiful, Allison. My grandmother and mother all crocheted. My sister does…I could never round the corner right…:( You do beautiful work.

    1. Thank you, Shelley!

  14. Jen Walker says:

    This pattern is really pretty! I like to crochet although I’m terrible at following patterns and generally stick with simple square or rectangle designs. That said, I end up creating my own shaped stuff from time to time that I’m sure would make a seasoned crocheter cringe, lol!

    1. Thanks, Jen! You sound very creative to me!

  15. Kim A says:

    Allison, this is a masterpiece! I can’t imagine the patience and time it took to do this from start to finish. Looking forward to seeing it on you this fall!

    1. Thank you so much, Kim xoxo

  16. Omigosh Allison!! This is so beautiful and I’m SO impressed at your skills! I tried to learn how to knit but…it didn’t go well!

    1. Thank you so much, Babi! I can’t knit either, unfortunately. This is crochet – I think it’s easier 😉

  17. Congratulations on finishing the shawl! This is a very unique and special piece.

    1. Thank you, Anastasia!

  18. I used to crochet — it was such a calming, rhythmic thing to do! Congratulations on finishing this product, that always feels amazing!

  19. Ehmkay Nails says:

    I can’t sew, knit, crochet, so this is an amazing accomplishment!

  20. 25 Sweetpeas says:

    Fabulous job it looks perfect and I bet you will get a lot of use out of it in the next few months!

  21. What an amazing piece! It must have taken many hours of patient work to complete it. I love the colors that you used, they’ll be perfect for fall.

    1. Thank you, Laure!

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