Fashion Flash with red hearts for Valentine's,
Weekly Roundups

Valentine’s Fashion Flash 11 February 2019

Today (Monday) was a bright and sunny day in spite of the cold 30 degree temperature. We’re expecting a snow storm on Tuesday and heavy rain on Wednesday, so I felt like I really needed to spend time outdoors rather than staying inside and writing a blogpost.

I hopped into my 27 year old little red Miata (that I have to drive every now and then so the battery doesn’t cut out), and I drove to beautiful Rockport MA, a seaside town that is a former artist colony. Now, it’s still lovely, has lots of cute shops, and only a few art galleries. Here’s a photo of the harbor taken early last spring with red Motif No. 1, the most painted building in the U.S., in the midground.

Motif #1 Rockport MA harbor @redAllison

I did an errand that I needed to do before the snow storm, and then I stopped into one of my favorite boutiques that has an off-season 50% off sale every January-February. More about that tomorrow.

Next, I headed to Gloucester and drove past Good Harbor Beach and the Back Shore (the Atlantic Ocean). I didn’t take any photos, but the sky was cloudless and deep blue and the ocean was deep, deep blue and completely still – no waves whatsoever. Truly the calm before the storm!

Then my friend Laura texted me about going for a walk with her, and I decided that I would rather go for a fast walk in the woods with her than write a blogpost. So we walked through the woods around a couple of ponds for about an hour. Laura walks very fast, and I always get a great workout when I walk with her. Got back a little before sunset. Lovely! I hope you had as nice a day as I did.

Fashion Flash with red hearts for Valentine's,

On to this week’s Fashion Flash hosted by Ladies Roadmap. If that name sounds familiar, it should. Ladies Roadmap created the Journal that I am giving away on Never Say Die Beauty as part of the Beauty & A Book giveaway via Fashion Flash! I think it’s one of the most creative, inspiring and easy to follow journal I’ve ever seen. Plus it has the cutest drawings that illustrate the journal. If you haven’t entered the giveaway yet (there are also several makeup and beauty products that are part of the giveaway too), you really must! And that’s my entry in this week’s Fashion Flash.

Other posts you’ll find in this week’s Valentine Fashion Flash include:

  • review, swatches and pix from one of the most gorgeously package nail polish I have ever seen
  • getting ready to date again
  • an adorable heart-shaped stamp blush – unlike any blush I’ve seen
  • romantic travel to Indonesia
  • dark chocolate and heart health
  • heart healthy diet for February Heart Month
  • how to prevent cognitive decline
  • reviews of two fab skincare products

So click on over to Ladies Roadmap’s website, and settle in for a good, fun and informative read!


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  1. Sounds like a lovely day. I almost bought a car like yours. Instead I bought a Toyota Paseo and after a few years said, um I hate driving a stick…so off it went. I’ll never forget that my husband had to borrow it because his car needed work done. He drove from Indy up to Chicago and for some reason one of the interstates had stop and go traffic. He came home and threw my keys on the kitchen Island and said I hate your car as all I did all day was shift from 1st to 2nd and back to 1st. Haha! Anyway, the places you visited yesterday sounded awesome.

    Get ready for the storm as we are having snow here in Rockford ❄️

    1. Hi Sandy! My 1991 Miata that I bought in 1993 was my first car! It’s an automatic because I don’t know how to drive a stick. Jeff has always had a stick shift, and he has offered to teach me but I don’t really want to learn. He just bought a Subaru Forrester with manual transmission 2 years ago, but he said his next car will be an automatic so I could drive it if need be. I think Dick had the right idea! But then Jeff thinks that the shifting makes him feel like he’s really driving. Anyway, I’m assuming your new car is an automatic?! I am just heading to Costco with my Infiniti (that takes premium) to get gas before the storm starts here. I keep hearing different snow totals, but I hope it’s not a lot. Take care in the snow!

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