jar of Zue Antioxidant-Rich Face Mask with applicator brush

Spa Clean with Zue Botanicals Antioxidant-Rich Face Mask

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I have too many gardens, but when they’re in bloom, I love them all.

daylilies, yellow and purple

red day lilies and purple astilbe

Now that the summer is coming to an end, many of my flowering plants are finished for the season, and their foliage doesn’t look so good. Especially my day lilies. Some of their leaves are dried out, many are yellow, their stalks are brown sticks. They look ugly. Last week, I started on one of the lily gardens in my front yard near the end of my driveway (the area in the first photo). I cut down the leaves almost to the bottom, leaving stalks of an inch or two. I weeded the garden. It looks nice and clean, if a bit barren.

Today, I spent 4 hours in my large front garden. I weeded half of it about 3 weeks or so ago, but I never got to the other half. From the driveway, I get a good look at that part of the garden and I didn’t like what I saw. Day lilies with yellow and brown foliage and brown stalks, irises with empty stalks, Miss Kim lilac bushes that badly needed trimming, and lots and lots of weeds. What a mess. Although I still have a lot of work to go, it does look better with at least some of the plants trimmed down and some of the weeds gone.

When I came into the house and looked in the mirror, I was shocked. I was covered with dirt, and my hair was so frizzy even though today wasn’t particularly humid. Yikes. I hope too many neighbors didn’t see me, lol.

pink outer box for Zue Botanicals Antioxidant-Rich Face Mask

So tonight, I took out my jar of Zue Antioxidant-Rich Face Mask. This mask reminds me of cleansing masks that I have had applied when I’ve gone to spas to have a facial. Zue Antioxidant-Rich Face Mask is a thick but bouncy pale yellow cream with green Vitamin E beads that dissolve on my skin. The mask comes in a thick glass jar with a wonderful brush with a short handle (so it fits in the box) to apply the mask. I love that I don’t have to go searching for a brush. It feels so nice going on.

open jar of Zoe Antioxidant-Rich Face Mask showing the pale yellow mask with green vitamin E beads and applicator brush

The mask is formulated with Moroccan Red Clay. Sometimes I get concerned about using clay masks, but the Vitamin E beads in this one leaves my skin feeling clean as a whistle but not dry. Another reason it isn’t drying is because it’s loaded with natural oils: Argania, Sunflower,  Macadamia, Olive, Palm, and Coconut oils.

Because of the red clay, the mask dries down on my skin, but it’s not uncomfortable. You’re only supposed to leave it on for 10-15 minutes so as soon as it dries (about 10 minutes or so), I rinse it off with warm water.

Zue Antioxidant-Rich Face Mask is packed with antioxidants from botanicals including rose, jasmine, daisy, myrrh, and gardenia. It has a very faint light scent. To be honest, when it’s on my face, it doesn’t smell like anything.

In addition to cleansing my skin of dirt and impurities, the mask provides a number of other benefits with regular use:

  • brightening: revealing glowing, radiant skin
  • more even skin tone with diminished dark spots
  • smoother skin texture
  • more balanced skin.

If you have oily or combination skin, Zue recommends using Antioxidant-Rich Face Mask 2-3 times per week. If your skin is normal or dry, once or twice a week is best. For my very dry skin, I use it about once a week, but if my skin is extra dirty from gardening, I will use it twice a week and I’m fine.

I own a lot of different masks, but I really enjoy having Zue Botanicals Antioxidant-Rich Face Mask in my arsenal. It really does make me feel like I’m having a spa experience at home for 10 minutes a week! Love it 🙂

jar of Zue Antioxidant-Rich Face Mask with applicator brush

Zue Botanicals Antioxidant-Rich Face Mask is cruelty-free, vegan, gluten-free, and a clean beauty product. It has no phthalates,  petroleum ingredients. or artificial fragrances. The jar contains 1.7 oz., and it’s currently priced at $34 on the Zue Botanicals website. 



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  1. Your garden is ever stunning, Allison! This mask sounds like a perfect pick for my normal/combination skin!
    Lola Seicento recently posted…SAVE THE DATE: BARNEYS NEW YORK LOVE YOURSELF BAG EVENTMy Profile

    1. Thank you, Helen! I have about 8 more gardens, lol. I think you would love this mask. It’s really perfect for normal/combo skin!

  2. What a great sounding mask. I love having an array of masks to choose from and this sounds like a great addition. Your gardens are just so pretty.
    MarciaF recently posted…September to Remember Giveaway Hop – skincare from your favoritesMy Profile

    1. Thank you, Marcia!

  3. I love your garden. It’s beautiful.
    Courtney recently posted…EPA Ends Animal Testing?My Profile

  4. Love the flowers in your garden! And a mask is the perfect post gardening activity! Great idea! Thanks for sharing about this brand, I hadn’t heard of them before.

    1. Thank you,Kristi! I love gardening! And I think Zue Botanicals is a new, clean beauty brand 🙂

  5. The Vitamin E beads sound sooo nice!

  6. I admire your garden. Now I understand why you like summer time, your flowers are in full bloom. This sounds like a great mask!

    1. Thank you, Kathryne. Yes, you nailed it. Our part of the country has such a short summer/warm weather season, and for 6 months of the year, everything is bare and sleeping! Zue Botanicals is one to keep your eye on: vegan, gluten-free, chock full of natural goodies.

  7. Deep cleaning with hydration? I’m in!
    Cindy Ingalls recently posted…Crock Pot Swedish Meatballs!My Profile

  8. Laura S says:

    Your garden is beautiful Allison,thank you for sharing the pictures😊. I tend to stay away from clay masks in fear of getting dried out but if you are endorsing it I know I should give it a closer look,it sounds great! I remember when I first began my skincare search how products would leave my skin feeling so soft and smooth,I don’t really get that anymore. Maybe because I now use tinkle razors for peach fuzz? Possibly my skin was in such poor condition it loved everything I used? Any ideas? My skin’s in ok shape and I notice benefits of good skincare but that buttery smooth feeling isn’t there anymore…sigh… Any advice is appreciated. Have a great day Allison. xo

    1. Thank you, Laura! I miss my garden being in full bloom. Next spring seems so far away! Just curious, have you tried The Body Shop Drops of Youth Liquid Peel? I’ve written about it a couple of times. It’s a gentle chemical exfoliator that I use a couple of times a week to remove dead skin cells. It works like a charm, and TBS has frequent 30-40% off sales. I bought my second bottle earlier this year on sale in a Drops of Youth duo along with their fabulous Foaming Cleanser. I really like the Zue Antioxidant-Rich Face Mask, but because it is clay based, I can only use it once a week since my skin is so dry.

      1. Laura S says:

        Thanks so much for the advice Allison,I can always count on you☺. I’m going to see if I can find a sale and give it a go.

      2. Laura S says:

        Yay!!! 25% off the entire site,any other TBD products you highly recommend before I order? What about the serum? Maybe another product from them you’d give H.G. status? Thanks again Allison.

        1. Laura, here’s the TBS Cleansing Duo that I bought for $30 before the discount: Liquid Peel and Gentle Foaming Cleanser (so gentle, so creamy, so light). I adore both products. https://www.thebodyshop.com/en-us/gifts/skincare-gifts/drops-of-youth-cleansing-duo/p/p003172

          Beyond those two products and the iconic body butter, I don’t have a lot of experience with other TBS skincare products. The 25% off is good, but they sometimes have 30% off or 40% off with free shipping.

  9. Laura S says:

    Thanks so much,you’re the best! 😙

  10. Jen Walker says:

    This sounds like a really nice mask that I need to incorporate into my routine! The addition of the Vitamin E beads is intriguing, and I’m glad to hear it isn’t drying out your skin.

  11. I love you for sharing some pictures of your garden, Allison! I am not much of a gardener but I do have a few house plants, mainly succulents as they are hard to kill. LOL! Onto the product, the mask sounds lovely! I love that it has Vitamin E beads in it too! I am so lazy with masking these days but I can definitely use a mask that only requires 10 – 15 minutes.

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