
Seeing What Happens With Today’s Post!

Madmimi, the company that I’ve been using for the past 4 or 5 years to send out my blogposts, is closing its doors at the end of the week. I am very sad about it because Madmimi was very easy for me to use. And the two or three times I had a problem, their customer service was quite helpful.

Over the past few weeks, I’ve been looking for a new ESP (Email Service Provider). A fellow blogger suggested that I look into the ESP she had switched to, Birdsend. I checked it out, and I decided to give it a try. However, I have discovered that it is much more complicated to set up. In fact, I had to ask my web developer to step in and finish the set up. Now, it appears that it’s much harder for me to use.

So today’s post is just a test. I want to see if Birdsend sends out this post tomorrow morning. What’s weird is I can’t figure out how to set up the time my post gets sent out. Usually, I would get to choose the time it gets emailed out. Or if I published a post later than my usual time or if I wanted to send out more than one post in one day, I could send out a post whenever I needed to. I’m concerned about my email delivery to my subscribers, but I guess I’ll see what happens.

After several months of website problems, I just don’t have the energy to struggle with sending out my posts. My fingers are crossed that this works out! 😕 

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  1. Marcia says:

    Oh no. I know this kind of problem makes you want to give up but stay strong.

    1. Marcia, did you get my post today from Madmimi or from Birdsend?

  2. Gabrielle says:

    I’m so sorry you’ve had such trials!!!!

    1. Thank you, Gabrielle xo I can’t figure out how to get Birdsend to send out my posts, grrrrr. Did you get today’s post only from Madmimi, my old email service co.? Or by some miracle, did you get one from each ESP?

      1. Gabrielle says:

        I only received it from Mad Mimi.

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