
Twitter Party for Jenna Jaxon The Widow’s Club Series Tomorrow!

Remember my interview with Jenna Jaxon, the historical romance author who has penned The Widow’s Club series?

Jenna Jaxon's romance novel, Wedding the Widow

Here’s the link to the interview in case you missed it or wanted to check it out again. Getting to know Jenna and learning about her writing process and her inspirations was so much fun and so revealing.

Several other members of Fashion Flash have been spreading the word about Jenna Jaxon and her historical romance novels. Take a look:

The fun continues tomorrow, Tuesday July 14, at 2pm EDT with Fashion Flash member, Jackie Silver from Jackie Silver Style, who is hosting a Twitter Party for Jenna Jaxon and her novels. There will be 3 terrific prizes given away at the party including a diamond head microdermabrasion kit that sells for $150 at Nordstrom! In order to participate, log into your Twitter account at 2:00 pm EDT tomorrow, July 14th, and in the “search Twitter” box type #SummerRomanceReads. Please chime in, ask questions, engage with other attendees, and enjoy yourself! As long as you use #SummerRomanceReads at the end of your tweet, (and everyone else does too), you will be able to follow the thread and participate.

Twitter Party Date & Time: Tuesday, July 14th, 2:00 pm Eastern.
Where: Twitter on your device (phone, tablet, computer)
Topic: Jenna Jaxon Romance writer
Topic hashtag: #SummerRomanceReads
Hope to “see you” there!
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  1. DiEtta says:

    Gosh this sounds like so much fun…But unfortunately I don’t have Facebook or Instagram accounts. i can’t wait for Allison to tell us all about it. Thanks Allison for the information. Germ free hugs 🤗😷🍷🌹

    1. DiEtta says:

      I forgot I don’t have Twitter either…..😱

      1. LOL, DiEtta. I once tried to look you up on FB to no avail, so that’s why I couldn’t find you 😉 I stay in touch with friends who I don’t get to see via Facebook as well as a lot of people who I share things in common with but have never met. FB has been a good source for all things crochet for me. I used to love Instagram, but since Facebook bought it, it hasn’t been the same. Twitter I use mainly to promote my blog content and also for political stuff. I’ve been kind of a techie since I was a kid and Danny Dunn and the Homework Machine was my favorite book. But social media can really take over your life. you’re smart to avoid it 😉

  2. This sounds like so much fun! I love seeing the creative ways that everyone is able to engage during the pandemic!
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  3. Thanks for showing me how to find this. I copied some of your info to share on Fashion Flash so I hope that’s okay.
    MarciaF recently posted…Be “On the Glow” with Pixi BeautyMy Profile

    1. I hope it helped, Marcia. I wasn’t around at 2pm, so I missed the Twitter Party. Did u get to participate?

  4. Twitter parties are such fun!
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