peach lucite & crystal domed dangling earrings from Alexis Bittar
Jewelry & Accessories

Earring Loss

Around 10 years ago or maybe even a little longer ago, my two aunts and I went to an exhibit at the Peabody Essex Museum. That was before my older aunt developed dementia. We enjoyed the art and a casual lunch, and before we left we ended up, of course, at the PEM Museum Shop. A pair of earrings caught my eye. They were Alexis Bittar earrings, and at the time, I had never heard of him. It was the earrings themselves that I couldn’t get out of my mind. The earrings were peach lucite domed discs adorned with rose gold Swarovski crystals and white dots. The color was perfect with my red hair. They were super lightweight, dangling earrings with 14K gold ear wires, and the sparkle was terrific. My aunts encouraged me to buy them, and though they were kind of pricey, I did. Not surprisingly, they became my favorite earrings, and I wore them a lot.

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Somehow the earrings went missing several years ago. It’s hard to remember exactly what happened, but I thought I brought them with me to Jeff’s and put them in one of the drawers of the night table beside the bed. When I went to look for them, they were not there. That’s the strangest thing because there was no one there who could have taken them. I looked under the bed, in each of the drawers, and they were gone. In case I actually hadn’t brought them with me, I looked everywhere for them at home. Still I couldn’t find them. They have been on my mind for years. Because all of Alexis Bittar’s jewelry are limited edition collections, I wasn’t able to buy another pair. I always felt bad about it. Every now and then, I would search online to see if someone were selling a pair, but no luck. I bought some other Alexis Bitter lucite drop earrings with crystals in different shapes and colors, but I just don’t love them like I loved those peach lucite dome earrings. When I went to Jeff’s before my eye surgery a couple of weeks ago, I decided to look in the night table drawers just one more time. I took everything out, and still nothing. Boo.

A couple of weeks ago, I got a text from Poshmark reminding me that Alexis Bittar jewelry was available. I had looked through their offerings a number of times in the past (as well as Ebay), but I always came up empty. This time, I took the bait again, and I started scrolling through the pages. Usually, I would give up on about page 10. But this time, I said to myself, keep going. On page 18, there they were, earrings that were just what I had lost. I didn’t haggle over the price, I just bought them. They were $64 plus shipping and tax. The original earrings were at least $150. Whatever the price would have been for the earrings on Poshmark, I would have paid it because I wanted the earrings so much. Although it took years, I was eventually lucky to find a replacement pair. Yay!

peach lucite & crystal domed dangling earrings from Alexis Bittar

A few days after I received the earrings (they were perfect, BTW), I found a most interesting post from the New York Times on my Facebook feed, entitled, “The 5 Stages of Earring Loss”. While the article emphasized losing one earring of a pair, the sentiments were exactly the same. Sadness, a sense of loss, frantic looking and looking again for the missing piece, and what women go through trying to replace it. The article gave resources for fabricating a replacement earring. Also fascinating, the NYT article mentioned a Facebook page called “My Lost Earring” that I immediately “liked”. I’ve since found that Facebook has another Facebook page called “The Lost Earring”, both groups dedicated to helping people replace lost earrings. Amazing.

I had thought that my reaction was over the top, losing those earrings was something I couldn’t forget about or get over. But I guess I am not alone.

Have you ever lost an earring or a pair of earrings that you really cared about? If so, did you ever find it? Or did you replace it? 



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  1. Gorgeous earrings!!!!

    1. Thank you, Lois 🙏🏻 I was thrilled to find a replacement pair!

  2. Sandy Pincombe says:

    Allison, I can only imagine how sad you were to lose them. They are beautiful and the color must look look great on you. I did lose one of a pair of little silver cuff style earrings. I had them at my sisters a couple of years ago but have no idea what happened to one of them. We searched the bedroom to no avail. I never thought of looking on line to see if I could find a pair. Thanks for the idea!

    1. That was exactly it, the earrings were so perfect for me. I can’t believe after having them go missing for so long, that I finally found a replacement pair on Poshmark! Just for the heck of it, you should check Poshmark, Ebay and the FB My Lost Earring groups. I love cuff style earrings. It so irritating to lose something that you like, and have no explanation for its disappearance. I hope that it will turn up xo

  3. DiEtta says:

    Morning ☕️☕️🍩🍩🙋🏻‍♀️Enjoyed your story Allison…….I think everyone could tell a story about losing an earring. Beautiful earrings. ❤️

    1. Thank you, DiEtta! I was lucky that after many years of searching, I found a replacement 🙂 Have a nice day in Cali xo

  4. Mary W says:

    Your story reminded me of why I love earrings so much. For many, many decades I have worn earrings that did not originally come as a pair. I like to think of them as orphans I adopt. I keep the earrings paired so that they are the same style, length, color and shape so you really have to look to see that they are not a true matched pair. Friends have given me singles from their lost pairs and those are very special to me. It’s like always wearing a new pair without buying any new ones!

    1. Mary, that is so interesting! The article in the New York Times suggests doing exactly what you’re doing. I am sorry that you have lost loved earrings over the years, but I am happy to learn how you’ve made lemonade from lemons! Great solution!

  5. Gabrielle says:

    I am so thrilled you finally found those earrings again! I had these super cool papier mache orange earrings and they were stolen from me years ago. Oh do I miss them!

    1. Thank you, Gabrielle! I am so sorry that you lost your one-of-a-kind earrings, ones that you probably could not replace. 😥 I think my earrings may have been stolen too. Also, a black shawl and a pale green shawl both of which I crocheted as well as a silk velvet burnout scarf. Isn’t it weird that people do that? ugh

  6. These are so pretty! I hope that tone day those earrings turn up! That is such a shame!
    Lola Seicento recently posted…H20+ Hydration Oasis Refreshing Gel MoisturizerMy Profile

    1. It’s been years since they disappeared, so I assume they are gone forever. But I was thrilled that I just found a replacement pair that I bought last week on Poshmark. What luck!

    2. Gabrielle says:

      It hurts my heart that beautiful things you created yourself were stolen! People can be so wretched!!! Well, none of it will bring them joy. Jerks!

      1. Allison says:


  7. I hate it when I lose my earrings! Those would be lovely with your hair.
    Courtney recently posted…The Number One Thing You NEED to Stop Wearing to Feel PrettyMy Profile

  8. I’m so glad you found a replacement for these beautiful earrings. I know the feeling of tearing things apart to find something that just vanished.
    MarciaF recently posted…Soothing skin care with Dr.Organics Aloe Vera lineMy Profile

    1. You described the feeling perfectly 😥

  9. Sherry Proch says:

    Omg the earrings are beautiful and I GET the loss. How you found the group about missing earrings is fantastic! Wear those babies with a smile and enjoy😁

    1. Allison says:

      Thank you, Sherry ♥️♥️♥️ I was so lucky to finally find this replacement pair 🍀😍

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