The Beauty Blogazons Weekly Roundup
Weekly Roundups

The Beauty Blogazons Weekly Roundup

The cold, snowy weather, at least here in the northeast U.S., is perfect weather to sit down at the computer or with your tablet and check out what beauty bloggers have to say about the upcoming spring products and what’s going on now. If you’re lucky enough to live someplace where the weather’s better, you might want to take a break from surfing, playing tennis and hanging out at the beach and read a blogpost or two.

I have joined two beauty blogger groups on Facebook, each of which put together a digest of the week’s most interesting posts. Here are this week’s picks from The Beauty Blogazons. Hope you find something interesting, and I hope you’ll still visit Never Say Die Beauty 🙂

Drat, my post is all the way down at the bottom. I better act faster next week!

  • My Newest Addiction Beauty Blog: Laura loves her first Wantable Makeup Box of 2014! See what she got!
  • Adore A Polish: Kristina shares her favorite nail polish of 2013.
  • Makeup Demon: My beauty products discoveries of the year 2013!
  • Beauty by Miss L: Madara is Latvian eco-friendly and cruelty free beauty brand. This week Miss L reviewed their Regenerating Night Cream.

So, did you find a post that you found interesting, fun, newsworthy? A new product to try? Let me know!

xo Allison

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  1. melanie says:

    I have received the special Japanese anti wrinkle cream. I love it and aim to continue with it.
    Thanks for the news.

    1. Allison says:

      Thanks for letting me know, Melanie! I’m glad it came so quickly. I hope you’ll continue to enjoy it. I love mine 🙂

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