Features, Jewelry & Accessories

Necklaces that Encourage Voting!

There are only about 25 days till election day in the U.S., and early voting has started in many states. In Massachusetts, our early in-person voting starts on October 17 and runs for about a week. I was amazed to find out that in my tiny town, there are even a few hours to vote on Saturdays and Sundays! That’s quite a change from the past around here. And I’ve been told that our Town Clerk will be sending out absentee ballots next week.

Voting is so important. Perhaps this year, more than ever. Voting is a privilege, but it’s also the responsibility of every citizen. Vote for whomever you like, but vote if you haven’t already!

There are more signs up in my neighborhood than ever before. I was kind of amazed because I am usually one of the few who puts up signs on my lawn.

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And it has come to my attention, that there is even jewelry to encourage voting! 

In fact, mazi + zo, an accessories and fine jewelry brand, has launched a necklace that says VOTE so that we all can help persuade people not to sit this important election out. 35% of the price to When We All Vote, a 501(c)(3) non-profit, nonpartisan organization committed to increasing participation in elections. 

The VOTE necklace is available in either solid 14K gold or 0.925 sterling silver in three lengths: 16, 18 and 20 inch chains. The VOTE charm adds about 2/3 of an inch to the length. The necklace is made in the United States, and orders over $25 ship free to the continental US. 

Here’s what they look like:


If the necklace looks familiar, it may be because Michelle Obama was wearing a similar necklace in a recent video that she made to encourage people to vote. Just to reiterate, mazi + zo and When We All Vote are non-partisan entities. Check the necklaces out on the mazi + zo website. I think they are so cute! I would love a silver one.

Speaking of necklaces, I recently bought a campaign necklace to support my presidential candidate. The necklace was designed by Kathryn & Lizzie Fortunato, twin sisters who are jewelry and accessories designers. I thought it would be a good way to make a campaign contribution, to subtly share my choice, and to get a cute necklace. I don’t usually talk politics on my blog, and that’s not my intent. You should vote for whoever you believe in, but I hope you will vote for someone!

So here’s the necklace that I bought:

I think it’s cute and fun with a red heart and beads as well as campaign logos, though I wish it were silver rather than gold tone since I mostly wear silver or white gold. But I still love it and have fun wearing it.

If you are interested in this necklace, they lowered the price by $25 because  Election Day is getting close. Click here for more info.

Do you have any election or voting jewelry or accessories that you wear?

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  1. gloria patterson says:

    I voted by mail quick easy and I was able to check that they had received it. As everyone say this is a very important vote.

    1. I couldn’t agree more, Gloria! I’m so glad that your ballot has reached its destination. I just got my absentee ballot today, and I am trying to decide whether to put it in the drop box at Town Hall or to vote in person during the early voting period. My town is very small, so I have never had to wait very long. I am still thinking about what to do, but I will definitely do something soon!

  2. I’ve voted already since I wasn’t taking any chances. Too many people complain about politics but if they don’t exercise their right to vote then they really don’t have the right to complain. I’m all for your necklace.
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    1. Voting in your state matters so much more than in mine. Nevertheless, I am trying to decide whether to vote absentee since my ballot just arrived today and then put it in the drop box at Town Hall, or to vote in-person during the early voting. Oh, decisions, decisions! I will look up when MA is allowed to start recording the absentee ballots, ie whether they have to wait until election day or if they can start in advance, and that will make my decision for me. You are so right, you can’t complain if you don’t take part 🙂

  3. How cute! I can’t wait to vote this year.

  4. That’s a fantastic initiative! I’m keeping my fingers and toes crossed that 100m+ people who didn’t show up to vote in the last election have changed their minds since.

    1. me, too, Anastasia!

  5. Thanks so much for sharing!!

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