closeup of the lower section of Batacuda Night Bubbles necklace
Jewelry & Accessories

My New Batacuda Black Necklace, A Tattoo Wannabe that I Love!

The beauty blogger, Jen from My Beauty Bunny, posted a photo of herself wearing a fabulous black necklace. I had never seen anything like it. It had flourishes and curlicues, and it was fabulous in a baroque, Steampunk way. I asked her where she got it, but she said her husband gave it to her years ago and she didn’t know where he bought it.

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So I started searching the internet, Google Images and Pinterest to see if I could find it anywhere. I found tatted (crocheted) necklaces that were gorgeous, but they weren’t the same. I kept looking.

Last week, I stopped in at my favorite boutique, Zia, in Belmont MA that sells stylish samples. Surveying the stores, my eye fell upon a necklace that looked similar but different. The design looked like bubbles, and in fact, the style is called Night Bubbles. It looked like it would lie flat on the skin. Though it looked like it was made of rubber, the website says it isn’t made of rubber (though it doesn’t say exactly what it is made from!). Very interesting and unusual, too.

Batacuda "Night Bubbles" black necklace against yellow background

Though it cost more than I wanted to pay for it ($50), it was the closest thing I had seen to the necklace that Jen was wearing, though a more modern design. I caved and bought it. It looks terrific, I think, with V-necklines. Plus, it feels good on my skin. So lightweight, too.

me wearing Batacuda black rubber "Night Bubbles" necklace from Batacuda

The brand is Batacuda Jewels On The Skin. They are meant to look sort of like tattoos!

outer packaging for Batacuda Jewels for the Skin necklace

I checked out the Batacuda website, and they sell necklaces, bracelets, earrings, and kids jewelry, all made from 100% recyclable materials. There are many styles of necklaces in collection of black, white and colors. The necklaces are priced at $49. The earrings are very cool, and I think they would make great small holiday gifts at $26.

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  1. What a cool, unusual necklace! I’ve never seen anything like it either….. thanks for the introduction. Looks great on you!

    1. Thank you, Kim! xoxo

  2. This is such a cool statement piece! Love this with the shirt you paired it with too!

    1. Thank you, Kristi!

  3. 25 Sweetpeas says:

    What a neat statement piece, could really jazz up an outfit!

  4. I love it! It looks awesome on you!
    Courtney recently posted…Melt Muerte Palette SwatchesMy Profile

  5. My Nail Polish Obsession says:

    That necklace is so unique! Love the design and that its made of recycled materials.

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