empty beauty products with Project Pan title
Makeup, Skincare

Project Pan March 2020: Beauty Empties and Chitchat Update

Project Pan Beauty Empties Update for March 2020

In spite of the fact that I’m home all the time and doing most of my regular things (except wearing makeup), I thought I would do pretty well using things up in March. Boy was I ever wrong! I used up only 3 items. I have two more that are almost but not quite empty, so I know I’ll at least have them for April.

beauty empties for March 2020: Belif Moisturizing Eye Bomb, Honestly Margo Balm, Jesse's Girl Matte Liquid Lipstick

Skincare Empties

  • Belif Moisturizing Eye Bomb: I already talked about how sad I am that I used my favorite eye gel-cream and that it is out of stock everywhere. These days almost everything that’s important or excellent is out of stock: Lysol, Clorox, toilet paper, etc. So I guess I can’t complain. If Belif ever makes it again, you can be sure I will buy more of it.
  • Honestly Margo Balm, scent Clementine: I used up a tube of Lavender Honestly Margo Balm a couple of months ago. This stuff was perfect for applying to dry feet. Repurchase? Not now. I am trying to buy almost nothing but food. Nevertheless, it was an excellent product, and hopefully I will buy more next winter.

Makeup Empties

  • Jesse’s Girl Matte Liquid Lipstick, shade Angelic: In my February empties post, I listed Jesse’s Girl Matte Liquid Lipstick in my purging list. Well, when I saw what a beautiful shade it was and I rediscovered that I could actually wear this liquid lipstick without drying the heck out of my lips, I decided to finish it. It’s finished. Sadly, they don’t make the brand anymore.

So that’s it. I finished up 3 beauty products in March. Pitiful. I need about a million more empties to make my year end goal of 125. But there are more important things these days. Instead of using up beauty products, I am using up food!

Expired Products

jar of Reviva Labs Peptide Moisturizer

I know I have zillions of expired products I could toss, but I’m not in the mood. I am tossing an ancient jar of Reviva Labs Peptide Moisturizer. I don’t know why I lost interest in it. It was an excellent anti-aging moisturizer. I guess my head was turned by a more luxurious moisturizer that must have come my way. Reviva Labs is still around, though I don’t hear as much about it these days. It is cruelty free and natural as well as affordable. Check it out at some point when you’re shopping for new skincare products.


Hope you are doing well and maintaining your health at home! I am fine, and trying to get some fresh air everyday by walking in the woods or in the neighborhood.

If you are a subscriber and you didn’t hear from me over the past few days, I had a problem with the coding of an ingredient list and a photograph in two of my posts. And those small errors that I don’t know how to fix prevented my posts from being delivered. I deleted the offending errors, and so far, it seems to be OK. My posts had still posted on to my blog, but the delivery system couldn’t deliver them. If that’s the worst problem I have these days, I consider myself lucky!

Yesterday (Wednesday), I thought I managed to get a delivery time slot through Instacart, so I quickly placed my order without reviewing it first. Unfortunately, I acted too fast and forgot about 10 more items that I could have used. The Instacart website and app were so busy that they seemed to have taken away the option to add to your order before the shopper shopped it. Then a couple of hours before the end of my 5 hour delivery window, I started getting texts and emails delaying my delivery. They kept delaying and delaying it, and then I got an email and text saying they may not deliver it today at all. They gave me a link to go to, but that was just the general website. BTW, the email says that they will deliver my order by April 7 which is 6 days from now. Oh well, it doesn’t seem like Instacart is going to work out for me.

The supermarket that I typically shop at just announced that they will limit the number of people in the store. Apparently, people were showing up with their entire family to shop, and having so many extra people around was putting the store personnel in danger. They are planning to have a member of the police department manning the door. Wow. I have wanted to avoid going to supermarkets because of the crowds, but looks like I may have no choice. Because I have asthma and I have had so many respiratory illnesses over the years, I’m in a high risk group and I have been trying to stay home. Eventually, I will need to get some more food. My last trip to the supermarket was almost 3 weeks ago!

I just signed up with Misfits Market, a service that delivers misshapen fruits and vegetables in a box to your home every week or less often. Because of the frantic demand, my first box will ship during the week of April 19. In the meantime, I’m going to try to grow my own veggies in water from whatever I still have in my fridge, lol.

A member of my town’s Facebook group charted the number of Covid-19 cases over the past 2 weeks for our county. It looks as if the straight line is starting to curve, hopefully the beginning of a flattening. Nevertheless, I think a lot of cases aren’t being counted, specifically those who haven’t been tested and are asymptomatic or those who are sick at home. In fact, a friend who recovered at home from the virus just had to take his significant other to the hospital, and he was told he had to leave her off at the door to the ER. How tough is that 🙁 I think we will be spending time at home for quite a while to come. Stay safe.

What is life like where you live? How are you managing?


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  1. Gloria Patterson says:

    Glad to hear your hanging in there. I have COPD so I am in that group to. I stay in except for grocery trips. I have learned a few fresh veggies tricks to keep them longer in my fridge. Stay safe and hope they deliver soon.

    1. I was thinking of you too, Gloria. I need to learn your fresh veggie tricks. The carrots and potatoes last a fairly long time, but the broccoli, cucumbers, lettuce, summer squash I’m having a hard time with.

      I was able to update my grocery cart with a few things I forgot which is terrific. Now to see if they actually deliver it this afternoon! Take care xo

      1. gloria patterson says:

        Fingers crossed on the grocery cart

        cucumbers – wash and make sure they are dry. Wrap a papertowel around twist the end. Place in a zip lock bag and seal. I buy the small ones so far they last almost 3 weeks like this. Lemons place in a sandwich zip lock and get all the air out. I date the plastic bags and right now I still have lemons that are perfect from the first of March. Broccoli I cut up and place the amount I want/need to use at one time and seal it up. Green onions wrap in damp paper towel and seal in zip lock. This works for me. As for lettuce I would bet more get trashed then gets ate. 🙂

  2. DiEtta says:

    Morning everyone. Here in Southern California grocery shopping is okay. People are keeping their 3 feet distance in the store. People are being very respectful. They are limiting most foods, 1 per person. My hubby and I are in our 70’s so being careful to limit our outings to only food shopping. Our daughter is an RN so our prayers are with her, she works in Labor and Delivery. Our neighbors check in with each other to see if anyone needs anything. Sending prayers to everyone……..

    1. I’m happy to hear that, DiEtta! People are actually supposed to stay at least 6 feet away from each other, though sometimes in the grocery store that can be difficult! I didn’t know your daughter is a nurse. I know a couple of women who are supposed to deliver this week, and they are so concerned that they won’t be allowed to have a labor coach in the room with them and their partner in the delivery room. Such tough times. I hope your daughter has the PPE she needs!

      Hope the sun is shining for you today 🙂

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