Features, Health & Beauty, Skincare

Sunscreen and UV Protection Future Breakthrough via Daily Glow

Breaking News: Sunscreen and UV Protection in a Pill from Daily Glow

Truth be told, I detest wearing sunscreen. Since I usually go for the mineral based sunscreen, I am always applying heavy creams. In the hot weather, they make me feel hotter and greasier.

So I was so excited to read that researchers discovered a coral reef in Australia that is exposed to very high amounts of UV light from the sun. Surprisingly, the reef, in conjunction with algae, makes its own UV protection. Interestingly, fish that eat the coral also become protected. I’d like to munch on that coral.


Coral Reef

photo credit: Sam&Ian, Ian Robertson, http://www.flickr.com/photos/sam_and_ian/89250252/

But someday, scientists hope to be able to manufacture the compound that provides the UV protection from the coral and algae in the lab. If they can do it, it’s only a matter of time till it’s available in pill form.  Where do I sign up?

Read the article. It’s interesting. And I’m hopeful that it’ll happen in my lifetime! 😉 In the meantime, I’ve got my Dr. Jart Premium BB Cream SPF 45 and my Badger SPF 30.

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  1. Hi Allison,
    UV protection in a pill, that sounds interesting!
    But I hope that when it’s in the market, people don’t over use it. I have made a blood test recently, and I discovered that I suffer from vitamin D deficiency. I need to expose my body to the sun, so I reduced the use of sunscreens these days 🙂
    Dima Al Mahsiri recently posted…Top 10 Green Beauty Must Haves (Video of the Week)My Profile

    1. Allison says:

      I thought it sounded very interesting because I always forget to reapply my sunscreen! I too have a vitamin D deficiency, and once a week during the winter I have to take a vit D pill. I asked my doctor if I could stop taking it in the summer because I’m outside and at the beach so much, and she said I could take the pill once a month instead but I couldn’t stop because we don’t get enough vit D from the sun. How surprising!

  2. It is interesting!
    But I am not sure if I will give those pills to my kids!
    Looks like that vitamin D deficiency is a global problem !
    Dima Al Mahsiri recently posted…Top 10 Green Beauty Must Haves (Video of the Week)My Profile

    1. Allison says:

      I agree: I wouldn’t give the pills to the kids! And vit D deficiency is a global issue and a recent problem. I guess medical researchers just discovered that we need more vitamin D than anyone ever thought. Somehow people got along for millennia without taking extra vit D, but now we need it!

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