dahlias Topsfield Fair neversaydiebeauty.com
Weekly Roundups

Topsfield Fair Pix & Beauty Blog Coalition Weekly Roundup

Topsfield Fair

On Friday, a nice warm fall day, Jeff took off work and we made our annual pilgrimage to the Topsfield Fair, the oldest county fair in the country. The Fair’s 200th anniversary is in 2018! Every year, sculptors make a commemorative sculpture out of sand to celebrate the Fair. They start on the first day, I think, and finish on the last day. I always wonder what happens to it once it’s finished and the fair ends. It seems a shame to destroy it once it’s finally finished.

Topsfield Fair sand sculpture 2016 neversaydiebeauty.com

We spent 7 hours at the Fair. We see everything. I didn’t take quite as many photos as usual because my new phone is so big and harder to handle when my hands are full with other things. But I adore alpacas and llamas. Here’s a portrait of one that we met:

alpaca Topsfield Fair neversaydiebeauty.com

We managed to get to see the emus race…although I’m not sure I’d call it a race: they sort of milled around for a minute or so. But they were very cute.

emus Topsfield Fair neversaydiebeauty.com

The flowers and flower arrangements are always favorites for me. Here are some gorgeous dahlias.

dahlias Topsfield Fair neversaydiebeauty.com

And of course, we go to the same stand for dinner every year and get sausage and pepper and onion sandwiches with French Fries – something I don’t normally eat, but it sure tasted good.

I was so exhausted after our day at the fair (we got home at 11pm) that I slept till 11am! Wow.

Beauty Blog Coalition Weekly Roundup

On a different topic, here are a few choice links to a few terrific blogposts from members of the Beauty Blog Coalition to help you stay on top of what’s new in makeup and beauty:

  • Color Me So Crazy: #pinkWINK for a great cause! Learn more here.
  • Makeup Obsessed Mom: Do you like sweet scented perfumes? Check out the latest from Ariana Grande on Stacie’s blog now.
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