Giveaways, Health & Beauty

#StyleYourMask Giveaway: $100 Amazon Gift Card & Makeup!

The past year has been all COVID, all the time. It’s been a trying year for all of us. I can hardly wait till I get my second Moderna shot next week. But there are still lots of us who haven’t been able to get vaccinated yet…but hopefully soon. Though the end may be in sight, even if it is still in the distance, we can’t give up our guard yet. 

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The Good Doctor’s Guide to Colds & Flu with New COVID Chapter

I just read a book that really impressed me: The Good Doctor’s Guide to Colds & Flu, with a brand new chapter on COVID. The book was written by Neil Schacter, M.D., a noted pulmonologist at the famed Mount Sinai Hospital in New York. Neil is the husband of my friend Deb, the editor of No Nonsense Beauty and originator of the Fashion Flash group.

Dr. Schacter is the real deal: professor of pulmonary, critical care and community medicine at Mount Sinai Medical Center. A native New Yorker, he is a graduate of Lycée Francais, Columbia College and NYU School of Medicine. After serving as a Lieutenant Commander in the medical corps of the US Navy, he completed a pulmonary fellowship at  Yale University Medical School. Dr. Schachter is past president of the American Lung Association of New York and the National Association of Medical Directors of Respiratory Care and a fellow of the American College of Physicians and American College of Chest Physicians.

The Good Doctor’s Guide to Colds & Flu has been republished by Harper Collins with Dr. Schacter’s new COVID chapter, and it is available now as an e-book on Amazon. It will also be available in September in paperback. Dr. Schacter is donating 100% of the proceeds to patient advocacy organizations including the American Lung Association and Lungevity.

In the past, I have sometimes found that science or medical books can be kind of dry, but not so The Good Doctor’s Guide to Colds & Flu. It’s a personal rather than purely technical book; it’s written for the layman. Dr. Schacter has filled the book with anecdotes from his youth as a budding doctor and researcher and from his long career as a pulmonologist. It has a conversational tone that makes it more like reading a story. Yet it’s packed with lots of fascinating and useful information on how to prevent, treat and recover from respiratory illnesses. The Guide was particularly meaningful to me because I have had a number of respiratory illnesses over the years, and yet I knew so little about what caused them and how to prevent them. The Good Doctor’s Guide was eye-opening!

Because of my propensity for respiratory illness, I have wanted to avoid COVID-19 at all costs. Frankly, I’ve been reading just about everything there is to read about COVID during the past year. I thought I was well informed. Well, I was wrong. The Good Doctor’s Guide added so much to what I already knew about COVID, and it explained concepts that I had previously thought were difficult to understand. Dr. Schacter’s style is clear and approachable. Plus, it gives practical advice on how to avoid COVID as well as what to do if you become infected. For instance, I didn’t know that taking aspirin, zinc, and vitamins C and D at the first sign of COVID can mitigate the symptoms of the disease. Simple things that are important to know.

I enthusiastically recommend checking out The Good Doctor’s Guide to Colds & Flu with the new chapter on COVID on Amazon and on the book’s website, The Good Doctor1. I thought it was a page-turner. I read it in one night! It is worth keeping it in your digital library, as I am doing, for reference in the future even for a bad cold.

Style Your Mask!

Even as more of us get vaccinated, masks – for the time being – are the “in” accessory for those of us who are out and about in public and want to protect ourselves and others from coronavirus. I started out with the light blue surgical masks, and those are still the ones I use when I go hiking in the woods with my friend Sue. But when I make my semi-monthly trip to the grocery store or my every 5 week train trip into Boston to get my hair colored, I up my game by double-masking with a printed or colored mask on top of a blue surgical mask. During the winter, I wore darker masks to go with my darker clothes. With spring on the way, I’ll try to lighten up. When I can, I try to match or coordinate my mask with my outfit or jacket. Making my mask a fashion accessory has made it more fun and somewhat less of a chore.

Because wearing a mask (especially the blue surgical ones) can make me feel invisible, I like to try to wear eye makeup so I will have more vitality, look more expressive, and also feel better about myself. Plus wearing eye makeup gives me an opportunity to use the million eyeshadow palettes that I own.

Today, I had appointments that I couldn’t put off with officers at two different banks. So I washed my hair, put on pants other than jeans, a gray cowl neck top, nice boots, and I wore eye makeup. I used a new Wanderlust palette of cool-toned neutrals from Cargo,

and I tried a trio of affordable but effective eye makeup brushes from Precision Beauty.

Meeting with strangers in a business situation, I like to look and feel confident and more present. I chose a mask with black and white houndstooth print that coordinated with my eye look as well as with my outfit.

Later in the afternoon, I had to meet a graduate student at a local college, so I switched to a floral mask that coordinated with my purple parka and looked more casual and approachable.

Thinking of my mask as a fashion accessory when I’m in public makes it seem less of a chore. Do you style your masks?

#StyleYourMask Giveaway!

To get the word out about the new COVID-19 version of The Good Doctor’s Guide to Colds & Flu and to encourage all of us to #StyleYourMask, a campaign that Dr. Schacter is promoting along with the American Lung Association to help keep us safe, I am hosting a giveaway sponsored by Fashion Flash. And it’s a terrific giveaway!

One lucky reader of Never Say Die Beauty will win:

  • $100 Amazon Gift Card
  • Cargo’s Wanderlust Eyeshadow Palette (ARV $34)
  • Precision Beauty Essential Eye Brush Set (ARV $12)
  • a set of stylish and colorful masks so you can #StyleYourMask 😀

Just in case you’re wondering, the Cargo Wanderlust Palette and Precision makeup brushes are brand new, not mine, lol.

The #StyleYourMask giveaway will start today, Wednesday March 17 through Friday, March 27, 2021. It is open to readers of Never Say Die Beauty who reside in the U.S. and Canada. One entry per household.

Here are the giveaway rules:

Mandatory tasks and note them on the Rafflecopter widget below:

  • LEAVE A COMMENT on this blogpost about how you #StyleYourMask with outfits, makeup or a mani!

  • Subscribe to TheGoodDoctor1 website by clicking on “Subscribe” located along the upper right hand side of the website
  • Follow Thewritinglife2 on Instagram

Optional tasks for extra points:

YOU MUST CLICK OFF ALL THE TASKS YOU DO ON THE RAFFLECOPTER WIDGET! I do verify that the winner has completed the tasks she/he has checked off on the widget. Please follow the rules.

The winner will be chosen by Rafflecopter and will be notified by me via email. You have 48 hours to get back to me, if not a new winner will be selected in your place. The winner will provide me with her/his mailing address, and the prizes will be sent to the winner as soon as possible. Neither I nor the sponsor of this giveaway are responsible for loss or damage in shipping. In other words, if it’s lost or damaged in transit, we will be sad, but there is no replacement.

As always, thank you for participating and for spreading the word about the giveaway! Good luck!

#StyleYourMask   #GoodDoctorCOVID   #harperperennial   #wearamask



a Rafflecopter giveaway





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  1. monique s says:

    I would try a floral pastel mask for spring with a pastel eye shadow mix.

    1. That sounds so pretty, Monique! Thanks for entering, and good luck!

  2. Tracy Robertson says:

    I haven’t thought of trying to make a special mask/makeup combo, but it would be fun to do! I love to wear eye makeup more than ever now as that is all we can show of our faces.

    1. I definitely agree that now really is the time to wear eye makeup. Funny thing is that because I only go to the supermarket and CVS on occasion, I seldom think of it. But when I do have to do something that seems relatively important in public, I do try to wear eye makeup. Thanks for entering, Tracy, and good luck!

  3. Helga says:

    That’s a fun idea which I haven’t thought of but I have seen other people do by matching their t-shirt or blouse with the color/design of their mask.

    1. It’s a fun thing to do, Helga, especially when you have to go somewhere or be in the public eye wearing a mask. Thanks for entering, and good luck!

  4. Dana Rodriguez says:

    I really love pasterl florals. Perfect for Spring!

    1. Me, too, Dana! Floral patterns for the win!

  5. gloria patterson says:

    As a senior I have really not been out that much. In general over the last year I average going out just ever couple of weeks. BUT today I get my second shot so hopefully I am going to be out and about more. I like the ideal of matching mask to outfit. My niece is a SPARKLE girl and she has some really pretty sparkle mask and so does my great niece…………. it makes them feel good wearing their mask

    1. I wish I were younger because I would love one of the sparkle masks, but I fear that ship has sailed for me, lol. Hope you are feeling well after your second shot, Gloria!

      1. gloria patterson says:

        YOU ARE NEVER TO OLD FOR SPARKLES!!! My mother is 91 and if she see something with sparkles she has to have it.

        1. LOL, of course you are right, Gloria! Next time I see a sparkly mask, it will be mine!

  6. Antoinette M says:

    I would wear a floral print mask with a floral dress for springtime!

    1. I think a floral mask with a floral dress is so lovely, Antoinette. Thanks for entering the #StyleYourMask giveaway, and good luck!

  7. What a great giveaway, Allison! I love those masks, and would love to read this book! How cool that he is Deb’s husband!
    Lola Seicento recently posted…Boxwalla: Spring in Spain Beauty Box Featuring Twelve Beauty (Sneak Peek)My Profile

    1. Neil’s book really is worth reading if you have any respiratory illnesses. It is truly the most readable medically oriented book I’ve read. I love having it on hand as a reference, too.

      1. Love everything camo!! In different colors.

  8. Gabrielle says:

    Oh my stars! That leopard mask would be perfection with my new leopard hoodie!!! My current favorite mask is a pale blue silk one that works especially well with my black velvet tunic.

    1. I love the animal print masks, and I think one would look great with a leopard hoodie! Your blue silk mask sounds gorgeous, Gabrielle! Thanks so much for entering the #StyleYourMask giveaway, and good luck!

  9. Sandra Pincombe says:

    I love to use a variety of patterned masks. Right now my favorite two are a floral one that I bought at a hospital gift shop and a whimsical Mickey Mouse mask that my Japanese daughter-in-law made for me. The second one is a fun one to wear grocery shopping

    1. I love floral masks, too, Sandy. The Mickey mask sounds adorable, and how wonderful that your DIL made it for you! Thanks for entering, and good luck!

  10. Mary W says:

    I like the American Lung Association’s slogan – If you can’t breathe, nothing else matters!! That has really been emphasized during this Pandemic. I am a fan of solid color masks. I usually reach for my favorite black mask but now that spring is here, some lighter colors would be a fun change along with a lighter color palette of eye shadow and eye liner. Bring out the blues!

    1. I never knew that was the ALA’s tagline. As someone with asthma, I agree that’s a great line! I bought two sets of masks last year: one set of solid colors and one set of florals. I do try to either match or coordinate my cotton masks with what I’m wearing. However, I mostly wear the blue surgical masks because I am outdoors hiking with friends and I usually go through 2 masks per outing because they get soaked, ew. Yes, bring out the blues! Thanks for entering, Mary. Good luck xo

  11. I love wearing masks with funny prints on them, makes people laugh when its hard to laugh during this time.

    1. You’re right, Sara: using your funny masks to make people smile is a great idea for these somber days. Thanks for entering, and good luck!

  12. Kim Pincombe-Cole says:

    I style my masks with my outfits. And because you can’t see lip color under the masks, I’ve been really playing up my eye color!

    1. That’s great that you’re playing up your eye color with masks and makeup! I miss wearing lipstick, though. In fact, I just ordered 2 on sale today. I’ll wear them around the house in the meantime, lol. Thanks, Kim, for entering, and good luck!

  13. Diana D. says:

    For the winter, I’ve just been using the regular medical paper masks. But for the warmer months I plan to wear brighter, cheerier cloth masks. Ones with flowers or butterflies. And I’ll definitely be playing up my eye makeup with pastels.

    1. I mostly use the blue surgical masks too for when I’m outdoors exercising with a friend, but I bought myself one set of plain colored cloth masks and another set of floral ones, and I actually feel better and more put together when I’m wearing those. Thanks for entering the #StyleYourMask giveaway, Diana, and good luck!

  14. You have some great things here! These are some gorgeous masks.

  15. Julie Waldron says:

    I mostly wear disposable masks. But when I do wear a cloth mask, I try to coordinate with the top I’m wearing. One of my favorite masks has cherries on it.

    1. I have been looking for a cherry mask, Julie. I love everything with cherries! Thanks for entering the #StyleYourMask giveaway, and good luck!

  16. Jen Reed says:

    I used to just wear the disposable blue masks for the longest time but recently got a blue and pale pink floral one for Spring and to match my blue eyes. I really like it.

    1. It’s definitely more fun to have a few pretty masks rather than the same blue surgical ones all the time. Thanks for entering the #StyleYourMask giveaway, Jen, and good luck!

  17. Tasheena says:

    Thanks for sharing these products, and hosting this awesome giveaways

  18. Paula D says:

    I so far haven’t been doing any styling because I just wear the surgical masks. Maybe I should be wearing scrubs with them? lol

    1. LOL, Paula! Yes, I guess scrubs would be the perfect outfit for the blue masks, haha. I bought myself a couple of sets of cloth ones, one set plain colors and the other set florals, and I don’t have many opportunities to wear them. I wear the blue surgical masks when I hike outdoors with a couple of friends and I just end up tossing those afterwards. At any rate, thanks for entering the #StyleYourMask giveaway, and good luck in the drawing!

  19. I personally haven’t styled my masks, but they are fun – usually bees or flowers. 🙂 I rarely go out and interact with others so I don’t wear them all that often.
    Kristi V BeginNails recently posted…Red Eyed Lacquer: March Polished Gamers Box Hyper LoopsMy Profile

    1. I’m pretty much the same way, Kristi. I seldom go anywhere other than the supermarket every 2 or so weeks, so I don’t have many opportunities to plan an outfit with a mask. When I hike with a friend, I just use the blue surgical masks that I throw away.

  20. What a great giveaway! Thank you for doing this. It’s very nice of you!
    Heather recently posted…Baked Green Velvet DonutsMy Profile

  21. This is a great giveaway. I have the palette and it’s a great one. Plus I have the book and it’s a treasure. It’s so useful. I hope people will buy it.
    MarciaF recently posted…Fashion Flash mid MarchMy Profile

    1. I agree, I love the cool-toned Cargo Wanderlust palette and Dr. Schacter’s book is really terrific. I truly enjoyed reading it.

  22. Nikki Wayne says:

    Your face masks looks great. Nice choices. I love the plain black most.

    1. You can’t go wrong with a plain black mask!

  23. WOW! What an awesome giveaway!! Amazon gift card alone is amazing but the makeup is awesome!!

  24. Your facemasks look so stylish! This is such a wonderful giveaway! I will share with my wife.

    1. Thanks, Dennis!

  25. Catalina says:

    Nowadays the most important things are masks and our eyes. We need to concentrate on those!

  26. Honestly, in the beginning I was styling my masks with eye looks but now, a year later, I’m just using the same 8 masks and washing every week and my eyes have been more sensitive. However, I do want to check out this book because there’s a lot of good information from the preview I read!
    Krystal recently posted…China Glaze Arrest In PeaceMy Profile

  27. Ursula says:

    Since I love PINK…I have mostly used my pink mask and style it with pink polish 🙂

    1. I love pink too, Ursula. Matching a mask with nail polish is such a good idea. Thanks for entering the #StyleYourMask giveaway, and good luck!

  28. Nickie says:

    I would wear a floral print mask with a flowery dress. Adorable for spring

    1. I saw Taylor Swift wearing a matching floral mask with her gorgeous floral dress at the Grammy’s, and it was stunning! Thanks for entering the the #StyleYourMask giveaway! Good luck!

  29. Brigitte Bauman says:

    I would like to try out a pattern mask that I could wear with a black outfit.

    1. I agree, Brigitte. I think a patterned mask looks so good with a black outfit. Thanks for entering the #StyleYourMask giveaway, and good luck

  30. molli taylor says:

    i like the makeup =you did with the floral mask!

    1. Thanks, Molli, and thanks for entering the #StyleYourMask giveaway!

  31. Kathy says:

    What a wonderful giveaway. I think it’s fun to get different types of masks too. You can switch it up and even match your style.

  32. Natalie says:

    This is such a great giveaway with handy things!

  33. Amber Lee Kolb says:

    I love a dark colored mask with a bright eye shadow and mascara! It really makes my eyes shine.

    1. You’re right, Amber, now is the time for bright eye shadow especially against a dark mask. Cool! Thanks for entering, and good luck!

  34. Margaret Helgason says:

    saw a mask that looked like you were holding a rose in you teeth liked that

    1. Wow, that would be something with a black dress! Thanks for entering, Margaret. Good luck!

  35. I’d love some palm trees or beach theme #styleyourmask I love those two things in life other than my family. I seen some on Shutterfly they have pictures and stuff of family that I wear my mask for. I liked those too.

    1. That’s cool, Tara. I didn’t know that Shutterfly was personalizing masks. Neat idea!

  36. Mama Maggie's Kitchen says:

    I am sooooo excited for this giveaway! Who wouldn’t! Thank you for sharing this.

  37. Tyler G says:

    I don’t have a favorite. I’ve yet to try a mask that doesn’t irritate my skin unfortunately. There’s got to be one out there. I’ve only tried 3 btw.

  38. Penny Branson LeBaron says:

    I like using a variety of colorful masks which I keep in a basket by my door and on hooks in my car

    1. That’s smart, Penny. How do you choose which one to wear on any given day?

  39. Erin F. says:

    I normally wear a black mask, so it goes with anything. I don’t go many places these days, other than physical therapy, so I haven’t experimented much. I have some shimmery eyeshadows I should bring out for more interest.

    1. I know what you mean, Erin. I don’t go anywhere either. But on that rare occasion that I do, it’s fun to coordinate with makeup and outfit. I like your shimmery shadow idea! Thanks for entering and good luck!

  40. Jessica Walker says:

    I like matching my eye makeup to my mask!

    1. That’s a good eye dea! (Sorry I couldn’t resist being punny, but it really is a good idea.)

      1. Love that pun! How could I have missed that?

    2. That’s great, Jessica, exactly what this campaign is all about! Thanks for entering and good luck!

  41. Anthony says:

    Does black count as a mask style? It’s all I’ve got so far.

    1. 😂 sure, why not?

  42. John Gusswein says:

    My favorite mask has a picture of my toddler grand daughter on it.

    1. Sweet, John! Thanks for entering and good luck!

  43. Kita Bryant says:

    Some masks look really cute! This would be fun to do.

    1. It is, Kita, especially when I am actually going someplace! Thanks for entering, and good luck!

  44. My daughter wears a dark mask with light eyeshadow .

    1. That’s a great combo, Tony. Thanks for entering, and good luck!

  45. So many fun and cute masks. Since masks will be with us for a while, loving the idea of styling them plus eye make up too! Great giveaway!

    1. Thanks, Rosemary! Hope you entered 🙂

  46. Cynthia Richardson says:

    I like wearing a monochrome outfit with a bright print mask

    1. That’s a terrific pairing, Cynthia. Thanks for entering & good luck 🍀

  47. Brittany Gilley says:

    I like to wear glitter eyeshadow, and I try to match it to my mask for the day

    1. I love glitter shadow, Brittany! It definitely takes your look while wearing a mast up a notch 💥 Thanks for entering and good luck!

  48. Kari B says:

    I would do a tropical print mask with pastel makeup #styleyourmask

  49. Angelica says:

    I’ve never really thought much about “styling my mask” but I love this idea! I have some wild glasses so I feel like they work well with any mask but I do enjoy playing up my eye make-up if I’m going out.

  50. bn100 says:

    polka dot mask with mascara

  51. athena graeme says:

    I don’t have a favorite for myself, I usually wear a skin-colored one. But my daughter, I have like 2 dozen so she can match them with her outfits. She’s got everything from Hello Kitty ones to plain colored ones. Last month while cleaning out her closet, I found her old bedazzler … needless to say she has a lot of blinged out masks now! The dedazzled ones are super cute, you just have to make sure to only go through the outside layer, usually there’s a pocket on the second layer to put the filters in that I use to get the little stapler thing in there.

  52. Jessica W. says:

    I have a pretty pink mask that is perfect to wear for the beginning of Spring.

  53. Hi, Allison – I just want to tell you how that floral mask softens and warms your face totally! Goes to show how wearing our most flattering colors, especially that close to our face, can make us look our most beautiful (true self)! XOXO – Angie,
    Angie recently posted…How to Create Some Nice Outfits for Working From HomeMy Profile

  54. I’d like to mix and match my outfit with my masks too! Adding up some fashion even if we are going to this kind of global pandemic. Also, wishing luck and congratulations in advance to the winner!
    Anosa Malanga recently posted…What I Actually Keep on my Night StandMy Profile

  55. Shari Dalton says:

    I always match my masks to my clothes. I really like a mint mask that I have and wear it with any shades of green clothes.

  56. Monica McConnell says:

    I honestly never really paid attention to #StyleYourMask. But I have looked and seen some really cool ideas where it goes with the outfit so I am going to start doing it.

  57. Susan Smith says:

    I would wear a floral print mask with a floral shirt to celebrate Spring.

  58. Dawn Keenan says:

    I have crayola crayon masks that I wear at my school. They are bright and fun. There are 5 colors, so I try to coordinate my clothes

  59. Kim V. says:

    I wear a basic blush mask 8 hours a day, would love to take it up a level with a pretty floral now that Spring is here.

  60. aaron r says:

    I like birds so red for cardinals and maybe a cardinal on the mask. I love anything birds, blue jays are also very nice.

  61. Ritz says:

    I’ve been wearing floral masks for spring. I love Rifle Paper Co prints, they’re super pretty and perfect for any outfit.

  62. Ken Ohl says:

    my favorite mask is my black mask

  63. Audrey Stewart says:

    I am saving a bundle on lipstick. I don’t want it on my mask.

  64. Kayte CookWatts says:

    I try to make sure my eye makeup stands out a bit more. I really haven’t styled my mask- but I have stepped up my skin care to avoid break outs that have popped up more frequently from wearing one.

  65. Shannon Citrino says:

    Thank you for the opportunity to win this great prize!!

  66. Colleen Boudreau says:

    I would wear a floral mask with a floral top.

  67. I do a fairly bad job at styling my mask with my outfit. I work from home with the social distancing so not really meeting people. When we had to go to a funeral I made sure our masks were reserved.

  68. Felicia Costin says:

    Honestly I don’t go out too often anymore, but I have a sparkly silver mask that can be worn with so many outfits. I love to pair it with purple eyeshadow.

  69. Lily Kwan says:

    I would try a floral mask with a floral dress.

  70. maria gentry says:

    The mask I most use is black, and I like to wear it with some great black eyeliner!

  71. O.Soref says:

    like it thank you for the chance to win

  72. Francine Anchondo says:

    I match my mask with the clothes I am wearing.

  73. Elena says:

    I like to wear black or blue mask matching my shirts.

  74. Ellen Casper says:

    My favorite mask is one I made which has shelties all over it.

  75. Rajee Pandi says:

    Love flowers

    1. Rajee Pandi says:

      flowers #styleyourmask

  76. Kayla Klontz says:

    I love floral masks! Any and all of them!

  77. Christina Moore says:

    I am so ready for Spring, I would try the floral pastel mask, reminds me of Spring

  78. Cheryl B says:

    I think the floral mask would be fun.

  79. Sunnymay says:

    At work, I have to wear plain masks. At home and when out and about, I wear checkerboard plaid, floral and match a blue denim tie dye mask to my jeans. Another mask which goes with my black and white clothing is a black and white striped one.

  80. AEKZ2 says:

    I’m quite boring because I’m all about the basic black mask. It goes with everything.

  81. stacey walker says:

    I usually use the black mask because it matches all.

  82. Cassandra D says:

    I style masks with different outfits and cool sayings even a mask that has a smile on it that gives more personality.

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