hyaluronic acid dietary supplement
Brand Spotlight, Giveaways, Hair, Nails, Product Spotlight, Skincare

NeoCell Biotin Bursts & Hyaluronic Acid Blueberry Liquid GIVEAWAY

A few months ago, I introduced you to Fish Collagen Capsules and Beauty Bursts from NeoCell (reviewed here). Now, I’d like to bring you two more products from their amazing lineup that I’ve been using for a couple of months.

NeoCell Biotin Bursts

Like the Beauty Bursts with hyaluronic acid, NeoCell just launched new chewable fruit-flavored Biotin Bursts with anti-oxidants from the Brazilian acai berry.


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NeoCell dietary supplements

They taste great, and the directions say to take one 10000 mcg chew per day. 30 chews come in the bag. The retail price is approximately $12-16 per bag.


Prior to being introduced to Biotin Bursts, I was taking biotin capsules or pills in much lower amounts of biotin. My hair that always grows fast, grows even faster now. And since I switched to this big boy, you should see my nails. They grow sooooo fast and they are so long! They’re even longer than in this photo I took a few days ago. Yikes.


Just a word about the benefits of biotin. Several years ago, my nails started splitting. The thumb on my right hand and my big toe on my left foot both developed vertical splits. They were unsightly and actually painful. I had to stop wearing polish entirely, and using topical nail hardeners didn’t help at all. I asked my doctor about it, and she was no ideas on how to fix it. I looked it up online and came up with biotin as a possible remedy.

It took quite a while, but the biotin did the trick. The deep, long splits finally grew out and the nails that replaced it were healthier with no splits.

If you are having problems with your nails due to menopause, chemotherapy, or for any other reason, give biotin a try and be patient. I truly recommend NeoCell Biotin Bursts because they are such a simple way to take biotin and the higher amount makes healing much faster.

NeoCell Hyaluronic Acid, Blueberry Liquid

I had never heard of a product like NeoCell’s Hyaluronic Acid blueberry liquid! I think it’s an innovative way to take hyaluronic acid.

hyaluronic acid dietary supplement

I need to drink more water since I never get enough.

hyaluronic acid dietary supplement

Now in the morning, I drink a glass of water with blueberry liquid and I also take two NeoCell Fish Collagen capsules with it. I kill two birds with one stone, so to speak plus that way, I get at least one glass of water in my day!

The way it works is I add one tablespoon of NeoCell HA to an 8 ounce glass of water.

hyaluronic acid dietary supplement

I stir it, and the water turns a pretty red/purple color.


It tastes like a wild blueberry: a bit sharp, not sweet, but very refreshing. I suppose you could add honey to it if you want a sweet drink, but I like it on its own.

The recommended one tablespoon serving contains 50mg of HA.

hyarluronic acid dietary supplement

NeoCell Hyaluronic Acid Blueberry Liquid contains 16 oz. and is supposed to have 32 servings. Somehow, it’s lasted me longer than that. It’s available on Amazon and at lots of different vitamin sites and stores such as Whole Foods, GNC Dr. Vita, Vitamin Shoppe, Puritan’s Pride etc. It’s priced between $25-30. You can find more information about these and other NeoCell products on the NeoCell website.

NeoCell Giveaway!


This giveaway is limited to U.S. residents, age 18+, where permitted by law, open to all US NSDB readers even if you have won in the past.

The prize for one lucky winner is your choice of EITHER THE HYALURONIC ACID BLUEBERRY LIQUID OR THE BIOTIN BURSTS.

Please leave a comment on the blog about why you’d like to win whichever product you’d most like to try. The comment about your preferred product is mandatory. In the last couple of giveaways, so many people who “entered” did not leave the mandatory comment. If you don’t comment, you will be disqualified. I do check! When you leave a comment, no duplicates please, ie don’t just copy what someone else wrote. 😉

One entry per household, please.

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Giveaway Time

To recap, this giveaway is open to US residents age 18 or older. Void in states where prohibited. The winner will be selected by a random drawing via the Rafflecopter widget (that’s why you want to make sure you enter via the widget!), and the winner will be notified by me via e-mail. You have 48 hours to get back to me, if not a new winner will be selected. The winner will provide me with her/his mailing address, and NeoCell will mail your prize to you as soon as possible. NeoCell and I are not responsible for loss or damage in shipping. In other words, if it’s lost or damaged in shipping, we will be sad, but there is no replacement.

The giveaway runs for two weeks: from Monday, September 15 at 12:01am to 12:00am Tuesday, September 30.

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Thanks for entering, and don’t forget to tell your friends who might be interested!!

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  1. Aw man, I SO wish I could enter! I’d love to try these products, it sounds like they really work.
    Kiss & Make-up recently posted…Review | Estée Lauder Modern Muse Chic eau de parfumMy Profile

    1. Sorry, Kiss&Makeup, I wish it was an international giveaway. The Biotin Bursts are incredible, and I love my HA blueberry liquid!

  2. Debra Brownstein says:

    I would love to try the Biotin Bursts because I have brittle nails and an even bigger problem with thinning, limp hair. I’ve taken Biotin before butt when it didn’t work after a few weeks, I stopped.

    1. Thanks so much for entering, Debra. I adore the Biotin Bursts. They are definitely doing the job for me. That said, when I first started using biotin to grow out my split nails, it took months to see a change (but I was taking only 2500 mcg instead of the 10000mcg in the Bursts). You have to be very patient with biotin but it starts to show effects after about 3 months.

      1. Debra Brownstein says:

        Thank you for your great blog and this giveaway. As for the Biotin, I do need more patience! Just bought more today because, ugh, my hair and nails are in terrible shape! I’ve ruled out diet issues; I have a very healthy diet. Here’s hoping!

        1. Check the dosage amount of the biotin that you bought today. According to NeoCell in the Biotin Bursts, it looks like you can take up to 10000mcg a day. Hopefully, your hair and nails will start to look healthier to you soon. I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you, Debra 😉

  3. I would love to try the HA blueberry liquid. All I ever drink is water so this would be an easy step to add to my routine besides that it sounds yummy.

    1. Laura, the blueberry liquid is such a cool product! I’ve never heard of anything like it. It definitely helps me drink more water since I don’t drink enough. Thank you for entering the giveaway and good luck!!

  4. This sounds quite nice. I like that the Hyaluronic you mix with water and that it doesnt taste bad. So many things that you usually mix have a “ewwww” taste. This sounds awesome and unlike anything I have seen before. And those Biotin chew- I think I need ASAP. My nails need to start growing badly!!! Thanks for sharing and totally entering this awesome giveaway!
    Jamie @ Makeuplifelove recently posted…On The Menu, Vol 4.My Profile

    1. Jamie, the blueberry liquid is definitely palatable. For me, it is refreshing in cold water. And the Biotin chews taste great. Hope you did enter!

  5. I’ve heard a lot of good things about this company. My nails are screaming for help.
    Aleya Bamdad recently posted…Armour Lip Gloss Nina ReviewMy Profile

    1. NeoCell has great products, Aleya! I just reordered the fish collagen capsules. They made a huge difference for my face and my knees too! Love the Biotin Bursts & the Blueberry Liquid 🙂

  6. I would love to win the HYALURONIC ACID BLUEBERRY LIQUID. It sounds delicious and like it would be a great healthy addition to my life.
    Leigh recently posted…Beauty Box 5 September 2014 BoxMy Profile

    1. I find it very refreshing, Leigh. Thank you for entering and good luck!!

  7. I think I’d like to try the Biotin. I have really dry nails because of my Hypothyroidism. I bet these would help!

    1. It is certainly worth a try, Sarah! Glad you entered! good luck 🙂

  8. When I was growing my hair out Biotin was my best friend. I would have definitely preferred it in a chewable form like this though.

    1. Biotin really works if you give it time, doesn’t it! And the chews make it so much easier

  9. Samantha Hill says:

    I would love to try the Biotin Bursts because my nails have been very brittle lately.

    1. They are terrific, Samantha! My nails are sooooo long. It’s amazing. Thank you for entering and good luck!

  10. I love the sound of the blueberry HA! Great idea. 🙂
    Amber recently posted…New Hada Labo Skin Care ProductsMy Profile

    1. It is, Amber!

  11. I have to try these!

    1. They are both terrific products, Leelo!

  12. Cynthia says:

    I would like the Biotin Burst

    1. OK, Cynthia. Thank you for entering and good luck

  13. I have peeling nails right now! I wanna try these!
    Miranda recently posted…Three Time Saving New York Fashion Week Beauty TrendsMy Profile

    1. Enter the giveaway or give ’em a try yourself, Miranda! The Biotin Bursts worked for me 🙂

  14. The biotin burst are AMAZING!
    Ange recently posted…All Day Body with Suave ProfessionalsMy Profile

    1. I agree, Ange!

  15. I’m definitely most interested in the Biotin Bursts!
    Brooke @ Blushing Noir recently posted…Inside Khloe Kardashian’s Junk Drawer #INeedSparkleMy Profile

    1. They are quite wonderful coz they’re so easy to take!

  16. OOO I love chews like these. Well… only the one that taste good!

    1. They taste good!

  17. I will take any form of Hyaluronic Acid please!
    NORAH recently posted…Drink Water For Your SkinMy Profile

    1. Did you enter, Norah? Hope so!

  18. I’ve heard about Neocell.
    Cindy (Prime Beauty) recently posted…Get Relief from Hot Flashes with the Replenish Study!My Profile

    1. It’s a wonderful brand, Cindy!

  19. I’m in a chewable vitamin phase, but I don’t have a good biotin supplement right now. I’d love to try the Neocell bursts!

    1. So glad you entered, Nidia! They are very tasty!

  20. I’ve got these chews in my fridge! Love them!
    Laura MyNewestAddiction recently posted…Floridian Fall Style with Pulsar WatchesMy Profile

    1. So glad you know about them too, Laura! They are yummy 🙂

  21. I like these biotin burts, they taste good!
    Kath TheFabZilla recently posted…NARS Audacious Lipstick :: Catherine and Dominique (Review, Swatch, FOTD)My Profile

    1. Glad you like ’em too, Kathryne!

  22. Biotin is supposed to have so many benefits…
    Maren recently posted…Don’t Be That Bacon (The Post that Posts Itself) (NaSkeWRiMo)My Profile

    1. Yes, it does! Great stuff! Thanks for entering, Maren. Good luck 🙂

  23. Those Biotin Bursts sound great and you can’t beat the price!

    1. You said it, Sheila!

  24. I’m so surprised your doctor didn’t know a remedy for something that seems fairly simple! But anyway, I’m glad you found an easy fix for your problem! I’ve been trying to grow out my hair and it’s in this awkward/annoying middle stage right now. Maybe I’ll try some of this to speed up the process lol
    Sharon recently posted…How it all startedMy Profile

    1. No, she didn’t, Sharon. She’s an internist so it was OK. Biotin Bursts have definitely made my hair grow faster, but it takes a while to get going. But thank you for commenting, for entering, and good luck 🙂

  25. love this giveaway! I need to grow out my hair
    Kendra recently posted…The Review: Brooke Elizabeth Organics SkincareMy Profile

    1. Give it a shot, Kendra!

    1. It’s a wonderful brand, Anastasia, with dietary supplements and skincare products too!

  26. Darlene Carbajal says:

    I would love to try the BIOTIN BURSTS because I have been wanting to try these for the longest and I want to see if they would help with my acne.

    1. Darlene, I’m happy that you entered the giveaway for the NeoCell Biotin Bursts. Just wanted to let you know, however, that biotin helps strengthen nails and hair, but I’m not aware that it does anything to help acne…just so you know 😉

  27. SHANNA says:


    1. Okidoke. Thanks, Shanna, and good luck 🙂

  28. Darlene Carbajal says:

    That’s okay. As long as it helps my hair and nails! 🙂

    1. Great, Darlene 🙂

  29. I’ve been really eager to try the Biotin Bursts ever since I first heard about them. I want to see what it can do for my nails, because they need some help.
    Alisha H. recently posted…InstaNatural Deep Cleansing Facial Oil & Pure Rosehip Seed Oil | ReviewMy Profile

    1. That’s great that you know about the Biotin Bursts, Alisha! Thanks for entering and good luck 🙂

  30. Melissa C says:

    The blueberry liquid sounds incredible! I’m a huge fan of blueberry anything, I know I would love that!!

    1. Yay, Melissa! It’s a refreshing blueberry taste. Plus it’s great for helping to hydrate your skin. Thank you for entering and good luck!

  31. Jessica H. says:

    I’d LOVE to try the biotin bursts. I frequently dye my hair and my nails often break, so those would be perfect!

    1. Great, Jessica! I think just about everyone should take biotin for their nails and hair, and these are such a yummy, easy way to do it. Thanks for entering and good luck!

  32. Denise A. says:

    I would take the Biotin. As I’m getting older I’m noticing changes in my hair and nails, not pleasant ones lol. My hair is not as thick or bouncy as it used to be. My nails are soft, and just break before they are even long enough to polish.

    1. I think biotin could help with those changes, Denise. Thank you for entering and good luck 🙂

  33. latanya says:

    the biotin burst because I like the flavors

    1. Good reason, Latanya. Thanks for entering and good luck!

  34. lisa kay says:

    The Biotin Bursts for sure,,
    My Hair needs the help!

    1. Great! Thanks for entering, Lisa, and good luck:)

  35. I’d like to try the Biotin bursts. I’ve read biotin helps with skin and hair- both of which I’d like to improve. Thanks!
    leslie r. recently posted…Giveaway!My Profile

  36. Julie L says:

    I’d love to try the Biotin bursts!

    1. They’re terrific, Julie! thanks for entering and good luck 🙂

  37. I think my mom could benefit from the biotin

    1. Great! Thanks for entering, Liz, on your mom’s behalf! Good luck 🙂

  38. Sarah Cool says:

    I would love to try the Biotin Bursts

    1. Got it, Sarah! Thanks for entering and good luck 🙂

  39. ashlee says:

    I would love the biotin burst soft chews! my nails have been in pretty bad shape and tends to break off on its own so I think that the chews will benefit me most. Thanks for the chance!

    1. They are terrific, Ashlee! Thanks for entering and good luck 🙂

  40. I would like the NeoCell Biotin Bursts.

    1. Got it, Missy! Thanks for entering and good luck 🙂

  41. Lesley F says:

    I would like to try the blueberry liquid. I am tired of drinking plain water and would love to try this

    1. Great choice, Lesley! I love the liquid because I also get tired of drinking plain water. This way I feel that I’m getting double the benefit. Thank you for entering and good luck!

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