Makeup, Product Spotlight

Obsessive Compulsive Lip Tar Primary Pack

Sephora now has Obsessive Compulsive Lip Tar’s new Primary Pack, an All Star Mini Set, in 5 primary colors for those of you who like to mix your own – lip color, that is.

OCC Lip Tar Primary Pack

Each set contains mini-tubes of white, black, red, yellow, and blue. For the brave among us, you can wear ’em straight out of the tube. But for most, you can create endless shade variations. My sense, though, is that they should have provided a large size red (NSFW, a gorgeous red that I own and love) with the other “mixing” colors in the mini-size. But hey, they didn’t ask me!

OCC Lip Tar Primary Pack

The limited edition set for Summer 2014, exclusive to Sephora, is $29 for 5 mini tubes plus a full-size lip brush to apply your creations.

So what do you think? Will you be buying this fun set of lip tars to play with?

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  1. Sybille Denninger says:

    The ad is really cool!

    1. Allison says:

      Isn’t it? What do you think about the mixing idea?

  2. I’m not a fan of lip tars, but it’s really cool that you can mix the colors to get different looks.

    MonicaP recently posted…H&M online shopingMy Profile

    1. Allison says:

      Just curious about why not? For me, they are a bit drying so I don’t wear the ones I have a lot, which is too bad because I love the colors. And you can mix any of the colors, not just the primaries.

  3. Those shades are so cool! I especially love the green one. Not sure I’d wear it, though!
    gio recently posted…Why I Love Shea ButterMy Profile

    1. Allison says:

      hahaha, Gio, neither would I! But I do think you could make some cool shades with these, especially white, black & yellow… for me.

  4. These are so fun and I think you are spot on! They need to issue a large red and all the others in a smaller size. Genius! Pure Genius, my friend.
    shalunya recently posted…Favorite Findings March 2014My Profile

    1. Allison says:

      Thank you, dear 😉

  5. How do lip tars feel? I have ultra-sensitive lips, but I’ve been thinking about trying them out.

    1. Allison says:

      Alisia, I think you better pass on the lip tars if you have very sensitive lips. I have dry lips, and as much as I love lip tars, they are drying on me.

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