Health & Beauty

Stay Safer with Grip Guard Touch Protector

Today I got my flu shot. I’m glad I got that out of the way. 

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Just a little while ago, I saw a map on Facebook that showed how fast each of the counties in Massachusetts will double their COVID cases. For my county, the map said 2-3 weeks, which I found almost unbelievable. There are quite a few colleges and universities in our county, quite a few of which are having in person classes, so maybe that’s why?

At any rate, I still am trying to limit where I go, what I do, and with whom I get together. I am pretty much sticking to my schedule of going to the grocery store every 2 weeks, and going to CVS only when I need to pick up a prescription. And that’s pretty much it, though I did get my hair colored last week.

I try to touch as few things as possible when out of home, but when shopping in a store, I have to touch things! In negotiating the world, you have to touch things. Even though I try to remember to use hand sanitizer, I sometimes forget. And I have a hard time keeping my hands away from my face. Still.

A handy dandy device came my way recently that I am happy to have. Grip Guard Touch Protector. 

Grip Guard Touch Protector is a clever device that can help minimize the number of things you need to touch with your hands when you’re out of home. It can help minimize germs that live on surfaces. It’s a reusable, pocket or purse size protector that was created to make everyday activities as contactless as possible.

Grip Guard Touch Protector reminds me of castanets made of flexible plastic with a joint between the plastic rounds that holds a retractable stylus.

It comes with a clip so you can attach it to a belt, backpack or bag so it’s always with you.

The retractable cord lets you keep it on your belt or bag and use it easily. The “castanets” are perfect for grabbing a door handle, turning a light on or off, turning a faucet on and off, even pushing a door open.

The stylus is perfect for using an electronic screen or pushing an elevator button so you don’t have to use your finger. You’d be amazed at how many things you will not have to touch if you have a Grip Guard Touch Protector!

Check out this video that shows how it can be used:

How to use Grip Guard Touch Protector!

After you finish using the Touch Protector, you can pop it right into the Grip Guard Touch Protector plastic pouch and slide the enclosure so it will be at the ready the next time you need it.

It also comes with a large plastic pouch with a secure closure called the Reusable Easy Clean Bag that you can use to easily clean the Touch Protector with the cleanser of your choice.

You can use Lysol, Clorox, Dawn, whatever. The Easy Clean Bag stands up because of the flat bottom. Very helpful. Swish it around in the bag. Remove it, rinse and let it dry. All clean and ready to start using again.

Because the flu season is at hand, winter colds always find their way, and we’re all concerned about COVID, limiting touching surfaces when we’re out of home may be key to avoiding illnesses. Grip Guard Touch Protector is a terrific device to help keep your hands cleaner. Since the holidays are not that far away, also remember Grip Guard Touch Protector as a very useful small gift or stocking stuffer.

Grip Guard Touch Protector with the stylus and two plastic pouches is sold on the Grip Guard website for $19.99. Head over to the website and check it out for yourself! I am glad I have mine.

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  1. gloria patterson says:

    I am a senior and I also go out as little as possible. I do my grocery shopping during senior hours. In and out quickly. I keep a pump bottle of sanitizer in my car cup holder. I also have sanitizer wipes and baby wipes in my car. When I get in the car I wipe ever thing with a sanitizer wipe purse etc. Then I wipe ever thing that I touched in the car sterling wheel, door, starter button. Also have to take my mask off and wipe my face with baby wipes. Do you have one of those mask holders that drops your mask on to your chest while driving etc. I live in a senior building 100 apartment also a college town. And the university set up a quarantine building for covid students right across the street from us. I have been stocking up on things so if really get bad again I am set. Stay safe

    1. You are on it, Gloria!! I really paid attention in the beginning and did a similar cleaning after being in the supermarket or drugstore, but I must admit, I have become more lax over the months, and now is the time for me to pay more attention especially when I get back into the car. I had read something about not leaving hand sanitizer in a hot car, a few months ago, because it said it could spontaneously combust, but obviously, you haven’t had a problem with that. So I keep a small bottle of sanitizer and small packet of wipes in my purse, but out of sight, out of mind for me lately. As a result, this handy dandy little device is helpful for me for door handles, and I love the stylus for electronic screens and pushing buttons. That’s good that you are stocking up on items for a possible third wave. I just found paper towels at Costco after months of them being out of stock at both Costco and my supermarket. Wipes and Lysol/Clorox are still hard to come by around here. You stay safe, too. And I am glad to know that you are definitely prepared!

  2. A brilliant invention that we all need in 2020!

  3. This is a very clever invention, and I think that we could all use this these days! I would use it handling my mail too!

    1. You’ve given me the idea to use it to open my mailbox and take out the mail. Thank you!!!

  4. Genius! I also like that it includes that stylus especially for grocery store visits.

    1. Absolutely, Kristi! The stylus is a game changer for checkout at the supermarket and drugstore!

  5. This looks like a tool we all need. I know I do. I’m nervous when I go out and live with my hand sanitizer beside me. This would help so much and double the impact of the sanitizer.
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    1. Since I often forget about using my hand sanitizer when I get back to my car, I am clipping the Touch Protector onto my purse so I remember to use it. Especially now that the numbers are beginning to rise again, I need to remember to use it every time

  6. Laura says:

    Ha! This is so cool, would be great to have handy during these times. Might be a good stocking stuffer for the holiday

  7. Very cool! I always put my hand sanitizer spray into my left pocket so I can easily grab it to use while in stores.
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  8. I hadn’t actually seen anything on the market yet so I really appreciates review! I think this is a great purchase for my in-laws and coworkers.

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