Grand Canyon big sky

Quick Pix of My Birthday Trip to the Grand Canyon

I’ve always wanted to go to the Grand Canyon, and Jeff and I decided to go there to celebrate my birthday today! I knew it would be great, but I was blown away at the magnitude of the Grand Canyon. It’s ginormous  😯

“nothing to disclose”

I don’t have a fancy camera – just my old iPhone 5, but I managed to take some decent pix. I’ve got about a million of ’em but here’s just a couple to give you an idea of what it looks like.

Grand Canyon tree framed view

We arrived on Thursday evening after driving up from Scottsdale. The temperature was 85 and climbing in Scottsdale, and it plummeted as we drove north and increased in altitude. Tonight, it’s going down to 28 degrees and it snowed for a few hours this evening. Hard to know what clothes to wear!

On Thursday night, we caught the sunset which was great. It was very windy, and there was haze over the canyon so the colors were muted. But I’m glad we saw it, because it snowed tonight ad there wasn’t much of a sunset. Here’s a little video. Sorry I held the phone the wrong way  🙄

On Friday, we arrived at the park at 9am and basically hiked/walked around until about 4pm. The clouds and fog cleared over the course of the day, and then later they came back as we were leaving. Boy, are we tired but it was worth it to see how the views and terrain changed from mile to mile. Amazing!

fog over the Grand Canyon

Grand Canyon big sky

Grand Canyon bright red rock

Tonight (Friday), we had dinner at the Arizona Room that has big windows in the dining room that look over the canyon, but it was dark so we couldn’t see the view. Saturday, we’ll go back to the canyon and head to the other direction.

Sunday, we leave for Sedona! I hope it won’t be disappointing after this grandeur.

Have you been to the Grand Canyon? If so, what was your favorite memory?

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  1. Laura says:

    A M A Z I N G !!!!! What a great way to celebrate your birthday Allison. I am super envious but happy for you as well. Maybe someday I will be so lucky. Thanks for sharing. I love reading about it and seeing the pictures too.

    1. I know I’m so lucky, Laura, to get to go here for my birthday! What a sight! I had a very memorable birthday. 🙂 xoxo

      1. Laura says:

        I cannot believe I forgot to wish you a Happy Birthday. I was too busy picturing myself in your shoes. ha ha

        1. Thank you soooo much, Laura! I hope you’ll get here some day! We’re in Sedona now & it’s stunning!

  2. Cindy says:

    Great photos!

    1. Thank you, Cindy! I was so happy to get to talk to you yesterday!

  3. pah811 says:

    So glad the Canyon met, and possibly surpassed, your expectations. There is truly nowhere else like it. Thanks for the pictures; enjoy the rest of your travels and Happy (belated?) Birthday!

    1. Thank you! We are lucky that the park isn’t very crowded. Often we had lookouts or trails to ourselves. Made a big difference. On to Sedona today!

  4. Rachel R. says:

    Beautiful pictures! I’m so glad you had a great birthday!

    1. Thank you, Rachel! It was such a memorable and fun birthday 🙂

  5. Wooow!
    Allison, that is a spectacular view!
    I can’t imagine me standing at that high altitude, I usually feel dizzy at such high altitudes, lol.
    Looks like you had a great time there. Happy birthday 🙂
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    1. Thank you, Dima! The Grand Canyon is so gorgeous that I wasn’t dizzy. The altitude was high for me – about 7000 feet and I did have a harder time breathing especially while exercising but it was worth it! Then we went to Sedona, and the red rocks reminded me of what I think Petra looks like!

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