get well soon
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On The Mend

I am on day 9 post-surgery, and I’m making slow progress. As the visiting nurse Carol or maybe it was Jeff who said, if only I had taken a photo of what I looked like on March 7, I could see the progress. But when I look in the mirror now, I don’t look quite as awful.


The Surgery


My surgical procedure was a left carotid artery endarterectomy. The vascular surgeon removed the build-up of fatty deposits or plaque that cause a narrowing of the artery that supplies the brain, face and neck. Basically, they scrape the artery walls.




There was something unexpected that the surgeon saw during the surgery that was different from what he anticipated from my CT scans, though I’m not exactly sure what it was. The plaque was in a different formation – a lacy weblike structure – that was harder to remove. The procedure took 4 hours instead of 2. I think the vascular surgeon found the surgery to be interesting and different from the usual, and I assume that’s a good thing in terms of keeping him involved.


The surgical team made a long incision that went from behind my ear to my neck. I can’t really see where it starts, but I think he said it was 5ish inches long. My left ear and my neck from behind the ear to under my chin are very sore. I have internal sutures that will disappear on their own. The outside scar is held in place with clear adhesive that should flake off on its own. Every now and then I feel like something is stinging me in that area, and I was told that is the nerves trying to reconnect? I still can’t turn my head, so I’m not driving yet.


Nevertheless, I survived, even when they had to shut off the blood flow to the left of the brain while they removed the plaque! I assume that I have a clean carotid artery, and I hope my brain is getting enough blood now! Over the past few months, when I bent over, the top of my head hurt, and now I know why.


Altogether the recovery time is about 4-6 weeks, so I have a ways to go. I really hope the swelling goes down so I don’t look as puffy. Post-surgery, my jawline, that I am always talking about and trying to keep somewhat taut, definitely came out looking like my grandmother. The scar is long, wide and black-ish. Ick. The entire area is no longer “hot” but it still is “warm” to the touch.


What to Blog About Now??



Because the left lower quadrant of my face and half of my neck is so sore and swollen, I can’t use any beauty products on it. To be honest, I am having a hard time just washing my face. I can use some eye cream, but not like I could before. Wearing makeup for the foreseeable future is out of the question.


So for now, I have stopped accepting products for review. Wouldn’t you know that a French makeup brand that I have been eying for the past 3 years wrote to me early this week asking me to try their brand for review!! I asked if I could get back to them in a month of so, and they kindly said yes. I also intend to finally cancel my every-other-month Ipsy subscription since I’m bored with it and I can’t use the products now anyway. I still have plenty of beauty products waiting in my stash for when I can use them.


In the meantime, I can review my 2023 Beauty Empties that have been accruing. Hopefully, I might have some body lotions and butters, hand creams, body wash, lipsticks, nail polish, and perfumes that I could write about. Also, I don’t have the energy right now to blog every day, so my blogging schedule will be more random.


That’s the update on my medical situation right now. Thank you for sticking with me and for your concern! And Happy St. Patrick’s Day to all of the Irish and those who are Irish for the day 🙂 xoxo


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  1. Kim Pincombe-Cole says:

    Glad you are doing ok. Sending you lots of love & healing!

    1. Thank you so much, Kim! Please send my regards to your mom. I was so happy to hear from her before my surgery.
      Allison recently posted…On The MendMy Profile

  2. Sandy C. says:

    We love you!

  3. Get well soon, Allison. I miss your posts but know that you need to REST. My best wishes for a full recovery.

    1. Thank you, Cynthia! I appreciate it!

  4. Cynthia says:

    All the best for a quick and easy recovery, Allison. Do take good care of yourself and know we’ll be here when you return 🙂

    1. Thanks so much, Cynthia!

  5. MarciaF says:

    I’ve been waiting for a full recovery for you. It hurts to know you have gone through all these serious medical problems. Stay well, be upbeat, and know you will beat this. Never say die!!

    1. How cute! Thank you, Marcia!

  6. Lynne B says:

    Continued wishes for a full and speedy recovery!

    1. Thank you, Lynne!

  7. Debbie Yoder says:

    Glad to hear your on the mend, missed your blog, take care and get well!

    1. Thank you, Debbie!

  8. Oh, my dear Allison – It sounds like the type of clotting that Covid seems to be causing, according to a (very gross looking) video my daughter sent to me. She works in the cath lab at the invasive cardiology unit where they operate on cardiac patients. Take your time and baby yourself because nine days is just the beginning of recovery. It’s been seven weeks for me since I had emergency surgery (after months and months of diagnostic testing). They cut three holes in my right side and inserted tubes that sucked out fluids for a week in the hospital that had gathered around my right lung. It was a serious infection that started with pneumonia and progressed quickly after I had Covid. I’ve got scabs and scars as the incisions close up and still can’t use my right side fully. I’m going for another CT scan in a few days. I hope your body heals beautifully and no other problems ever occur. Take care. Sending love and healing prayers – Angie,
    Your True Self recently posted…Over 50 Outfit Ideas for Ways to Wear Animal Print Skirts and PantsMy Profile

    1. My stroke had nothing to do with covid. It is bad genes. I’m so sorry Angie that you were so sick. I hope you will make a full recovery.

  9. Gabrielle says:

    I’m just glad you’re okay and on the mend. May your haling be swifter than expected! Please just take care of yourself, let people pamper you, and get plenty of rest.

    1. I wish…about the pampering! Thank you, Gabrielle!

  10. Diana D says:

    Wishing you a speedy recovery!

    1. Thank you, Diana!

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