quick Sunday night dinner
Food & Drink

Quick, Colorful, Flavorful Summer Dinner with Bon Appetit Pizza

Although I cook from scratch many nights, sometimes I employ delicious short-cuts paired with from scratch dishes to make an easy, but still memorable and yummy meal.

This past winter, my favorite supermarket was sampling a new brand of artisan-style, thin crust pizza, Bon Appetit. I sampled a couple of the different varieties and liked them a lot. The supermarket had a special and I bought a few varieties to have on hand for nights when I didn’t have time to make my own pizza. Recently, I had an opportunity through the social media organization, BzzAgent and Bon Appetit to pick up one of the Bon Appetit pizzas for free. I couldn’t pass that up!

I ran into Market Basket, my local supermarket, and they had a good lineup of Bon Appetit pizzas. Bon Appetit frozen pizza supermarket freezer case

Promotional Product

Here’s the selection of 5 varieties:

Bon Appetit frozen pizza varieties

I chose Pepperoni & Pesto since Jeff and I are pesto fans and pesto makers.

On Sunday afternoon, we went to the movies to see “Holmes”. I’m a Sherlock Holmes fan, and I think I’ve seen every movie and TV show about Sherlock Holmes ever made. This film that focused on Sherlock Holmes in old age, played by the great Ian McKellan, did not disappoint.

We got home and we were starving. I pulled out the Bon Appetit Pepperoni & Pesto Pizza for a no fuss dinner.

Bon Appetit Pepperoni & Pesto Pizza

The pizza was the centerpiece of the meal (oops, I couldn’t wait to take a bite),

Bon Appetit Pepperoni & Pesto frozen pizza cooked

but I wanted to do something to make the meal a little more special so I added my own fresh sides. I had some fresh corn from the farmer’s market, and I decided to whip up some mango salsa as a festive and flavorful salad alternative.

Mango salsa is a cinch to make. You just have to rely on your chopping skills. Here’s the recipe:

  • Dice a ripe mango, ripe avocado, half a large tomato or a handful of cherry tomatoes, and about 2-3 T. of red onion
  • Juice half of a fresh lime and add to the mixture
  • Add some olive oil (about 1 T)
  • Salt & pepper to taste
  • Chop and add fresh cilantro
  • Mix and serve

Here’s our quick, colorful, flavorful Sunday night dinner:

quick Sunday night dinner

again with my piece missing a bite. I love the thin crust of the Bon Appetit pizza. The pepperoni was delicious and the pesto gave it a nice tang. Yum. And as always, my mango salsa was a big hit!

To keep the freshness going, I paired the meal with a cold gin and tonic with lots of fresh-squeezed lime juice. Delish!

Have you tried new Bon Appetit pizza yet? What’s your go-to quick Sunday night dinner?

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  1. Laura says:

    I am so going to try your mango salsa. Yum!!!
    And nothing compares to farm fresh corn. Double Yum!!!

    1. You really should, Laura! So quick to make, delicious, relatively lo cal, and nutritious! I need to pick up some more corn too. Next will be my recipe for corn and black bean salad!

      1. Laura says:

        Dying to hear about your corn and black bean salad. In three weeks time all I will be eating for a bit is easy to swallow food. I am going to give the mango salsa a trial run before then. Looks too good!!!!

        1. You definitely should try the mango salsa now before your surgery, if you can, because it is very soft and you may be able to eat a modified version of it after your operation (leave out the onions). The corn and bean salad is a cinch too: cook & remove the corn kernels on about 2-3 ears of corn or just use canned corn and a can of black beans, drained, add diced red pepper or yellow pepper or both, diced red onion, lime juice, olive oil, S&P, and that’s it or add green pepper or diced celery or stop!

  2. Girl, you are killing me! I haven’t had a pizza in over a month since I started my diet. I might have to try your salsa recipe 🙂

    1. Definitely try the mango salsa, very diet friendly!

  3. This looks so yummy! I never even thought about the possibility of pepperoni paired with pesto! Your mango salsa and corn are making my mouth water more than the pizza!
    Lola’s Secret Beauty Blog recently posted…Lola’s Secret Lipstick from Susan Thompson Cosmetics | ReviewMy Profile

    1. The pepperoni & pesto is an interesting pairing. But I strongly recommend the mango salad and there’s lot of vitamin C in it to help your cold!

  4. I’m defo making the mango salsa! I’ve overeaten pizza of late and need to diet immediately 🙁
    Renu recently posted…A Roman Summer: Sights, Spaghetti and SephoraMy Profile

    1. The mango salsa is so delicious, Renu, and so quick to make!!

  5. Gin and tonic with extra lime is one of my fave drinks! I love the sound of pepperoni and pesto pizza (yay, alliteration!) I want to try that!
    Nidia – Lit From Within recently posted…Needle Marble ImaginationMy Profile

    1. Jeff squeezes in half a lime to my G&T, and it’s my absolute favorite with Bombay Sapphire! And the pizza was good too 🙂

  6. Pizza! Yummy! I love pizza 😛

    1. And the gin & tonics were a big hit too!

  7. Pizza is always a hit!
    Destany recently posted…NYX Butter Gloss in Tiramisu swatches and reviewMy Profile

    1. yes, and so are the drinks!

  8. OMG that looks good!
    Jen Mathews recently posted…Summer Beauty EssentialsMy Profile

    1. It actually was good and the G&Ts didn’t hurt either!

  9. Yum we had corn this weekend too, it’s a must have in the summer 🙂
    Heather recently posted…Best of Butter LondonMy Profile

    1. Yes, it is. In fact, I may run to the store and get an ear for dinner. Unfortunately, the local corn still isn’t ready yet but wherever it’s coming from, it’s great!

  10. I’m not really a frozen food lover, but the addition of the fresh sides made the pizza look really good!

    1. I usually make my own pizza, Kim, but I make no-knead pizza dough and it takes 24-72 hours to be ready to use, so I sometimes will keep a frozen pizza in the freezer for those times that I can’t do it myself. This one was quite good. But the mango salsa was delicious and fresh picked corn never fails!

  11. I’m a mango fanatic so I really want to try that salad.
    Aleya Bamdad recently posted…Topganic Shampoo And Conditioner ReviewsMy Profile

    1. I hope you do try it, Aleya! It’s so delicious and so easy to make 🙂

  12. Now I’m craving pizza, lol. I haven’t tried this brand of pizza yet. I”ll have to pick one up. Definitely would come in handy these days as we do what we can to eat having a newborn, and the meals people were bringing us are starting to dwindle. Thanks for sharing this!
    beautyjudy recently posted…Happy National Lipstick Day!My Profile

    1. Congratulations, Judy! I didn’t know that your baby had arrived, wow! Things must be crazy at your house. I wish you all the best, and hope that friends and family come back with more dinner reinforcements, lol

  13. My husband loves mango salsa! Also, I haven’t seen a Market Basket since I lived in New Jersey, I loved that place! This post definitely made me hungry lol
    Julie recently posted…Products I Regret Buying (Vol. 1)My Profile

    1. I’m not sure that the Market Basket in NJ is the same company as the ones in MA and NH that are a New England family-owned business. But glad to know your husband likes mango salsa too. Gotta go buy some more tomorrow!

  14. I’ve looked all over for these pizzas since I have a coupon and I’ve yet to find them. My favorite market was sold and the new one just doesn’t carry the variety. My DH wants to try the bacon one.
    MarciaF recently posted…Celebrating National Lipstick Day with Kryolan Lipstick Matt – review and swatchesMy Profile

    1. Oh boo! I was surprised & kind of annoyed that my local supermarket discontinued our favorite frozen pizza to bring in this brand, but Bon Appetit is good. And I can understand how your husband would want to try the Bacon Trio pizza! We considered it but Jeff nixed it because of calories and cholesterol, but I want to give it a go as a splurge one of these days. Hopefully, it’ll turn up in your neck o’ the woods!

  15. The pepperoni and pesto sounds so good! The commercials got me interested and after reading this I have to try it!

    1. I hope you can find Bon Appetit Pizza near you. They’re yummy!

  16. OMG yes, I love adding mango and avocado!
    Phyrra recently posted…You Catch More Flies With HoneyMy Profile

    1. Aren’t mango and avocado the perfect combo? Yum!

    1. New brand that’s worth trying, and they have a couple of veggie only options 🙂

  17. We don’t get that brand here, but it looks great. I love pesto on pizza, and had it for dinner tonight (it was WAY too hot to cook) with spinach, roasted red peppers and goat cheese. Your salad looks pretty good too!
    Bailey recently posted…Smashbox Step-By-Step Contour Kit | Medium/DarkMy Profile

    1. The mango salsa is really good, Bailey, and a cinch to make. The Bon Appetit pizza replaced my favorite frozen pizza brand at the store, and I am still really sad about that. But Bon Appetit has some very interesting flavor combos. Jeff and I make pesto all the time, but neither of us ever thought about putting pesto on our homemade pizzas. Now we will, and I’m so glad to know that you’re already doing it on yours!

  18. I would have never thought of pairing pizza with corn, but now it seems like a great idea!
    Carleen recently posted…My Paula’s Choice Customized Skin Care Routine for Aging Oily SkinMy Profile

  19. Your mango salsa looks delicious, I bet my kids would love that! I will look for these pizza’s next time I go shopping, it looks pretty good.
    Kristina Vieweg recently posted…YSL Touche Éclat Blur Primer & Blur PerfectorMy Profile

    1. Make the mango salsa! It’s kid-friendly perhaps without the onions! The pizza is good too though for a family of 4, it’s too small even with young ones like you have.

  20. This is perfect for nights I don’t want to cook. I also love mango salsa, yum!
    Mercedes recently posted…Butter London Jolly GoodMy Profile

  21. I use to live on frozen pizza! Then I started living with an italian and he doesn’t do frozen pizza… but your post has me kinda craving it haha
    Lisa Heath recently posted…OPI Fall 2015 Venice Collection Swatches & ReviewMy Profile

    1. That’s so funny, Lisa. I often keep a frozen pizza in the freezer for the times when I can’t make one from scratch. But I do love making my own pizza. I use the No Knead Pizza Dough recipe that takes 24-72 hrs to rise so it’s a plan ahead kind of thing but I love the thin crust dough it makes. Then the dough has to relax on the counter for a few hours so it’s easier to shape, and the pizza stone needs to heat in the oven for at least an hour…So sometimes, it’s just quicker to do frozen!

  22. That looks so yummy. The crusty looks crispy, my fave!
    valerie bustamante recently posted…101 Things in 1001 DaysMy Profile

    1. It was definitely super crispy, Valerie!

  23. Yummy! I’m going to go looking for this brand tonight! It might come in handy for the days I don’t want to cook! And, hooray for mango salsa! <3
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    1. I wish I could send you some mango salsa to go with it!

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