Weekly Roundups

New Posts from Beauty Blog Coalition 21 September 2014

If you read my weather rant yesterday, I’m happy to say that it has warmed up a bit. It’s now warmer outside than in my house!

I am glad that I brought in one of my tender potted plants on Friday night, because we woke up to frost on Saturday morning. I can’t remember ever having frost in September. Not a good sign for the winter to come.

To those of you suffering from heat in the western US or in the Middle East, I hope cooler temps come your way soon.

Beauty-Blog-Coalition-Weekly Roundup

Well, enough of the weather report. Here are this week’s beauty blogposts from Beauty Blog Coalition with posts on lipsticks, nails, sunscreen, hair masks, skincare, ipsy, and from me, a review of two new nail/hair and skin/joint care products and giveaway from NeoCell.

Have a good week!

xo Allison

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