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Weekly Roundups

Presidents Weekend 2019 Fashion Flash

If you’re in the U.S., hope you had a nice long weekend. I had a good weekend with a few ups and downs. Jeff took me out to my favorite Indian restaurant for Valentine’s Day on Thursday night. The food was fabulous as always, but I forgot that I have a fairly recent sensitivity to garlic. If I eat too much garlic, it really does a number on my digestive track. I’ve found that if I limit the amount of garlic to one clove, I can handle it, but more can be trouble. So we had a wonderful evening. And in the middle of the night, I woke up and threw up everything I ate. Boo. I felt awful on Friday. By Saturday, I felt somewhat better. Here’s my look “before”! (I’m wearing the Smith & Cult Book of Eyes Interlewd pink & purple shadow quad that I got from Ipsy a couple of months ago).

my makeup look for Valentine's Day 2019,

On Sunday afternoon, Jeff and I went to see the documentary on Gilda Radner, Love Gilda, that came out last fall. We, especially I, enjoyed it. Afterwards, we went with our friend Miriam to the Beauport Hotel in Gloucester for a snack and drinks. It was a beautiful sunny day gazing out at the sparkling, calm Atlantic Ocean. But Jeff didn’t feel well. He thought he was coming down with something. Ugh.

Today, it snowed. All. Day. Long. The plow guy didn’t show up, so I went out and shovel. For two and a half hours. Thankfully, the 4 inches of snow were light and powdery. But I am pooped nonetheless. Not much of a holiday, to be honest.

So how about you? How did you spend the long weekend?

Well on to the next topic: Fashion Flash Monday!

new intro image for Fashion Flash for spring

This week, the fabulous and eclectic Jackie from Jackie Silver Style is our Fashion Flash hostess with the mostess. Our posts include:

  • garnet, the February birthstone
  • dancing with cardiac benefits
  • an all-time favorite moisturizer
  • a travel story about an amazing discovery
  • outfit ideas for going out to brunch
  • a new beauty tool: a microfiber blending sponge
  • small steps to achieving stunning style
  • why you need a clarifying shampoo
  • pet paintings
  • a new Beauty & A Book giveaway to enter
  • a podcast about women’s positive qualities (aren’t they all positive qualities?).

In addition, we are welcoming a new member to Fashion Flash, Angie from Your True Self Blog, a blog about fashion and style for women over 40. Check out her Fashion Flash post and her entire blog while you’re at it.

So grab your beverage of choice, and click over to Jackie Silver Style and have a good read and listen.

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  1. I’m glad you’re feeling better! A sick Valentines sounds pretty awful. Yuck. I hope Jeff feels better soon as well, and here’s hoping for no more shoveling! We got a dusting the other day but the next county south got sleet. I’ll take snow over sleet any day tyvm. 😛 And I’ll send your plow guy a mental poke.

    1. Thank you, Rachel! Boy was I sick! Darn that garlic. Jeff seemed to have some kind of virus and I hope I don’t get it. We’re expecting a wintry mix tonight, and then the temperature is supposed to rise and turn to rain. I am hoping there won’t be much more shoveling this season for either of us!!! PS I wear the black wire and crystal bracelet several times a week – the colors and style of the bracelet go with so many of my outfits. I love it!

      1. I’m soooo happy you’re getting some use out of the wacky assortment I pulled together. 😛 It makes my day when something in the stash goes to someone who will love it and give it new life.
        We got about 4″ of wet heavy snow last night. And now it’s raining. *harrumph* I’m supposed to attend a lecture tonight but we’ll see if it gets cancelled. You’d think people have never seen snow before, the way they carry on. But while that may be true for a few, I know plenty of people who are behaving in the same manner and have lived here their entire lives – and as such have seen far worse winters than today’s slop. I know we’re only in Ohio (I’d hate to see what they’d do if we were in Minnesota for example) but maintain some dignity for pete’s sake! If you survived the blizzard of 78 I’m pretty sure you can handle some slush. lol

        1. You’re going to laugh, Rachel, but I’m one of those people who freak out when I have to drive when it snows. I spent most of my adult life living in NYC and I didn’t have a car and seldom drove. Even though I’ve been living in the ‘burbs for quite a while now, I still hate driving in bad weather, and especially at night because I can’t see. I had an accident on the highway driving back from CT in a freak storm several years ago, and I never recovered, lol. I’m going to my book club meeting tonight, and I’m glad that my friend Kim is driving! I’m glad you’re not a chicken like I am. Hope the lecture doesn’t get cancelled!

          1. rach says:

            Hehe it’s okay! There are viewpoints to the world other than my own. 😉 AND you ARE leaving the house, not hiding because you saw a snowflake or heard there might be a snowflake, or knew someone who once knew someone else who once got in their car and drove somewhere…in the snow. 😛 It’s the freak-out culture in general I think that gets to me the most. Listen to the news people and you’d think an inch of snow was the apocalypse! lololol

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