fallen tree limb, neversaydiebeauty.com

No Power Again and I’m Sick of Winter

Just a quick hello. My neighborhood lost power again (3rd time since January 1), and we may not get the power back till Saturday. I’m disgusted. Although the lines are underground in my development, the ancient lines on the main road keep disconnecting either because of heavy snow, strong winds or tree branches coming down.

Wednesday night when the power went out, I had hoped the power would be back by Thursday morning. No luck. I spent a few hours at the library today charging my phone and my Eton radio and warming up. But when I discovered that the power won’t be back for a few days, I decided to bail. I went to my cousin’s to wash my hair and spend the night where it’s nice and warm and has lights and heat. Tomorrow (Friday), I’ll go to Jeff’s till the power comes back on.

Also, a huge limb from one of my pear trees in the front of the house came down (but is still partially connected to the trunk), and it’s blocking my walkway. It weighs about 100 pounds. I’m hoping Jeff can saw it off and then into pieces so we can move it.

fallen tree limb, neversaydiebeauty.com

In addition, my old fence collapsed during the hurricane last Friday night, though one section is still standing. It was time for it to go, but I can’t find any handymen or demolition companies who will even call me back about removing it.

fallen fence, neversaydiebeauty.com

It’s kind of depressing and annoying: cold, darkness, no one to help. But at least the house wasn’t damaged.

Hope you are safe wherever you are! These storms have been awful.

Take care, have a good weekend, and hope to connect again soon xoxo

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  1. Sandy Pincombe says:

    Wow!! Thanks for sharing the photos. That really shows how bad it was in your area. We have not had any of the storms here in West Michigan and I am so glad for that. Hope you can get that fence and tree limb down soon. When do you leave for your trip?

    1. I’m glad, Sandy, that your weather hasn’t been too bad this winter. Ours has been crazy. Snow that melts pretty much right away, lots of rain, temps ranging from 0-70+ degrees in a two month period. Several Nor’easters right in a row – in fact, they’re saying we might get another one on Monday-Tuesday. I can’t take any more power outages!! But I did get a call back from Henry The Hauler who is coming by tomorrow to give me an estimate on getting rid of the fence the tree limb. I hope it’s reasonable! We’re going to Amsterdam in mid April. Thanks, Sandy, for your concern xoxo

  2. Oh no, so sorry to hear this, Allison and I don’t blame you for getting frustrated with the situation. Hope it gets back to normal soon. xx

    1. Thank you, Shireen! When I got home from my cousin’s this morning, the power came back on just as I pulled into the driveway. I was thrilled! We may be getting another Nor’easter on Monday-Tuesday. I am praying it turns and goes out to sea coz I couldn’t stand another power outage again!

  3. Paula K says:

    I don’t blame you 1 bit for bailing! Quite frankly I bailed out of Upstate NY many years ago. My sister left 2 years ago and retired to South Carolina. My oldest brother is a diehard and is still on Long Island. This year Y’all are just getting clobbered and I saw on the weather channel that there may be another storm fixin’ to hit Y’all.
    It is always so hard to find handymen after a storm of any sort. I know everything will work out for you in the end.
    Hang in there and stay safe and warm.

    1. Well, this time, Paula, I only bailed by going to a couple of towns away! Thank goodness, I got a surprise when I came home this morning, the power came back on. I am so happy I didn’t have to load up the food (some of which thawed out) and drive it to Jeff’s. You are right, however, that we may get yet another Nor’easter on Monday-Tuesday. I truly hope that this one will go out to sea and miss us, fingers crossed. I can’t take another power outage. But a bit of good news, “Henry the Hauler” called me back this afternoon and is coming by tomorrow to give me an estimate on removing the fence and the huge tree limb. I hope I can afford it!! Thanks for the encouragement!

  4. gloria patterson says:

    You have been hit this winter, have you thought about a generator? If this is something you get a lot might be worth investing in. From the pictures it looks like some of the fence is in good shape. Maybe a notice in a paper or something “FREE FENCE with some damages” Never know when somebody might need or want a fence.

    1. It’s been a strange winter in Boston, Gloria. We didn’t get all that much snow, and when it did snow, it melted fairly quickly. We got a lot of rain. We got temperatures ranging from 0-70 degrees from December 27-February 27. Now, we’re having 3 Nor’easters with hurricane force winds within 10 days of each other. Too weird. Unfortunately, a generator isn’t going to happen for me. Neighbors in the cul de sac got an automatic generator installed last year, and it cost $7500. I wish I had done it when I moved in 16 years ago, but I’m not spending that kind of money now. Another neighbor got a portable generator about a year ago. That portable generator with the plumbing required cost $2500 with her husband doing some of the installation. Plus, you have to keep it filled with gas, change the spark plugs every 2 days of use, and haul it out of the garage into the driveway – not something I can do on my own in the dark. I want to see if we can get our state rep or our town selectmen to meet with National Grid because we lose power in our area about 5 times a year at this point, and it has gotten worse over the years I’ve lived here. Some hopeful news: I got a callback this afternoon from “Henry The Hauler”, and he is going to come tomorrow to give me an estimate to remove the fence (that is on it’s last legs) and the huge tree limb. Fingers crossed that the price is within reason! But thanks, Gloria, for the suggestions. I appreciate it xo

  5. Rachel Goldstein says:

    Hi Allison: I lived in Natick for 17 years and we very occasionally would have a power outage. Power was generally restored within a matter of hours. I am now living in Charlestown, RI (halfway between Narragansett and Westerly) and we have frequent multi-day outages. It is impossible to stay here when that happens because I am on a well and have no water as well as no heat. When this happens, I try to go to the Red Roof Inn in Groton, Ct (about 45 minutes from here) as they allow pets and I have a 10 lb. toy poodle. It is also reasonable (about $80 a night for a room with refrigerator and microwave). I had to go there last Saturday. I totally sympathize as these outages are so disruptive and upsetting. Hang in there…

    1. Thank you, Rachel, for letting me know that I’m not alone and that I don’t have it so bad. I’m sorry that you have to take your poodle and drive 45 minutes to a hotel. I was lucky that I was able to go to my cousin’s 15 minutes away this time. My cousin moved to Gloucester almost two years ago from Natick when she remarried. In fact, when I was getting ready to leave to go home yesterday, she told me her friend from Natick was coming with her food from the fridge/freezer and her son because their part of Natick was out. I haven’t been to Charlestown RI in decades, but it was a beautiful area. I’m sorry that you get the multiway outages there too. Let’s hope the storm on Monday/Tuesday goes out to sea and leaves us alone!!

  6. Sandy Weinstein says:

    i am so sorry, have not had any damage to my house this year, but have lots of trees down. we are expecting snow again on wed, had snow last wk, sick of winter.

    1. I’m glad no damage to your house, Sandy. But the trees sure have taken a beating this winter so many places. We took a drive this afternoon after snowshoeing, and drove past the river that we often canoe on. I was shocked to see how many huge trees were down blocking the river. No canoeing and kayaking this season unless there’s some way to clear the trees. We may also get snow Wednesday and Thursday, supposedly from a coastal storm. I’m hoping it will stay out to sea and miss us. Good luck with the snow in your area! 🙁

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