Beauty Tools, Giveaways, Health & Beauty

Petite Heart Galentine’s Day Giveaway!

I had never heard of “Galentine’s Day” till a couple of years ago. I guess that’s because I don’t watch a lot of regular TV.

I Bought This

Not surprisingly, I’ve never seen one episode of Parks and Reaction, even though I like Amy Poehler. But the idea of “ladies celebrating ladies” or friends celebrating friends on February 13 sounds like a good idea to me.

Amy Poehler as Leslie in Galentine's Day episode of Parks and Recreations

So I am doing a petite giveaway with two of my favorite little heart-shaped beauty items that I’ve talked about on the blog in the past (to see my original reviews click on the links below):

LUSH Santa Baby Lip Scrub & Jesse's Girl leopard print heart-shaped purse mirror,

I didn’t get a chance to buy my annual Santa Baby lip scrub at LUSH before the holidays. When I went back to the store to buy it around December 20, it was sold out of course. Luckily, I decided to check the LUSH website after the holidays, and they still had a few left. I got one for me and one to give away. Here’s my own lip scrub opened so you can see one of the teeny hearts:

open LUSH Santa Baby Lip Scrub showing a tiny red edible heart in the scrub,

When I went to RiteAid to try to find my favorite blending sponge, I didn’t find the sponge. But there was one adorable leopard print heart- shaped purse mirror left, so I bought it to save for this giveaway. One side is a regular mirror, and the other side is a magnifying mirror.

Jesse's Girl heart-shaped purse mirror, open to show two mirror inside,

Although it’s not a high value giveaway, if you’re a heart lover like I am, maybe these two little cuties will appeal to you too. I’ll announce the winner at the end of Galentine’s Day next week, February 13, 2018, a quickie giveaway.

It’s the usual giveaway drill, here on Never Say Die Beauty:

  • U.S. residents, age 18+ where allowed by law only
  • one entry per household
  • one winner
  • leave a comment below on what you’ll do with the items if you win: mandatory
  • record your entries on the Rafflecopter widget: mandatory.

Please sit this one out if you won a Never Say Die Beauty in the past couple of months.

Extras that you can do to earn more points are:

  • subscribe to Never Say Die Beauty
  • follow Never Say Die Beauty on Twitter
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  • visit Never Say Die Beauty on Facebook (and like it if you want!)

If you do any of the above extras, you are entitled to more points. But YOU MUST CLICK OFF THOSE OPTIONS on the Rafflecopter widget. Also, I do verify that the winner has done the tasks she/he has checked off on the widget. You would be surprised how many winners chosen by Rafflecopter over the past several giveaways I have had to disqualify because they never actually did what they said they did!

If you don’t already subscribe to Never Say Die Beauty via email and you want to and plan to stick around for more than just the length of the giveaway, the signup is on the homepage of the blog in the upper right hand side. 🙂

The winner will be notified by me via email. You have 48 hours to get back to me, if not a new winner will be selected. The winner will provide me with her/his mailing address, and I will send your prize to you as soon as possible. I am not responsible for loss or damage in shipping. In other words, if it’s lost or damaged in shipping, I will be sad, but there is no replacement.

Thanks for entering! Good luck! And Happy Galentine’s Day <3

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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  1. I’d keep these cuties for myself – I’ve never tried the Lush lip scrubs!

    1. Heather, you would love the LUSH Lip Scrub. The Coca Cola taste is divine, and the scrub itself is so cute. Thank you for entering, and good luck!

  2. Karen Habel says:

    These are so cute! If I won I think I would have to share with a friend, but decisions decisions.. I’m loving this mirror so might have a hard time giving it up! I don’t wear matte lipstick so that would be easier to share with a friend although I know how great your lips look and feel when you use a scrub. You never know I might not want to split the gift and end up picking a friend that doesn’t have a lot to pamper herself and get to see her smile. Thanks for sharing and celebrating Galentine’s Day l!

    1. No need to worry, Karen. Frankly, if you win, I think you should keep the lip scrub and use it yourself. I don’t wear matte lipstick much either, and I have dry lips. This cute scrub tastes like Coca Cola! Thank you for entering and good luck xo

  3. I have often noticed that cute little mirror! Give it to someone else?? Not a chance!

    1. I love that, Sandy!! So glad you entered <3

  4. I would keep everything for myself. Very cute mirror.

    1. The heart-shaped mirror is adorable. I use mine all the time. Thanks, Helga, for entering and good luck!

  5. DiEtta says:

    Morning 🙋🏻☕️☕️ I so need this lip scrub! It’s been so dry and warm in California. I have been using lemon juice and sugar on a cotton ball for my lip scrub. This scrub would be so nice and easy. Thanks Allison for having such a cute give a way. 💐😍

    1. My lips are so dry I couldn’t do the lemon juice. But I sometimes do sugar and coconut oil. Let me say that LUSH’s yummy Coca-Cola flavored Santa Baby Lip Scrub is so much tastier 😉 So glad you entered, DiEtta! Good luck xo

  6. Gwendolyn Jordan says:

    I would keep them

    1. Short and sweet! thanks, Gwendolyn, for entering and good luck 🙂

  7. DeAnna Keller says:

    I would keep these for myself, no sharing this time! 🙂

    1. LOL, DeAnna, I don’t blame you one bit! These are two of my heart-shaped faves. <3 Thank you for entering, and good luck!

  8. Angelica Dimeo says:

    I like the mirror could take it on the go

    1. Yes, you certainly could. It’s really small (fits in a pocket or makeup bag), but big enough to be useful for applying lip or eye makeup. Thanks for entering, Angelica, and good luck!

  9. Gabrielle says:

    I would keep these things for myself! I love LUSH products!

    1. Wise move, Gabrielle 😉 Thank you for entering the giveaway, and good luck!

  10. gloria patterson says:

    The lip scrub would be a mine, but I would share the mirror with my niece. She is real heart fan and this mirror is really pretty.

    1. That sounds great, Gloria. I know you’d love the scrub. And if your niece is a heart lover, she would appreciate this cute little mirror. Thank you for entering, and good luck xo

  11. Terri S says:

    I have had a tough time this winter with my lips, very dry and peeling. I would love to try these scrubs!

    1. You’d love this lip scrub from LUSH, Terri. It tastes so yummy and it leaves the lips nicely soft. Thank you for entering the giveaway, and good luck!

  12. kelly tupick says:

    I have a 20 year old daughter and she would just love this. She loves all sorts of lip scrubs!

    1. I know she’d love this Coca-Cola flavored scrub with the cute edible hearts, Kelly! Glad you entered. Good luck!

  13. Kelly M says:

    I will enjoy them myself!

  14. Melissa Storms says:

    I would use both of these. I love lip scrub in the winter especially and I can use a new purse mirror.

    1. Awesome! I love them both. Thank you, Melissa, for entering the giveaway. Good luck!

  15. I’ve been wanting to try Lush’s lip scrub, so I’m entering this for myself. The mirror is adorable!!

    1. The cola taste of LUSH Santa Baby is so yummy you’ll want to use it everyday! And the mirror is so sweet. Thanks for entering, Susan. Good luck!

  16. Michelle Castagne says:

    I’ll be using this myself. My lips are chapped and flaky. The mirror is cute!

    1. You’ll love the cola taste, Michelle! Thanks for entering and good luck!

  17. Dana Rodriguez says:

    I love this prize so I would be keeping it!

  18. Sandra Preti says:

    I would treat myself!

  19. theresa j says:

    My daughter would love this

  20. Diane M Gooding says:

    I love Lush products but I’ve never tried the lip scrub so I would keep that for myself. But I would give the mirror to my tween niece. She is just starting to get interested in stuff like this. She had the cutest press on nails the other day. I commented on them, and she saw to it that I got some too. The heart mirror would be the perfect way to remind her that I love her

    1. Oh, that’s so nice, Diane! Your niece sounds adorable, and I know the leopard-print heart-shaped mirror would be perfect for her. She’s probably love the lip scrub too because it tastes like Coca-Cola, but if you win you should keep it. It does a good job, and it is yummy! Good luck in the drawing xo

  21. Paol Trenny says:

    I am big fan of Lush, but have only used a handful of their products. My favorites are body oils. I think that I would gift this to my little sis who love lip scrubs.

  22. Amy Sheets says:

    This prize is amazing! I’d keep it for myself. I could definitely use some lip scrub this winter.

  23. donna porter says:

    This is a great prize so it would be a keeper for me. The scrub would be great in this winter weather and I would carry the mirror in my purse.

    1. I would do the same, Donna, if I didn’t own them already! Thanks for entering and good luck in the drawing 🙂

  24. laura bernard says:

    I would keep them!

    1. Me too, Laura! Thanks for entering and good luck!

    2. Me too, Laura! Good luck in the drawing tonight!

  25. I would keep them for myself!

    1. I love ’em both, too, Lisa! Thanks for entering and good luck in the drawing!

  26. Cassandra D says:

    I would keep it for myself.

  27. Stephanie Phelps says:

    I would keep it for myself and take it everywhere!

    1. They’re both definitely worth keeping to enjoy yourself, Stephanie! Thanks for the follow xoxo Good luck in the drawing!

  28. Christina London says:

    I would keep it and put it in my purse.

  29. What a wonderful giveaway! I would share these goodies with my mom.

    1. Sweet! Thanks for entering, Molly, and good luck!

  30. Laurie Nykaza says:

    I would keep it for myself its so nice love to try the products and i love the mirror.

    1. The mirror is sooooo cute, Laurie! Thanks for the follow, for entering and good luck in the drawing!

  31. Kayla Klontz says:

    I would keep them and put them in my little makeup bag!

    1. They’d fit perfectly, Kayla! Thanks for entering and good luck in the drawing 🙂

  32. I would treat myself to be honest! I would love this!

    1. They’re such little cuties, Rachel! Good luck in the drawing 🙂

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