artististic colorful vest for sale on Poshmark

Shop My Closet: My New Adventure Trying to Sell My Clothes on Poshmark

When I moved from New York City to the suburbs outside of Boston, a lot changed including my wardrobe. Yet it took me years and lots of wasted purchases for that to sink in.

I Bought This

In New York, I worked as an ad exec in an office most of the time or as a consultant with corporate clients, I went to the opera, ballet and symphony, I went out to fancy restaurants. I got “dressed up” often. Even for fun occasions, New Yorkers are more involved with fashion on a day-to-day basis. Here in Massachusetts, I wear jeans almost every single day. I have few real dress up occasions anymore. The suburban lifestyle is MUCH more casual.

I have determined that I have to part with a lot of my clothes and shoes to make room for items that I really wear. I must have over 100 pairs of shoes, many of which I have no place to wear.

all the shoeboxes in my closet

Plus a lot of clothes that used to fit me when I lived in NYC and walked about 3 miles a day in addition to my jogging routine no longer fit, boo hoo. Plus those high heels I had no problem wearing, now hurt or look out of place.

While I donate my more worn or less expensive clothes, I would like to try to sell the seldom, never worn or pricier items. The clothes and shoes I tended to favor were often unusual. Many I bought in Europe. Before trying the consignment shops, I have decided to give Poshmark and also Facebook’s Marketplace a try. I have just begun to post a few items, and I am no expert, by any means.

Here are the first items that I have posted.

I have small feet (size 6 1/2), so I know there is a limited market for my shoes and boots. Nevertheless, I felt I needed to give it a try since these shoes are too cute to perennially sit in a shoebox in my closet especially since I only wore them once!

If you know anyone who might be interested in any of my items, I hope you’ll let them know. xoxo Or if you have any tips on how to actually make sales on Poshmark or Marketplace, please let me know – I’m all ears!

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  1. I tried Facebooks Marketplace for my pricy handbags and got a few responses but nothing ever panned out. In my area it’s hard to sell expensive designer items, even marked way down!
    Cindy Ingalls recently posted…Fashion Flash New Year!My Profile

    1. Claudia says:

      Have your tried craigslist?

    2. Frankly, I don’t expect to have much luck, Cindy. So far no bites from either Marketplace or Poshmark. I joined a Poshmark FB group to try to get some tips, but the women who post in that group are resellers who make a living selling on Poshmark. I don’t think I have a chance. Sorry that you haven’t done much better either. I will probably try a couple of consignment shops soon. There’s also NOSIF on IG, but they have some pretty byzantine rules IMO so I haven’t tried that yet.

  2. A friend of mine sells on ebay but ebay doesn’t favor the seller. If there’s a complaint they take the side of the buyer. I have brand new shoes that are still in the box that I haven’t worn because my feet are funky. I’d love to sell them on Poshmark. I hope you do well and advise me!
    MarciaF recently posted…Jane Iredale Come Fly With Me eyeshadow palette along with a J.I. giveawayMy Profile

    1. So far, not a nibble, Marcia. One like on the pair of shoes. I’m starting to think this isn’t going to work. I joined an FB Poshmark group hoping I’d get some tips, but all of the women who post in the group are resellers who do Poshmark for a living. Heck, I just want to sell some of my stuff! I have a feeling I will have to try the consignment shops. Thank you for warning me about eBay, coz Jeff keeps telling me to try it. There is another service on IG that Jeff’s daughter told me about Nosif, I think it is. But they had some rules that I wasn’t sure I understood.

  3. What a great idea. I hope that you not only start to get some bites, but that you are able to sell what you have. Are there decent consignment shops in your area? If you don’t have luck with Poshmark, then that might also be a viable option.
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