Beauty Tips, Beauty Tools, Fragrance, Product Spotlight

Travalo Refillable Travel Perfume Spray

I like to take perfume with me when I travel, and I was traveling a lot this winter. No big deal, I thought. I’ll just decant some of my favorite perfume into a little container. Not so easy, I discovered. I found out that I can’t unscrew the top of the spray bottle. It’s sealed to prevent air from getting into the perfume and changing the scent.

I went to Barney’s where I purchased my perfume to try to see if I could persuade a salesperson to give me a small sample vial to take with me. No such luck, which was rather disappointing since the perfume a bought there a couple of months ago was very expensive. Instead, he tried to sell me a refillable travel perfume spray device for $25. Puh-leeze! I was annoyed at him, so I passed on his suggestion.

I Bought This


Enter Travalo. I found this little gem on Amazon, and the price was right: under $10. It comes in several different colors, and of course I chose red (I’m an Aries!).

Travelo Refillable Perfume Spray

Travelo Refillable Perfume Spray

Travelo Refillable Perfume Spray

At first, I was a little concerned about how to operate it, but it was a cinch! Take off the cap of the perfume bottle to reveal that little round top, and remove that too. (That was the scary part for me. I was afraid it wouldn’t go back on, but of course it did.)

Travelo Refillable Perfume Spray

Fit the hole at the bottom of the perfume vial onto the plastic feeder tube on the top of the perfume bottle, and pump the perfume vial till you see it’s filled. (Ha!)

Travelo Refillable Perfume Spray

Travelo Refillable Perfume Spray

My Travalo travel spray worked like a charm, and I saved more than $15 by passing on the Barney’s refillable travel spray and going with the Travalo from Amazon. Their website is, and I just noticed they sell worldwide.

If you don’t own one of these, buy one! What a great invention. 🙂

Do you own one of these travel vials? Or what do you use for your fragrance when you travel?

BTW, the Giveaway of an em Cosmetics Tokyo Plum Shadow Play Palette started on Wednesday, April 16. At this point, it’s a “low entry” giveaway and you would have a good chance of winning! Please check it out and enter 🙂

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  1. I LOVE this invention, , Allison! Very smart and convenient.
    I have few travel size perfume samples that I take with me when traveling. I also keep one in my purse. But when I run off those, this cute travel spray will be the best choice for me 🙂
    Dima Al Mahsiri recently posted…6 Amazing Beauty Hacks for Beautiful Skin and Hair (Infographic)My Profile

    1. Allison says:

      It is such a great travel vial, Dima! So happy I found it on Amazon 🙂 On a different topic, I am having trouble with Feedburner, and I want to transfer my feed & subscriber list to Mailchimp. Was it difficult to do that, or did you start out with Mailchimp??

  2. Laura says:

    Thanks for the pictured review. I always wondered how those got filled with fragrance.

    1. Allison says:

      Such a cinch to use, Laura! I thought it would be hard but sooooo easy 🙂

  3. Anna says:

    Hi Allison!
    Such a good useful idea not to travel with my precious Jo Malone’s scents (always hoping they don’s crash during tranfers etc)
    Hope I can get a similar one at Sephora here!
    A hug to you, Anna.
    P.S. If I’ll manage to get one it will be red, of course… eheheh

    1. Allison says:

      Can you use Amazon to deliver to where you are, Anna (are you in Italy?)? I went to the Travalo website and they are sold in stores in Rome and other cities in Italy…and other places around the world! Also, Sephora does have it’s own version as it is showing up in the ads at the bottom of my blogpost! Let me know if you find one. Red rocks!

  4. OOh I love Musc Ravegaeur! I’ve looked into travel bottles for my perfumes.
    Kim recently posted…Review: NYX Matte Bronzers are Perfect for My Brown Skin {Swatches}My Profile

    1. Allison says:

      I’m so glad you know Musc Ravageur, too, Kim. Gorgeous scent! This Travalo travel spray is the best!

  5. Oooohhhh this looks amazing! I have the Sephora version of this but it sometimes leaks. I think I need this one. Great photos and review!
    Jamie @ Makeuplifelove recently posted…New In Skin Care…My Profile

    1. Allison says:

      I haven’t had any leakage that I’ve noticed with this one, Jamie. I love it!

  6. This is so cool! I’ve never seen anything like it before. So handy!
    Noelle recently posted…Haul | MAC & Sephora VIB Sale!My Profile

    1. Allison says:

      I love it, Noelle!

  7. I love these things because I hate carrying around sprays because they always leak!
    Eugenia recently posted…Sleek Green and Blue Look TutorialMy Profile

    1. Allison says:

      So far, so good with this one, Eugenia!

  8. This looks so easy!

    1. Allison says:

      It is, Sheila!

  9. I’ve always seen these, but I actually had no idea how it worked. What a genius little product!! I will be picking one (or several) up for our trip this summer!
    Amber recently posted…Beauty Blogazons Weekly Round Up 4/20My Profile

    1. Allison says:

      It’s a cinch to use, Amber. Worth it!

  10. I started with mailchimp from the beginning, and I added my subscription form with a link to mailchimp account.
    Ok, do the following:
    log in your feed’s account—– click on your blog’s name ——click on ” see more about your subscribers——- scroll down and click on ” feedburner email subscribers” ——- then ” manage your email subscribers” ——– then click on ” export CSV”
    You will be able to save an EXCEL file of all your subscribers, save it and import it to your mailchimp account once you sign up there .
    Don’t worry, this looks a lot of things to do, but it is still simple 🙂
    Feel free to email me if you need any farther help, and I will reply as soon as I wake up :))
    Dima Al Mahsiri recently posted…6 Amazing Beauty Hacks for Beautiful Skin and Hair (Infographic)My Profile

    1. Allison says:

      Thank you so much, Dima! Have a good night’s sleep. I will try doing the move tonight. Fingers crossed that it works out OK. I will let you know!

  11. This looks so useful for travel!
    Cosmetics Aficionado recently posted…Ladybug Nail Art For Nubs + LinkupMy Profile

    1. Allison says:

      Yes, it is!

  12. rach says:

    I’ve been meaning to get one of these things but have never gotten around to it. I think this might be the one I finally pick up! The thought of carrying an expensive bottle of perfume around in my luggage just makes me cringe. And it’s a shame that Barney’s treated you that way. I know they’re a business and their aim is to make money, but sometimes it feels like nobody wants to develop customer relations anymore. I find it funny that when you’re web shopping companies want to throw perfume samples at you like there’s no tomorrow, but when you actually go to a counter SAs commonly give the impression that passing you a sample would require an act of congress.

    1. Allison says:

      Thank you, Rach! That’s exactly how I feel. The perfume I bought was sooooo expensive, they should be happy I buy it from them and give me a little sample, for heaven’s sake! But I’m glad I’ve got my Travalo now. It really is worth the less than 10 bucks 🙂

  13. I don´t own any Travalo vials, but I have heard that its very useful.
    Leelo R recently posted…Crazy Cat Lady ManicureMy Profile

    1. Allison says:

      very useful for me ‘coz I travel a lot!

  14. I don’t own one of these but I should pick one up. It would make taking my favorite fragrance along with much easier. 🙂
    Erika recently posted…OPI I Just Can’t Cope-a-Cabana: Swatch and ReviewMy Profile

    1. Allison says:

      It’s great if you like to take your fragrance with you 🙂

  15. Clearly I need one!
    Phyrra recently posted…Saucebox Cosmetics Temptation Palette ReviewMy Profile

    1. Allison says:

      So worth it!

  16. Jess Scull says:

    This totally would have come in handy when I went to IMATS!

    1. Allison says:

      Next year, Jess 😉

  17. How perfect for on the go! That sales person sounds like a snot, really you can’t spare a sample??
    Tina @ My Highest Self recently posted…Review: Dr. Lin Skincare Acne Spot CorrectorMy Profile

    1. Allison says:

      You’re making me feel better, Tina. He was a snot!

  18. These are so great, I always travel with one. Perfect for saving space!!
    Brooke @ Blushing Noir recently posted…On-the-Go With Reebok Skyscape & GiveawayMy Profile

    1. Allison says:

      Time saving so you don’t have to go thru the TSA with luggage, lol!

  19. Oh wow, I need one for sure! (Several actually…) I like keeping perfume in my purse, but I rarely buy travel sized to actually FIT in there!
    Lisa Heath recently posted…Glitter Gal Australia Blooming Babes Spring 2014 Collection Swatches & ReviewMy Profile

    1. Allison says:

      Me, too, Lisa. I like to carry fragrance in my MU bag in my purse so I use it for that too in addition to travel

  20. I never get enough uses out of these to make it worth the effort. Therefore, I carry a big bag. 😉
    Kimberly recently posted…The Life Of A Frustrated Beauty Product Mad ScientistMy Profile

    1. Allison says:

      Frankly, if you don’t do a lot of business travel, I’m sure it’s not a necessity

  21. I have 2 of these but notice I don’t use them as often as I used to when I first bought them. I’m so glad that they are so easily available now. 😉
    Honeygirlk recently posted…Happy Easter from Honey Bunny and Easter FOTDMy Profile

    1. Allison says:

      I travel a lot on business so it’s very helpful, but they’re not necessarily for everyone

  22. I definitely think a Travalo is a good investment. Taking big bottles of perfume is not ideal!
    Kimmi @ The Plastic Diaries recently posted…How To Pack For Business TravelMy Profile

    1. Allison says:

      And with the topic of your blogpost, you should know! Who wants to have to pay to check luggage just because of a perfume bottle!

  23. Sounds so easy to use, and a must for those who have a signature scent and can’t be without it!
    Nidia – Lit From Within recently posted…Aly’s Melon Balls of Steel Blue #NailArtForNubsMy Profile

    1. Allison says:

      That’s it, Nidia!

  24. I don’t have one of these…but I should! Typically I take little travel sized perfumes when I travel.
    Pammy recently posted…“Get the Look” with Lancome: Plus Reviews for Teint Visionaire Skin Correcting Makeup Duo and Color Design PalettesMy Profile

    1. Allison says:

      Right, that was my problem, Pammy. The salesman at Barney’s where I bought my $170 perfume wouldn’t give me a sample so I needed some way to bring my perfume that’s in a big sealed bottle with me when I travel 🙂

  25. I don’t usually travel with perfume, but that is such a great idea!
    Akaleistar recently posted…The Blogging SlumpMy Profile

    1. Allison says:

      Well, that’s OK, Akaleistar! Not everyone is into perfume like I am. But I must say, this little device made traveling with my favorite perfume so much easier for me 🙂

  26. I have one of those somewhere! I need to get it out and use it!
    Laura MyNewestAddiction recently posted…Yoplait vs Chobani Taste-OffMy Profile

    1. Allison says:

      Absolutely, Laura!

  27. I think this is a great way of decanting large perfume bottles without the mess of pouring!
    Mai recently posted…NARS Eye Paint in Soloman Islands: Swatch and ReviewMy Profile

    1. Exactly, Mai! And it’s also great for perfume bottles like mine that are permanently sealed and can’t be opened 🙂

  28. Oh I love this one, I use it all the time! Whoever came up with these pocket atomizers is a genius!
    Anastasia recently posted…POPSUGAR MustHave April 2014 Review, PicturesMy Profile

    1. Agree completely! Glad you love yours, too, Anastasia!

  29. When I saw this the first time I was like GOTTA HAVE but even when I have travel sizes of perfumes I rarely remember to reapply. But it’d be so great for when I travel. It’s such a genius idea.
    Miranda recently posted…Special Event & Date Night Makeup TutorialMy Profile

    1. I don’t always remember to reapply either, but I love to have it with me to apply my fragrance when I travel.

  30. I’ve read/heard nice things about this brand. It comes in handy when I’m out and about. A must-try!
    Kath TheFabZilla recently posted…Violet Lips Feat. Milani Violet Volt and Violet AddictMy Profile

    1. If you’re a fragrance lover, it is very handy!

  31. Oh these are brilliant! I wrote a bit about them last year and keep wanting go buy one! 🙂
    Icaria recently posted…First Pedi of the Season… Done!My Profile

    1. When I travel for work, these come in handy, Helene. In my regular everyday life, I carry it around in my MU case but I usually forget to wear it!

  32. I have one of these, and I use it with my Burberry perfume
    Chrissy recently posted…Good For You Girls Skincare Line for Kids / Tweens: Product Review (Get 15% off through MCB)My Profile

    1. Hope you find your useful, Chrissy. I really like mine for travel and to keep in my MU bag.

  33. That is a very cool invention! I love that it is so travel friendly.
    Kendra recently posted…Makeover Monday: Army Ball Makeup EditionMy Profile

    1. It really is 🙂

  34. Melody says:

    I get some like these from nordstroms all the time. Great way to carry around your perfume.

    1. Glad you have some, too, Melody!

  35. I absolutely love my travalo. I have it in gold.

    1. Gold is lovely!

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