Features, Health & Beauty

Take Action Against PFAs In Cosmetics Now

I became aware of toxic chemicals called PFAs in nonstick cookware. As a result, I have replaced the vast majority of my nonstick pots and pans.

Recently, I was contacted by a woman who was the Outreach Coordinator for a group called ConsumerNotice.org who passed on links to a highly informative article that talks about these “forever chemicals” that go beyond nonstick cookware.

As you can see, cosmetic products, paints, and water resistant fabrics are other products that we use in our everyday life that put us and our families at risk. Drinking water as well as freshwater fish are also at risk. Please click this link, and find out more.

PFAs can affect the body with a number of serious health problems:

A few days later, I got another email from the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics and the BCPP/Breast Cancer Prevention Partners also about PFAs in cosmetics. Below, you can read their article asking all of use to participate by supporting a federal bill, No PFAs in Cosmetics Act. You can help pass this important bill by contacting your Congressperson and Senators to pass this important act!

Take a stand for safer beauty: Support the Federal ‘No PFAS in Cosmetics’ bill! 

Beauty and personal care products should be free of Toxic PFAS ‘forever’ chemicals 

The Campaign for Safe Cosmetics is leading a critical initiative to eliminate toxic PFAS chemicals from beauty and personal care products through the Federal ‘No PFAS in Cosmetics’ bill. 

PFAS, linked to breast cancer and numerous other negative health concerns, contaminate our drinking water and persists in the environment, harming wildlife and ecosystems. The No PFAS in Cosmetics Act will ban these toxic chemicals throughout the entire supply chain, ensuring your personal care products are free from the harm they cause. For more information on the No PFAS in Cosmetics Act and to stay updated on the campaign’s progress, please visit BCPP’s official webpage for this bill.

Act now! By supporting this bill, you’re taking a powerful step toward guaranteeing that beauty and personal care products contribute to, rather than compromise, your good health. 

Join us in urging policymakers to prioritize the prevention of breast cancer — send a letter to your congressional representative and share this message to amplify our collective voice!

Let’s build a future where beauty and safety go hand in hand. Support the ‘No PFAS in Cosmetics’ bill today! 


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  1. MarciaF says:

    So important to know

    1. Thank you, Marcia. I think so too.

  2. Gabrielle says:

    This is incredibly vital information. It’s also depressing as heck, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to hide my head in the sand.

    1. I thought it was, too. Water is especially troubling. I’m afraid that nothing will pass the House this year, so I hope they will bring this bill forward again in the future.

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