
NSDB Honored by Finding Kathy Brown Travel Blog!

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At the end of last week, I got an email from Kathy, the editor of Finding Kathy Brown blog, asking if she could include me/Never Say Die Beauty in her feature, Over 50 Lifestyle Bloggers. Needless to say, I was delighted! Originally she wanted to include me in a new Over 40 Blogger feature, but 40 was so long ago for me that I asked her to reconsider. 

Never Say Die Beauty is lucky number 13 on her list of Must Read Lifestyle Blogs By and For Women Over 50. The feature focuses on the founders of age positive blogs that write about fashion, fitness, empowerment, and healthy living. Check them out here! I’ll bet you find some new blogs to follow in addition to Never Say Die Beauty.

A total optimist, Kathy started blogging as a hobby in her 40s, and age positivity is definitely her thing.

Kathy Brown
credit: Beautiful Me Images

As a call center worker, she has a section of her blog devoted to anecdotes from her days spent on the phone with strangers. But her blog enthusiastically emphasizes travel and dining, particularly in her home bases, Chattanooga and Jacksonville, and her home state of Tennessee as well as  travel throughout the southern U.S. Although travel is difficult in the middle of a pandemic, it’s a good time to dream as well as make travel plans for the future. Click to visit Finding Kathy Brown and start making your travel list for later this year!


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  1. DiEtta says:


    1. Thank you, DiEtta xo It was a nice surprise. Hope you and your family are doing well!

  2. Congratulations, Allison! A well-deserved honor, indeed!
    Lola Seicento recently posted…Erno Laszlo Light Controlling LotionMy Profile

    1. Thank you! A very nice surprise in an otherwise lackluster time 🙂

  3. Gabrielle says:

    You truly deserve the recognition! I love your blog! You are absolutely stellar!!!!

    1. Thank you so much, my friend xoxoxo

      1. Gabrielle says:

        It’s true! I even tell my friends what a great blog this is!

        1. You are the best <3

  4. So happy for you. I love your blog and the diversity of it. You deserve all the praise.

    1. Thank you so much, Marcia! You’ve been such a help to me over the years, and I really appreciate it. The diversity of topics is both to keep me interested, but especially lately, I know readers are not doing a lot of shopping for beauty products. I’m finding it a bit of a challenge.

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