skincare products @redAllison
Beauty Tips, Skincare

Tips for A Great Lifelong Skincare Routine

As I mentioned recently in my review of Bellatorra Cellular Renewal Complex Advanced Facial Moisturizer, I am a true believer when it comes to a committed skincare routine. I started taking care of my skin in my late teens and really got on the bandwagon after I graduated from college. I’ve been adding different skincare products and ingredients to my regimen based on my growing skincare needs. It’s amazing how more scientific and more natural skincare products have become throughout my adulthood. I’m blown away but occasionally confused by all the ingredients out there.

skincare products @redAllison

I thought I’d share this cute but informative infographic with you. In an easy readable way, it gets across how to use many of the key skincare ingredients: vitamins C and E, green tea, resveratrol, grape seed, and retinoids. And it covers how to layer all the different skincare products that we’re all using. It’s easy to be stumped by which products goes on when 😐  You can also check out the full article from Health Perch via the link at the bottom. Take a look! Let me know what you think in the comments  😀

What’s your favorite skincare ingredient?

Prevent and Treat Skin Aging, No Matter How Old You Are
“Prevent and Treat Skin Aging, No Matter How Old You Are” on Health Perch

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  1. Great chart Allison. I pinned it. 🙂
    It feels like Fall here today.
    Did you watch the lunar eclipse Sunday?
    I went out at 8pm and finally came in about 1am.
    Thankfully we had clear skies that night. It was so neat!

    1. It is a comprehensive info gram, isn’t it? I’m in San Antonio now, and it’s sunny and going up to 93 degrees! It’s pouring rain in MA, I hear, and the weather is going to be cold and rainy through the weekend at least, boo hoo. I did see the eclipse, and it was fabulous! I didn’t stay outdoors as long as you did but it was still great. Jeff had his binoculars and we also got a great view of the Pleiades while we were out. The moon was spectacular. Wish I had had a camera good enough to capture it but I’m glad I got to see it. And I’m glad you did, too!!

      1. I had binoculars too! It was something to see.
        Make sure you visit the Riverwalk while you are there. It is nice. The Alamo is right across the street. I was surprised by how small it is. And how lucky were you to escape the rain? Enjoy!

        1. I was in San Antonio 3 weeks ago, so I got to visit the Alamo then…finally! I had always wanted to see it. And yes, I walked around the Riverwalk too, and I’ll probably head back there and the little artisans village at the top. I have to work later this afternoon and tonight so I’ll go out now for a couple of hours and to find some lunch. Fun!

  2. Great info-graphic it’s very informative and I learned a lot.
    Leigh recently posted…What I’ve been up to lately.My Profile

    1. I’m so glad, Leigh! I thought the infographic was super useful too! I pinned it so I can look up what does what if I forget 🙂

  3. Rachel R. says:

    Thanks for posting this. I’m never sure what to do with serums. I never saw a big difference in my face, but I started using them on my under eyes, and boy have the deep creases improved!

    I wish I’d been more diligent with skin care when I was younger. Once I hit 40, things started going downhill fast. Now I find myself adding more to my routine every few months.

    1. Rachel, I’m so glad you found the infographic useful! I did too, especially the ingredients and what order to apply things in. I think you can get real benefits no matter what age you start with a diligent skincare routine. I’m a big believer in serums too. So happy to hear that you’re seeing real results under your eyes. Woo hop!

      1. Rachel R. says:

        Yes! Trying to figure out the layering can be a lot guesswork or trial and error. I bookmarked this page for future reference.

        1. That’s great, Rachel! Definitely a useful little chart. I pinned it too 🙂

  4. Totally reminds me to drink more green tea I was doing well, alternating my morning coffee with green tea, but then I couldn’t wait to get up on my coffee days .. lol. Now I just make coffee in the morning. I need to drink green tea in the afternoon, but often forget 😛

    MonicaP recently posted…September Old Navy Hits and MissesMy Profile

    1. Me too, Monica. Green tea has so many health benefits. I should add it to my early afternoon routine because it does have some caffeine in it, and every little bit of caffeine keeps me awake.

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