striped gift bag with Beauty Sale Alert
Sale Alerts

Sale Alerts and Spring Break

Updates and Spring Break

The only thing that’s constant is change, ammirite?

Thursday is usually Marcia’s day to post, but she tripped in her home of Tuesday night and broke her dominant wrist/arm. So sadly, Marcia will be taking some time off to heal. Writing and typing with a broken wrist is no fun at all. Please think healing thoughts for her quick recovery! But leave it to Marcia to make sure she got her Sunday Scoop mostly completed before her injury, so this week there will be a Sunday Scoop.

I am taking off a few days to go to New York. I may have mentioned that I lived on the Upper West Side of Manhattan for a loooooong time. As an undergraduate, I went to Barnard College, the women’s college of Columbia University, and then to graduate school at Fordham in the Bronx. I managed to get a big rent stabilized apartment, so I stayed for decades working in advertising on Madison Avenue. But it’s been three years since I’ve been to New York, I think the longest I’ve gone without visiting The Big Fruit. I’m psyched even though we’ll only be there for a couple of days.

During the weekend, we’re going to stay with my BFF and former NY roommate (who isn’t into makeup or skincare and doesn’t read my blog, lol) and see her perform in a play in Westchester. That will be a lot of fun as well.

So if NSDB doesn’t post possibly this Friday and during the first half of next week, you’ll know why.

Beauty Sales

striped gift bag with Beauty Sale Alert

I’m kind of a day late and a dollar short on some of the Easter and Friends & Family Sales that have been going on, some of which have already ended. Sorry about that. I had such a busy weekend and week so far with the window saga, the holidays and my bday.

Here’s what I’ve got so far, basically a million skincare sales:

Some makeup brands, like ABH and others, have sales on select products and bundles. I assume that as we get closer to Mother’s Day, there will be even more sales.


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  1. Sandy. C. says:

    Have fun here in NYC, but OMG!! Poor Marcia!!!!

    1. Thank you, Sandy!

  2. Denise Wertz says:

    I am so sorry about Marcia! I hope that she feels better soon. Have a good time in New York. NYC is so pretty in the spring.

    1. Thank you, Denise!

    2. Debbie says:

      Sending healing love to Marcia! 💜
      I tried to order the City*Lips online using the codes APRILBOGO & CLBDAY but neither of them worked…no longer an “active code” even tho it’s still April! 😥 Guess I’ll just have to wait for the next sale!

      1. Debbie, the CB Birthday/Anniversary sale ended ended a couple of weeks ago. I think now they have BOGO Multiaction Sculpting cream. I know it’s only 15% off, but whenever CB doesn’t gave a sale use my code NEVERSAYDIEBEAUTY if 15% is good enough. I’m waiting for Lid Lifting Treatment to come back in stock. They canceled my order during the BOGO sale because they ran out! ☹️

  3. Gabrielle says:

    Give my best to poor Marcia! Have fun in NY and enjoy your friend’s play!

    1. Thank you, Gabrielle! Will do, and I will give your good wishes to Marcia 🥰 Have a good weekend too!

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