Makeup, Product Spotlight

Stunning Florasis Blooming Rouge Engraved Lipstick

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Over a year ago, I wrote about a gorgeous eyeshadow palette that I bought from Florasis, a Chinese makeup brand. The palette was so beautiful that an online friend said she would “keep it as a pet” because it was too pretty to use.

Florasis is known for fabulously elegant packaging and embossed or engraved products. Honestly, each product is more beautiful than the next.

While Florasis makes many different lipsticks, most of them are matte. No matter how lovely, I cannot justify buying a matte lipstick for my super dry lips. But after scouring their lipstick lineup, I discovered that they have a “soft matte” lipstick that they call “hydrating”. I had to try it.

Florasis Blooming Rouge Engraved Lipstick

Blooming Rouge Engraved Lipstick comes in a metallic, squarish tube with a teal to gold ombre finish. It closes with a click.

The soft matte lipstick comes in 10 shades, reds, corals, brown-reds. (No neutrals or pastels) I chose a red-orange shade, M214 Autumn Cinnabar. Definitely the right shade for me.

The bullet is completely engraved, this time with birds and flowers. Each shade has a unique engraving on the bullet. The slant tip of the bullet is engraved with the Florasis logo.

The lipstick is very lightweight. It doesn’t feel like I’m wearing lipstick. It’s easy to apply and just glides on. It covers completely in one swipe. It doesn’t bleed or feather.

It’s fragrance-free and has no taste. Blooming Rouge Engraved Lipsticks are priced at $29 on the Florasis website. When I’m purchased from Florasis, they often include a little extra or gift with purchase. The shipping boxes alone are worth it!

My Experience with Blooming Rouge Lipstick

I would agree that it’s a “soft matte”. On me, it isn’t exactly hydrating the way a satin or creme lipstick is, but it’s not immediately drying on my weirdly dry lips that way most matte lipsticks are. I can wear it over “unprepared” lips (meaning no lip balm applied first) for about 4 hours before my lips feel somewhat dry.

Over time (a few hours), Blooming Rouge Lipstick fades somewhat. And if I don’t eat, it fades evenly.

I feel a little uncomfortable reviewing the wear factor of a lipstick since my lipstick are so unusual. Most days, I just wear City Lips Clear or Watermelon to keep my lips feeling comfortable and not dry. I have a feeling that your lips are probably nothing like mine.

If you love the glamour of using a lipstick that looks like it would be most at home in a 1940s nightclub, check out any of the Florasis lipsticks. 


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  1. Hi, Allison – What shockingly gorgeous makeup! Perfect for a Mother’s Day gift. What a creative punch line, “the glamour of using a lipstick that looks like it would be most at home in a 1940s nightclub.” Fits the lipstick perfectly. I can just see the woman in the nightclub with long black gloves lighting up a cigarette on a long black holder and opening her tube of Florasis lipstick. Lol! And I really do think lots of us have lips like yours because I need to add moisture to my lips at all times. Plumpness doesn’t hurt either. Thanks for the review – Angie,
    Your True Self recently posted…How to Wear Shimmery Clothes for Day: Make Your Special Pieces UsefulMy Profile

  2. MarciaF says:

    This line has such gorgeous products. The lipstick I’ve been wanting to send you isn’t ornate like this but the packaging and color is gorgeous. M

    1. Florasis is a treasure! I hope you’re enjoying your products 🙂 And I hope you had a good Mother’s Day today!

  3. Gabrielle says:

    That is absolutely exquisite! It’s almost too beautiful to use!

    1. It almost is to lovely to use, but it’s a wonderful lipstick!

      1. Gabrielle says:

        Well, at least that makes it worth spoiling the gorgeous design. How are you doing?

        1. Thanks for asking, Gabrielle xo I’m making progress. I can turn my neck to the left so driving is better than it was. My jaw is still a combination of numb and sore, and it still is annoying if I’m eating anything bigger than a half inch or so. I still feel like I have a piece of leather on my neck. But I can do more things, gardening etc. so that’s great. Are you doing OK?

          1. Gabrielle says:

            I’m glad there’s been improvement and sorry you still have so much discomfort. I’m okay. One of our dogs is having surgery tomorrow. We don’t know whether his tumor is cancerous or not and this should give us th answer. I’m concerned.

          2. I’m sorry, I just saw your comment now, Gabrielle. I have my fingers crossed for your sweet dog’s good prognosis. I hope he/she will be able to come home soon.

          3. Gabrielle says:

            He’s coming home, but he’s coming home for a very short time. It’s cancer and it was so pervasive they could not get it all.

          4. I’m so sorry, Gabrielle. But I am glad the veterinary surgeon believes they can get it all with a second session. I’ll be thinking of you and your pup xoxo

          5. Gabrielle says:

            No, there’s not going to be a second session. He’s dying. They wanted to just not wake him up, but he’s my aunt’s dog and she insisted he be awakened and he’s coming home tomorrow.

          6. Oh, how awful. I’m sorry, Gabrielle (and I’m sorry I misunderstood). I’m glad that your aunt will get to spend some time with him, since that’s what she wanted. What a terrible decision to have to make 🙁

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