Makeup, Product Spotlight, Subscription Boxes

The Saga of My September Classic Beauty Ipsy Bag

This is the third month that I’ve been a subscriber to ipsy, a monthly service that provides a “customized” bag of beauty goodies for $10. The items are chosen for each subscriber from a list of about 10 items based on her responses to an online questionnaire.The bag has a different theme each month, but it always includes 5 products: at least 2 full-size and about 3 deluxe sample size beauty products — some familiar brands and some new ones– in a cute makeup bag. It’s delivered in an easy to recognize, raspberry-colored shiny envelope.

ipsy envelope

I was very satisfied with my July ipsy bag that had a great lip crayon in coral from Pop Beauty that I love as well as nail polish from Nail-tini called Mai Tai, also a coral.

Here’s my rant. Feel free to skip ahead, if you wish. So the trouble started in August when the DHL Tracking Code ipsy sent me didn’t work. I told them it didn’t work and that I was worried about it, but they kept telling me to wait. I waited and waited, and the August ipsy bag never arrived. At the end of August, they finally admitted it would not arrive, and they promised to refund my payment and comp me for September. OK, that’s fair.

In early September, I received a notification about the Classic Beauty ipsy bag that was “on its way”. I received a DHL Tracking Code that did work. A couple of days later, I got a notice that it was transferred to a postal center in Franklin MA, about an hour or so from where I live.  A week later, I was still waiting. I could’ve driven down to pick it up…or even walked there and back in the time it took to make it to my local post office. But after 8 days, I finally got an email saying it arrived at the local post office and would be “on the truck”. I was excited, especially since so many others online were already talking about their ipsy bags and what they received. I went out to do a bunch of errands. While I was out, I received another email saying my package was delivered. I headed home, went straight to the mailbox, picked up my mail and quickly realized there was no distinctive shiny raspberry-colored envelope from ipsy in the pile.

I got right back in the car and drove to the local post office. To make a long story short, they checked the Tracking Code and searched the post office and mail carrier’s truck since she had already left for the day and was off the next day. No ipsy bag. I was not happy. The guys at the post office told me to call the Postmaster the next day. The next day, the irritating process started all over again. They would look for my package. Yeah, right.

As I was leaving the house for the day, I checked my mailbox just in case, and there it was! My ipsy bag. It must have been delivered to the wrong mailbox, and luckily, whichever neighbor got it by mistake was kind enough to put it in my mailbox. Hooray!

ipsy mailing envelope

So, was it worth all the trouble for the past two months? Yes, I think so. All in all, I’m satisfied.

OK, back to the new ipsy bag. This is what I got in a cute blue and black patterned makeup bag.

September Classic Beauty  ipsy bag

  • Cailyn tinted lip balm in distinctive packaging
  • It’s So Big volumizing mascara
  • NYX eye shadow
  • Starlooks kohl eye pencil
  • 2 packs of Hydro Cool Firming Eye Gels from Skyn Iceland.

The product that intrigued me most was the Cailyn tinted lip balm. The packaging is eye-catching. It’s very much like the packaging for some gel eyeliners. At the bottom is a pot of color, and there’s a lip brush hiding in the pointy top. The shape, cool as it is, makes the product difficult to carry around, but it does fit in the makeup bag. It’s hard to lose! I love the bright red shade called Big Apple, and I like applying it with the little brush. My only complaint is that it is certainly not a “tinted lip balm”. It goes on dry, and it’s drying. But I will have fun playing with it.

Cailyn Tinted Lip Balm

The It’s So Big volumizing mascara, a deluxe sample, was a nice surprise. It’s a good mascara: easy to apply, no clumps, low-key volume. Not mega volume, like my essence I Love Extreme Crazy Volume Mascara but acceptable volume. The It’s So Big mascara goes right in my purse makeup bag.

Here I am wearing the red tinted lip balm and the mascara that has a natural look. Somehow my eyes look really blue, and I’m not yet wearing the blue eye shadow lol!


NYX eye shadow single in Lanikai, medium blue. I’m not usually into blue eye shadow but it’s very wearable. I like it!

NYX ESblue

And the Starlooks kohl eye pencil in Obsidian was another good surprise. I usually can’t wear black eyeliner because it’s too harsh at this stage of the game, but this one is soft: easy to apply and doesn’t look severe.

I haven’t had a chance to use the Skyn Iceland Hydro Cooling Gel Packs yet, but I’m eager to try them.  They’re definitely something I will enjoy using.

Here I am wearing the NYX Lanikai blue eye shadow as an accent, in a horizontal V at the outer corner of my eyes along with an Estée Lauder eye shadow, Sugar Cube, on the rest of my lid and the Starlooks eye pencil thinly lining the upper and lower lash lines.


So, I guess the moral is: All’s well that ends well. Now, let’s see what happens next month!

And don’t forget to enter the giveaway for the essence new Fall 2013 lipstick, On The Catwalk, a lovely shade of berry/plum, here:



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  1. I’ve never tried a cosmetic service .. not sure I would as I like to pick and choose my items. I do love NYX eye shadows! They are so creamy and pigmented.

    Monica P recently posted…Fall in love with Zara’s Combination SweatshirtMy Profile

    1. Allison says:

      I am usually very picky myself. But I see this almost like getting a present each month, and I actually get excited about what I might get. For 10 bucks, getting at least 2 full-size products, I figure I can’t go wrong 🙂

  2. Sybille Denninger says:

    The lip balm looks great on you! Too bad it is drying, and I can see it appears matte which is a cool look but usually indicates that it is dry on the lips. Really nice blue-based red though. The eye shadow looks far better than I expected, I like it a lot! I hope all the delivery issues have finally been resolved, few things are more annoying LOL

    1. Allison says:

      Thank you, Sybille! I love the look of the lip balm, too. Luckily, I’ve got my new essence red lipsticks that I’ve been wearing stead, and I also have a new NARS Velvet Matte Lip Pencil in Mysterious Red that I have to review that I can wear instead. But it is fun to apply the Cailyn balm with the little brush 🙂 Regarding the ipsy bag, I hope all the delivery issues are resolved. You would enjoy a subscription service, I think!

  3. I have heard plenty of issues with DHL. I like the tinted lip balm on you. It’s so vibrant. I am not one for lip balms but I would dig this. As far as blue shadows, you can always tame them down with a taupe or brown shadow. Experiment mixing shades on your arm or back of your hand. Green is a good in too. I only say this because I think blue shadow gets a bad rap and I see plenty use of it in fashion and glamour magazines.

    1. You’re probably right, Kimberly. I occasionally wear it with grey because grey is a big win for me, but to be honest, there are so many better shades for me that I don’t bother with the blue. In fact, I don’t know even where that shadow is in my stash! But I remember that I liked the bag once it arrived. I have had problems with delivery with ipsy but it has mostly been a USPS problem unfortunately.

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