Features, Skincare

Summer Fun: Best/Worst U.S. Cities for Your Skin via Daily Glow

Best/Worst U.S. Cities for Your Skin

It’s summer, and time to have a little fun. The Daily Glow ranked 55 major U.S. cities on how skin friendly or unfriendly they are. The study took into consideration factors like lifestyle including exercise, pollution, amount of sun, weather, number of dermatologists, and even the propensity for tanning bed use etc. when they did their ranking in August 2012.

Check out their video and the list of cities from best to worst (see the Daily Glow’s infogram below).  You may be surprised where your city ends up. Boston, my city, was in the top 10 because of the number of dermatologists!  I would hope some other factors went into that ranking. It took me more than 3 months to get an appointment with a dermatologist in the Boston ‘burbs lol.



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