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Techies Working on My Website

Apologies if you tried to access Never Say Die Beauty yesterday from 3-11pm yesterday. I’m having some work done on how my website operates. The web developer I hired who is based in Thailand (!) is optimizing my website so it will hopefully load faster and, ultimately, have less down time.

I decided to wait on the new giveaway I was going to launch today. It makes sense to defer it till the blog is operating reliably and normally.

If the security is put back on the site today, I hope to be back tomorrow or Friday.

This is a little bit hair-raising for me, but I’ve got my fingers crossed that it will be worth it in the end.

Meanwhile, we’re having another snowstorm today with 8 inches of snow forecasted. I guess I’ll be spending my day shoveling.

Have a good day xoxo

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  1. Laura Sorvillo says:

    Hope you’re back up and running 100% soon hon. I miss being able to read your blog.Stay warm! xo

    1. Thank you, Laura, and so nice to hear from you! A major step was completed during the night, so hopefully I won’t have the problem that I had before where my website required so many resources that the shared server shutdown my blog! I think and hope the web developer will still do some more cleaning up so my site loads faster, but it does seem faster than it was. Glad to hear that you’re busy. Hope you’ll run through the posts on the homepage and check out anything that looks interesting when you get a chance. Take care xoxo

  2. Sandy says:

    Oh no, more snow for you is not good! Just cold here but warmer temps coming for the next few days. Just in time for me to run to Ulta….. Treating myself as it has been 7 months since my husband passed away. Next Monday is his birthday so we will be sharing a cupcake!!

    1. Oh Sandy, I’m glad that you’re doing something fun for yourself to share your day with your husband though he may not be there in body but certainly he is in spirit. I admire you for how well you are carrying on; it can’t be easy. What are you thinking about picking up at Ulta? Anything in particular on your list, or will you see what strikes you when you browse through the store? (So far, the snow is not too bad, about 4 inches. I’m going to go out and shovel pretty soon because the plow guy hasn’t come.)

      1. Sandy says:

        Allison, for sure I am going to check out the NYX marbleized lipsticks. Then will just see what else I might like as I browse the store. Any suggestions?

        1. Eager to hear what you think about the NYX marbleized lipsticks. They don’t have them at CVS, or I haven’t seen them there. And I’m afraid to go to Ulta because I might be tempted to spend money, and I spent too much during the holiday discount sales everywhere. I’m not sure I know what your taste is Sandy so I hesitate to suggest. NYX has some beautiful shadow palettes out that are definitely worth a look. On the prestige side of the store, things I love (fairly recently) include IT Cosmetics No. 50 Serum/Primer and ABH Lip Glosses. I’m a fan of MAC Upward Lash but my choice of mascara isn’t always the same as other people’s and they don’t sell MAC in my little Ulta store, only online. Oh, I do love the bargain I <3 Extreme Lashes in the hot pink tube from Essence. During the holidays, I bought the limited edition 4 pack of Tarte Dual End Lipstick/Glosses because I love the lipstick and gloss formulas, but not sure if that's around now that the holidays have ended. I'm sure you'll find plenty of candidates. I can easily spend more than an hour at Ulta. Enjoy it!

  3. Oh no, not more shoveling! After leaving work early last Friday things did get slick here, but it was not quite the storm that the forecasters predicted. Back to business as usual by mid-morning on Saturday. I think the snow we got on Monday was worse actually, but we all stayed at work. I am SO over the weather reports, hahaha.
    Hehe and I have to share the ongoing saga: In eyeliner news, I picked up a couple of the UD Razor Sharp liners (why not try those too, you know, since I’ve been liking their glitter formula so much) and one of them is this ridiculously shifty green-brown oilslick shade… I can’t even begin to tell you how shiny I feel this thing is while wearing it… But point being, I (of course) wore it to work (since this is the new personal inside joke of my life) and once again- no notice at all. Maybe it’s my glasses? Maybe they hide everything? They’re not huge or anything but I have wondered about that before, so maybe I will have to go about this beauty experiment in a more methodical manner. And I might need more eyeliner. For science, of course! 😛

    Here’s hoping you can soon put that shovel away for a little while!!! Snow is so much more pleasurable when you don’t have to move large quantities of it. 🙂

    1. Thanks, Rach! Fortunately, we got less than the weather people predicted. We were supposed to get 4-8″, but it looked like a hair under 4″ which was fine with me. I got ready to go out and shovel the driveway and walkway, but when I opened the garage door, I saw that the plow had come and plowed my driveway. I was thrilled – truly worth $35. I did the 75 foot walkways, but the slow was lightweight. Yay.

      I am very intrigued by the UD Razor Sharp liner, and I went to the UD website to see if I could find the green-brown-oilslick shade, but I couldn’t figure out which one it was. Which shade is it?? They have so many beautiful shades! They look great. I don’t wear glasses all the time because I have contact lenses. But when I wear my glasses (tortoise shell type frames), I feel like people can’t see my eye makeup very well. I think you have to really amp up the eye makeup when you’re wearing glasses for it to be noticeable. I have a feeling that the beautiful brown glitter liner was too subtle. And maybe the shift in the green-brown-oilslick liner was too subtle to see through frames and lenses. Are the women in your office makeup girls or not? If they’re not into makeup, they might not say anything because they don’t know what to say? Just hypotheses on my part. But still happy that you’re wearing the makeup for you! xoxo

      1. I am so glad the sky did not empty on your head! 8″ is nice for the pretty factor, but 4 is way easier to deal with. Yay!
        I had to go read the tube- it’s Zodiac. I also bought Retrograde, which is purple and very pretty. The ladies like makeup, know I have a lipstick stash to rival a department store, and have commented in the past about how it looks like I wear no makeup at all. Truthfully they probably never have seen me wear anything beyond foundation and concealer to work. They comment on other women wearing makeup when not normally seen doing so, and I would have thought that even with glasses, the difference between not wearing eye makeup at all and wearing SHINY eye makeup would be noticeable. Just how much are my glasses hiding?!? Do I even have eyes?!?!? Good thing I didn’t splurge for the crazy coloured statement frames, or it might be like talking to the Cheshire Cat when he’s merely a floating set of teeth! I might not even have a face to not wear makeup on!!! O.o
        I think I shall be the Cheshire Cat next Halloween. *giggle*snort*

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