sand sculpture Topsfield Fair 2017,

Topsfield Fair 2017 and Fashion Flash

Today is a holiday in both the US and Canada, Columbus and Canada Day, respectively. So instead of a beauty post, here’s a brief update on the Topsfield Fair, the oldest county fair in the U.S., and next year will celebrate its 200th anniversary. Jeff and I made our annual visit to the fair yesterday. We always see everything, and we spent 7 hours there – not for the faint-hearted lol.

Here are some of the highlights.

The sand castle that it different every year!

sand sculpture Topsfield Fair 2017,

sheep Topsfield Fair 2017,

One day old chicks
baby chicks Topsfield Fair,

Here’s a very vocal rooster!


These were winning floral arrangements from local garden clubs.

vertical rose display Topsfield Fair 2017,

orange floral arrangement Topsfield Fair 2017,

slim floral arrangement Topsfield Fair 2017

I could go on and on with pix but I won’t.

We had a great time. Hope you’re having a wonderful weekend!

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If you’ve got some relaxation time today, head on over to Jackie Silver Style for this week’s posts from the lifestyle, beauty, health and wellness, travel, fashion, and fitness bloggers of Fashion Flash, targeted to women over 40. As usual, I just love the variety in Fashion Flash. Check it out:

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  • what to wear to an office holiday party
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  • nature’s grain that promotes beauty
  • beauty needs of diabetics
  • how to read food labels
  • beauty reviews: new Fenty Gloss Bomb, Osmosis Satin Foundation, Julie G retro Bohemian Nail Color collection, Amalie Beauty’s Wink Lash & Brow Serum, and how to get ombre lips with LaNeige Two Tone Lipstick


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  1. Today is Thanksgiving in Canada and I thought it was not a holiday in the US. Haha! Shows how much I know about US holidays. I love it whenever you post a lifestyle post, something other than beauty because it’s nice to see other things that you enjoy. The last time we went to a fair similar as this was during Summer and gosh, Little Tyke had so much fun!
    Shireen L. Platt recently posted…THE MASCARA EDITION: ALMAY ONE COAT MEGA VOLUME™ MASCARAMy Profile

    1. Oh dear, thank you for correcting me, Shireen! I confused Canada Day that’s in the summer with Canadian Thanksgiving. My bad! I’ll change that ASAP. Now you can tell how much I know about Canadian holidays, lol. County fairs are so much fun for kids, but I guess Jeff and I are just big kids coz we love it too 😉

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