Features, Skincare

Travel-Friendly Makeup and Luggage Options

Jeff and I are going to North Carolina for his birthday to visit his two daughters, their husbands and his little granddaughter who is now about 15 months old. It’s been quite some time since I have seen them, last October, I believe (although his older daughter came to Boston to visit in February). We will see his older daughter’s new house, go to the coast to the beach and stay for a couple of days at an AirBnB, and then drive to Asheville to see his younger daughter and her toddler. Very exciting.

We’re flying to Raleigh, and then doing quite a bit of driving through the state. I’m taking a lot of clothes and other items. Fortunately, I bought a couple of new things and was sent a few travel accessories that might help me pack more efficiently!

Biaggi Tote Bag and Cube

As usual, I saw an ad for Biaggi lightweight luggage on Facebook. Of course, they were having a sale. I have seen photos of packing cube in the past, but I never was tempted to buy one. But in this ad, they demonstrated how the cube worked, and I could see the utility in having the device.

I always bring a tote bag with me when I travel because I usually bring my laptop along. Though I know I won’t have much time to use my computer (that said, I will be taking some time off from blogging), I nevertheless will probably bring it. My MacBook Air and its soft protective sleeve that I got from the Buy Nothing group fits handily in the tote as does the novel of the life of Isabella Stewart Gardner that I’m reading now. Plus, there’s more room yet to fill.

The cool thing about the Biaggi tote, in addition to the sleeve that anchors it to my roll-aboard suitcase, is that it has a removable cube. I can fill the cube with T-shirts, underwear, or shoes! Although I have started packing, I’m not sure what I will carry in the cube.

video credit: Biaggi

Last, the tote has 2 pockets for additional items on the front and back.

Fortunately, the nylon is very lightweight so it should be easy to carry throughout my travels!

Because of the sale, I think I paid about $39 for the travel tote and cube on the Biaggi website. The sale is still on, though I think the price is now $49.99, still well worth it, IMHO.

Foldable Shopping Bag

A few years ago, a very inexpensive store from Denmark, selling private label items, opened in our local mall. I think it was called Flying Tiger. They sold the best stuff, everything from household items to beauty tools to art supplies to kids’ toys and games at very, very affordable prices.

Unfortunately, it closed for good when COVID hit. Boo.

One of the things I bought from them was a foldable shopping bag. I try to remember to either keep it in my purse or my car, because it’s so handy! Of course, I am taking it with me to North Carolina. Not sure whether I’ll use it as a beach bag or for random other things, but I know it’s worth bringing.

At Flying Tiger, I paid $1.95 for the bag.

Fold-N-Pack Smart Hanger

I definitely could have used this innovative Fold-N-Pack Smart Hanger when I traveled constantly on business, but I’m sure I can still use it now.

You place your garment on the open hanger, and then fold over the neck and sides of the hanger at the joints to keep your clothes more wrinkle-free in your suitcase. Plus, you know how there are never enough hangers at most hotels? This will also help with that.

photo credit: Fold-N-Pack

Handy-dandy little item especially for suits, dresses, jackets etc.!

$19.99 on the Fold-N-Pack website where the Smart Hangers comes in black, gun metal grey, and pink.

Travel Size Skincare

I’ve received 3 travel size (TSA-friendly) skincare kits from three of my favorite brands. Today, I’ll talk about two of them. (We’re going away again in October, so I will save the one that just came for then!)

Theraderm Clinical Skincare Anti-aging Travel Kit with Eternox

Theraderm’s Anti-aging Travel Kit comes in a clear, plastic, capacious makeup case. Inside, there are small samples from Theraderm’s iconic skincare line, featuring each of the 4 Steps to Better Skin:

  • Cleansing Wash
  • Fruit Acid Exfoliant
  • OPC Regenerative Serum
  • Eternox Peptide Cream

In addition, there is a sample size (25 pads!!) of my favorite Gentle Action Application Pads as well as a full size wash cloth.

I’m going to be away for almost 2 weeks, but with the exception of the moisturizer (Eternox Peptide Cream), the other products should last me for my entire trip! I have tried and reviewed all of these Theraderm products, and I’m so happy to have them in travel sizes!

Theraderm’s Anti-aging Travel Kit is priced at an affordable $38 on the Theraderm website.

DefenAge Fly Kit

The DefenAge Fly Kit contains fragrance-free travel sizes (a 2-week supply) of their Defensin-loaded CLINICAL POWER TRIO, DefenAge’s core skincare regimen in DefenAge’s signature deep-purple cosmetic bag.

  • 2 Minute Reveal Masque, a triple enzyme technology resurfacing masque
  • 24/7 Barrier Balance Cream
  • 8-in-1 BioSerum

As a traveler, my only disappointment with the Fly Kit is that DefenAge didn’t include a sample size or mini of their Facial Cleanser. Thankfully, I have the Theraderm Facial Cleanser.

DefenAge’s skincare regimen is slightly different in that you use the Barrier Balance Cream before the 8-in-1 BioSerum! I have reviewed DefenAge’s skincare products in the past, and I’m thrilled to have these sample sizes for my trip! DefenAge’s Fly Kit is sold on their website where you must must must join their VIP club/open a free account for a very significant discount on all of their products or on Lovelyskin.com.

So, these are some of the travel products and accessories that I’m taking on my upcoming trip. We’ll be away for almost 2 weeks, the first time I’ve been away since last October! I hope you have a wonderful first half of August! You’ll hear from me when I return. xoxo

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  1. MarciaF says:

    What great items for your travels. I’d love to get those hangers for my long winter trip but I’d need too many. The two travel skincare kits are perfect for your time away. I hope you have a wonderful time. Extra hugs for Jeff’s granddaughter.

    1. Thank you so much, Marcia! I hear you about the travel hangers. They’re too expensive to buy a lot of them, but they are terrific if you’re traveling with a special dress or a suit.

  2. What great items for your travels. I’d love to get those hangers for my long winter trip but I’d need too many. The two travel skincare kits are perfect for you !

    1. Thanks, Tom! The hanger was really terrific! It kept my dress and lace jacket neat and unwrinkled. But I hear you about the cost. Wish I could afford a whole bunch more!

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