Hair, Health & Beauty

Update: My Hair Regrowth With Vegamour

It’s been a while since I gave an update on my usage of Vegamour GRO Serum to help regrow the hair at my temples. At this point, I have been using Vegamour GRO Serum and sometimes Vegamour Shampoo and Conditioner since December 2021, almost a year and a half.

My before-bed regimen includes using Vegamour GRO Serum just about every single night. I use the dropper and add the clear liquid to my temple area on both sides where my hair was disappearing. Applying it to the top/side of my head is a bit difficult because the liquid wants to run down my hairline toward my ears, and I can see that the Vegamour is causing hair to grow there too!

The best result that I’ve seen is that my hair in my areas of concern has stopped receding. In fact, small hairs are growing back, though I will most likely never have thick hair there like I did when I was young.

Vegamour like other hair growth products are supposed to be used forever. So I will continue on.

Fortunately, a bottle of GRO Serum lasts me for about 3 months. And Angie, from Your True Self Blog, generously gave me three bottles of GRO Serum that she wasn’t going to use. Yay, and thank you, Angie!

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  1. Mary says:

    The Vegamour serum seems to be working for me too! I have been using it about 1.5 months and have started to notice the growth. My hair seems to be growing faster (therefore showing gray roots faster). Cant say whether it is the serum or spring growth. I upgraded to the CBD enhanced version for my next bottle based on a friend’s recommendation. Wish it wasn’t so expensive. Even with the discounts it adds up.

    I also purchased the shampoo/conditioner, but returned the shampoo after a few uses as it felt like it stripped my hair (I have fine hair). I kept the conditioner and use it alternately with the Olaplex. For reference, I only wash my hair 1-2 times a week.

    1. Oh, I’m glad to hear that Vegamour seems to be working for you, too, Mary! Maybe when I run out of regular GRO Serum, I will try the CBD version as well, though I know it’s more. I subscribed to the regular version in 2022, and their customer service is very helpful. I suspended my subscription till July when I was gifted 3 bottles of GRO Serum from Angie. Since I planned to use Vegamour for quite a while, I figured I should get the free delivery and a discount. Now that they have the 3 bottle box, I may reconsider and buy during sales. I use Olaplex shampoo too. I do this ridiculous thing where I use the Vegamour shampoo and conditioner on the top of my head (I think I ran out of one of them) and Olaplex on the rest. For conditioner, I’ve been using K18 Treatment but I just finished the 6 shampoo course so I will most likely go back to JOICO K-PAK Luster Lock for condition and use K18 every 3 or 4 shampoos. I usually shampoo once a week, but in the summer, it can be twice/wk – so like your routine!

      1. Mary says:

        I am going to try the Vegamour / Olaplex hybrid!

        1. I’ve been eyeing it myself, Mary. I’m also thinking about trying the Vegamour GRO CBD Serum when I run out of my regular (but I have one and 3/4 bottles left)

  2. Lynne B says:

    Is vegamour like minoxidil?

    1. I don’t think that the ingredients are the same, Lynne, but in terms of what it’s supposed to do and how you use it, it is similar. Minoxidil is more affordable, I think, but I believe it needs to be used twice a day rather than once. Have you tried Minoxidil?

      1. Lynne B says:

        Hi, Allison. Yes, I’ve used Minoxidil on and off for years. I never used it twice a day because I hated the way it made my hair so greasy. It did help keep the hair I had but didn’t notice any new growth.

        1. Ah, that’s the part about Vegamour that I like. It’s a non-greasy liquid that dries quickly and isn’t noticeable. I only wash my hair every 5-7 days, so non-greasy is key for me.

    2. Mary says:

      It smells way better then Minoxidil and no itchies.

  3. What a generous gift! Glad it’s working! I’m trying the nutrafol supplements for my hair. Too soon to tell. I also got really sick and skipped all supplements for two weeks because I couldn’t handle swallowing pills. I remember Jen liking this brand

    1. Vegamour didn’t suit Angie so she decided to gift the products that she had to me! I’m not a supplement person really, but I do use Biotin on the regular, so that was silly of me to say that. Glad you are feeling better now!

  4. It is very impressive that it stopped the receding, Allison! Yay for Angie giving you 3 bottles!
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    1. Yes, generous of Angie for sure. And I am glad that it’s slowly growing including the area where it drips, lol!

  5. Three months is pretty good! I should get it for my husband!
    Michelle+|+con+limón,+please recently posted…Fintastic Birthday Party at Goldfish Swim SchoolMy Profile

    1. LOL, I don’t know how it works for men!!

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