
Summer Friday in My Garden

The heat and humidity really got to me today. I definitely overdid it yesterday with too much work in the garden. Today, I’ve got no gas in the tank.

So instead of a lackluster review, I thought I’d show you some pix of what’s been blooming in my garden over the past few weeks. It’s been me vs. the rabbits, chipmunks and, I think, voles that are eating everything they can sink their teeth into. I moved my “patio” grape tomato plants and eggplant up to my deck to save them from the snacking rabbits. But I noticed that a few of the baby tomatoes and baby eggplants disappeared. Yesterday, when I surprised a chipmunk who ventured onto my deck (that’s about 15-20′ above ground level) to return to the buffet he had previously discovered, I startled him but I doubt he was deterred even though I wrapped the plants in mesh for protection. So now, I have to put the plants, each of which is more than 3 feet high, onto my umbrella table. I’m hoping that the chipmunk can’t figure out how to get up onto the table!

Meanwhile, the chipmunks, rabbits and voles have eaten so many of my plants including ones that were just about to bloom, brand new plants, and plants that were favorites of mine. I tried Safer Small Animal Repellent with no effect whatsoever. This weekend, we will try the Havaheart trap.

At any rate, the roses are finishing up, and the lilies are starting. This is a banner year for roses and hydrangeas in my area.

My deep blue lace cap hydrangea that hasn’t bloomed in 10 years has 11 buds. My fingers are crossed that they will open!

Take a look, hope I’m not overdoing it!

My favorite lily! It was bred by a hybridizer in my garden club
Beautiful long stem yellow rose <3
Most of my roses planted in a semi-sunny spot where they’re protected from winter wind

Rose Campion, old-fashioned perennial
orange daylily border with plants given to me by my BFF’s husband when I moved in
garnet lily with lemon drops
elegant peachy beige ruffled lily
oriental sunburst lilies
My prolific monarda or bee balm is a hummingbird magnet!
The urns with colorful annuals at my front door. Welcome!

Tell me what’s blooming in your yard, or which houseplants in your home that you love!

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  1. gloria patterson says:

    Beautiful flowers favorite are lillys but I hate when they bloom and the next day you have to pull the dead bloom off. I got to ask how much did the chipmunks eat off your plants on the table. 🙂

    1. So far, Gloria, the chipmunk hasn’t figured out how to get up on the table. But I must say keeping these big pots on the table is a pain in the neck!

  2. Paula Hartman says:

    Your garden is gorgeous! I have to admit, I love gardens but I hate gardening. I prefer to admire them from an umbrella covered patio with a cold drink in my hand.

    1. Thank you, Paula! Though I have a deck instead of a patio, I’ve got the umbrella table. Come on over!

  3. Sheila Waltrip says:

    Such pretty flowers

    1. Thank you, Sheila xo

  4. DiEtta says:

    BEAUTIFUL…….ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS! I know how much work it is to keep your flower garden looking good. I love all your lilies. I have several I planted in pots. All I know is my Shelly 🐢 would love all those rose 🌹 petals. Her favorite! Everyone have a good weekend. Thanks for sharing Allison.😷🙋🏻‍♀️🥰🍷

    1. Thank you, thank you, DiEtta! I wish you and Shelly weren’t so far away coz I could give her a lot of yummy rose petals, lol. I’m glad you’re growing lilies too. I think container planting is wonderful. Have a good weekend!

  5. This is just extraordinary, Allison! Your garden is gorgeous, and your entry way is so welcoming and stunning!
    Lola Seicento recently posted…NORDSTROM CLEARANCE SALE TAKE AN EXTRA 25% OFFMy Profile

    1. Thank you xoxo. I could use some design help as well as labor, but the flowers themselves are so lovely!

  6. Mary W says:

    Wonderful photos. Thank you for sharing. It is plain to see that you have a very green thumb.

    1. Thanks, Mary! Not sure about the green thumb, but I do have patience, I guess 🙂

  7. You have such a green thumb. Your garden is a wonderland. I finally have flowers in but my hydrangea on the side of the house isn’t blooming. Chipmunks will find their way up your table unfortunately. I hope you can save your veggies.
    MarciaF recently posted…Hoo-rag, the safer way to maskMy Profile

    1. Thank you! You’re probably right about that chipmunk, but he hasn’t figured it out yet. My fingers are crossed! Glad to hear your flowers are blooming. Does your hydrangea have buds on it? Last year was a terrible year for my hydrangeas, but this year, it’s a bumper crop for everyone’s hydrangeas around here – not sure why.

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