hand cream, nail file and nail polish
Beauty Tips, Nails, Product Spotlight, Skincare

Taking Care of My Hands and Nails

The summer is usually the best time for my nails and hands, but as I get older I still have a few nail and hand challenges even in the warm weather.

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nail and hand products, neversaydiebeauty.com

Blaine Labs RevitaDerm 40

In the warm weather, my peculiar skin problem, exfoliative keratolysis, comes back. We often think about skin having problems in winter, but most people who have this skin condition report it during warm weather from May through September. This year, it is just starting for me now. It’s characterized by the peeling of the top layer of skin. What I experience is very dry, cracked and bleeding skin that peels off on my thumbs. There’s nothing that cures it, but I’ve had the best luck minimizing it with an over the counter product, RevitaDerm 40 from Blaine Labs with 40% urea (my original post that describes in detail here).

Revitaderm 40 Keratolytic Emollient

RevitaDerm40 both soothes my peeling skin and lessens the amount of peeling. 4.0 fl. oz. for about $21

Aveda Hand Relief

While I use RevitaDerm 40 on my thumbs, I keep the skin on the rest of my hands from looking and feeling dry with hand cream. So far, the best hand cream I’ve found for very dry hands like mine is Aveda Hand Relief Moisturizing Creme.

Aveda Hand Relief tube, neversaydiebeauty.com

On the tube, it says “intensely moisturizes for soft, supple skin”, and that it does. If you have desert dry skin like I do, this is a terrific, rich hand cream for year round use. But if you have normal skin, you’ll love Aveda Hand Relief Moisturizing Creme for winter. Aveda Hand Relief cream, neversaydiebeauty.com

My hands have lost volume as I’ve gotten older, and Aveda coats my skin and helps my hands look a little plumper too. Great stuff! almost fragrance-free, 4.2 fl. oz. for $24

Natrol Biotin Tablets 5000mcg

Also year round, I take biotin tablets. The ones I like most are the delicious strawberry flavor melting tabs, Natrol Biotin 5000mcg.

Natrol Biotin Fast Dissolve Tablets 5000 mcg neversaydiebeauty.com @redAllison

I take two tabs or a total of 10,000mcg/day. (They also come in 10K mcg tabs.) My hair and my nails grow very quickly as a result! In the summer, my nails respond to the warm weather and the biotin, and they grow very long if I don’t keep on top of them. Natural Biotin 5000mcg  contains 250 tablets and lasts me around 3 months. I can sometimes find it at Costco for about $10.

Mont Bleu Glass Nail File

To keep my rapidly growing nails from getting out of control, I use my Mont Bleu Glass Nail File with the beautiful Swarovski crystals. I couldn’t love this gorgeous nail file more. It does such a great job filing my nails with no damage to the nail. It’s perfect! You can find it in a set of 2 or 3 glass nail files with or without crystals on Amazon at absolutely amazingly affordable prices.

Mont Bleu crystal glass nail file embellished w Swarovski crystals, neversaydiebeauty.com

Zoya Naked Manicure

Because I work in my garden a lot during the spring and summer, I actually seem to polish my nails less often. But I still want them to look neat. That’s where Zoya Naked Manicure products come in. I thought these products were relatively new, but I learned that they were actually launched in 2015. There are 9 different polishes in the collection, and I was sent 4 to try out. The Naked Mani polishes instantly enhance the look of nails by filling in pits, smoothing ridges, and neutralizing discoloration. Zoya explains that the results are achieved “through the use of optical diffusers, keratin fillers, micronized reflective color pigments and micro-thin film”. The polishes contain vitamins, sulfur amino acids, proteins, and botanicals that with long-term use make for healthier, more flexible, less brittle nails. I can tell you my nails look and feel so much smoother, more even and just healthier even after use for just a couple of weeks.

Zoya Naked Manicure Perfectors, neversaydiebeauty.com

I received Perfectors in Pink, Lavender and Mauve. Below you’ll see that the Pink Perfector tints my nails a bit pink/peach.

my nails wearing Zoya Naked Manicure Perfector Pink, neversaydiebeauty.com

So far, the Lavender is my favorite because the pale lavender really brightens my nails.

my nails with Zoya Perfector Lavender, neversaydiebeauty.com

I also have been using the Satin Seal Topcoat that gives my nails a lovely natural satin, rather than glossy, finish.

Zoya Naked Manicure Satin Seal, neversaydiebeauty.com

0.5 oz. Perfectors are priced at $10 and the Satin Seal Topcoat at $12. You can also buy them in Women’s and Men’s Starter Kits.

So here are some of the products I’m using now to take care of my hands and nails. What are you using that you love?

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  1. I was just telling my husband that I need to go for a mani pedi today. My nails are horrid in Summer and Winter and I’m not the best at caring for it either. The Aveda hand cream sounds lush, Allison.
    Shireen L. Platt recently posted…REVISITING THE FORGOTTEN FAVOURITES VOL 2: Real TechniqueMy Profile

  2. My friend was just telling me she spent over $100 to get a mani/pedi and I was like that’s interesting lol I do all my own stuff and I am always trying new stuff (I am checking out Naked Manicure asap). There is an odd pleasure to pamper yourself and I don’t like people touching my feet so that helps too lol

    1. Wow, $100+ for a mani-pedi! Yikes, I couldn’t justify that kind of expenditure. While I like having someone else do my nails and feet, I can’t afford to do it too often, and I don’t mind doing it myself – but it doesn’t last as long as a pro job. The Naked Manicure polishes were a great surprise. I buy a lot of Zoya polish, but I hadn’t considered buying these because the colored polishes are always calling to me. But now that I have some of the NM products, I’m so glad. The Lavender is particularly great because it makes my nails look brighter!

  3. Sandy P says:

    I bought these last year and forget to use them! So I just pulled them (and my glass nail file out). After I finish some housework it is mani time. I love the lavender too.

    1. When I first saw the Zoya Naked Mani collection, I was intrigued but I’m always smitten by Zoyas colors so I didn’t buy any of the NM collection. I was lucky that I was sent these for review because they’re perfect to put on my nails when I’m not wearing color which is most of the time. And the lavender really is the best. The satin topcoat is cool too. Hope you enjoy your mani! Housework, ugh 🙁

  4. Nice post, as always Allison! I need to try that Aveda Hand Relief! It sounds like just my kind of hand cream!
    Lola Seicento recently posted…Derma-E Essentials Nourishing Rose Cleansing Oil and Microdermabrasion Scrub | ReviewMy Profile

  5. You have a great routine for taking care of your hands and nails! I’ve not tried the Aveda hand creme, but it sounds lovely! I also love Mont Bleu files!
    The Jedi Wife recently posted…KBShimmer: Summer Vacation CollectionMy Profile

    1. Aveda Hand Relief will be my go-to hand cream for winter. It is truly amazing.

  6. That nail file is so gorgeous! I want one to add to my crystal file hoard.
    Erika recently posted…L’Oreal Triple Power Deep Acting Moisturizer | A Hit or a Miss?My Profile

    1. On sale at Amazon. You really should pick up a set for less than $10. They’re a steal. I’m getting some to give as gifts.

  7. I need to start taking Biotin again, your nails look great.
    Cindy (Prime Beauty) recently posted…Eddie Funkhouser Does Lipstick Right + A Giveaway!My Profile

    1. Biotin makes all the difference for me, plus they look better in summer anyway

  8. Glad to hear Naked Manicure is helping. I really love the system! I’m also a huge fan of glass and crystal nail files. I don’t know the brand of what I own though, I’ve purchased them at my local beauty supply shop!
    Judy recently posted…Models Own Wonderland Eye Shadow Palette ReviewMy Profile

    1. I would have passed Naked Mani by so I am delighted that it came my way! My nails just look so much healthier with it on

  9. I adore the Mont Bleu Glass Files so much! They look amazing and are far gentler on my brittle nails.
    CosmetopiaDigest recently posted…Six Ways To Incorporate Sunscreen In Your Makeup RoutineMy Profile

    1. You turned me on to them, Renu, in your post, and I was lucky that they contacted me after reading my comment xoxo

  10. Without Biotin or a good hair & nail supplement I’d be afraid of what I’d look like. I will have to remember the RevitaDerm for winter since that’s when I have those problems.
    MarciaF recently posted…Smells so good! Nubian Heritage Coconut and Papaya body productsMy Profile

  11. I have to say that i have neglected my hands and nails the last couple of weeks. Nothings, but laziness. I must start using my hand lotions, cuticle oils and my nails file again. I’ve noticed that you use a glass nail file and many say it like the ‘best’, but i heard from a nail polish company that informed us that glass nail files doesn’t actually seal the nail at all and that we should use emery-board nail files in stead and to only file our nails in one direction and also never to use nail clippers EVER! Only file you nails down to the correct length and style.
    Leanie recently posted…PLANET NAILS || WALL MOUNT NAIL POLISH DISPLAYMy Profile

    1. I have learned just the opposite from quite a few sources (here’s one: http://nailfile.net/glass-nail-files-vs-emery-boards-metal-files/ ), Leanie, an emery board leaves a jagged edge and leaves the nail edge open. The change in my nails since I switched to Mont Bleu’s glass files definitely supports that. But you should go with what you believe.

  12. I’ve been taking biotin for a few months and I’m dying to see results. My stylist said it could be a few more months …. ugh. I hate how for some of us it takes so long!
    Brooke recently posted…The Ocean Made Me Break OutMy Profile

    1. Make sure you’re taking a high enough dosage. When I first started out, I wasn’t taking enough and it took several months. I’ve been taking 10K mcf for about 3 years and it has made a huge difference.

  13. The Naked Manicure polishes always intrigue me but I haven’t bit the bullet and ordered them. They seem great!
    Naked Without Polish recently posted…Pretty Jelly Boysenberry BayMy Profile

    1. I’m especially impressed with the Lavender shade. It really brightens my nails big time! I haven’t tried the Satin topcoat on a color polish yet but on top of the Naked polishes, it works sooooooo well.

  14. I love taking biotin! It’s especially good for my nails.
    Phyrra recently posted…What’s the Difference Between Cruelty Free and Vegan?My Profile

  15. Biotin and Aveda Hand Relief are both good choices for healthy hands and nails! 🙂
    The Beauty of Life recently posted…On Wednesdays We Wear Pink: Winky Lux Flower Lip Balm in PinkMy Profile

  16. Love your picks! I’ve been taking biotin for a while now, and it really helps my hair and nails to look healthy. I am also a fan of Zoya naked manicure line.
    Anastasia recently posted…Stylekorean K-Beauty Haul & Mini-ReviewsMy Profile

    1. I’m amazed at how good the Zoya Naked Mani Lavender and Satin Seal Topcoat are. So glad I found them finally

  17. Hi,

    I am planning to buy Aveda hand relief. It feels like my hand is getting thinner and dry, so I am looking for something that will keep my hands moisturize every day. I like using Zoya nail products, these products are simply amazing.

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