
New Year’s Greeting

I can’t think of a soul who will be sad to see 2020 go. And yet, it started out with such promise. Who expected to spend most of the year at home?

Nevertheless, I can’t complain too much. I have had a decent year, spending most of it outdoors in a beautiful place. Others have not been so fortunate. So I consider myself lucky.

Happy New Year fireworks
“Happy New Year !!!” by Creativity+ Timothy K Hamilton is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

As we turn the page on 2020 and look ahead to 2021, I hope it will be a year filled with promise, good health, good times, and accomplishment.

Take care, be safe, and Happy New Year!


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  1. Jackie says:

    Best wishes to you for a happy and healthy new year!

    1. Thank you so much, Jackie! All the best to you and yours for a happy, healthy 2021!

  2. DiEtta says:

    “Happy New Year, Allison”……..Ours isn’t starting out to good. My daughter-in-law Brandi and my granddaughter Rachel tested positive for Covid. Brandi had a sore throat and a mild cough. Rachel had no symptoms. There are 7 in the household so keeping our fingers crossed that nobody else gets it. They all got tested on Monday. 😷🙏🏻

    1. I am very sad to hear about Brandi and Rachel testing positive. I hope that their cases will be mild, and I truly hope that you, your husband and the rest of their household don’t get it. I’ll be thinking good thoughts for you all. xoxo

  3. Sandra Pincombe says:

    Allison, wishing you and Jeff a great start to a new year. Thank you for always posting such great info.

    1. Thank you so much, Sandy! Best wishes to you and your family for a happy, healthy 2021!

  4. Gabrielle says:

    Even without the pandemic and the shambolic election, 2020 was awful for me. My dog and one of my oldest friends died this year. I hate 2020.

    1. I am so sorry that you had such a bad year, Gabrielle. To lose those closest to you would be horrendous in any year, but to have the losses compounded by not being able to receive in person solace from others, is worse. I hope that 2021 has only good things in store for you xoxo

      1. Gabrielle says:

        May 2021 be wonderful for us all.

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